
  • 网络Competitor analysis;competition analysis
  1. 市场调研,客户洞察,竞争对手分析。

    Market research , customer insight and competitor analysis .

  2. 竞争对手分析对行业主要企业及竞争格局做出分析;

    The competitor analysis that analyses mains enterprise of the trade and competition pattern ;

  3. 基于该模型围绕客户关怀、竞争对手分析、数据挖掘、CallCenter、CRM与ERP集成等方面进行了深入的分析;

    And has advanced a model of CRM system to manufacturing . It has deeply analyzed in customer care , competitors analysis , data mining , call center , the integration of CRM and ERP and so on .

  4. 主要包括行业分析和竞争对手分析。

    Including the rival analysis primarily to analyze with the profession .

  5. 社会关系态势图在竞争对手分析中的应用

    Application of Social Relation Situation Map in Analysis of Firm Competitors

  6. 战略管理会计中价值链在竞争对手分析的应用

    Strategic Management Accounting Value Chains On Competitors Analyzing Of Application

  7. 基于人际网络节点中心度的竞争对手分析

    Analysis of Firm Competitors Based on Centrality Degree Index of Social Network

  8. 企业战略决策中的竞争对手分析

    The Analysis of Competitors in Enterprise 's Strategical Decision

  9. 竞争对手分析是企业确定竞争策略的基本前提,要分析竞争对手首先就要准确识别竞争对手。

    Analysis of rivals is the premise for enterprises to maybe competitive strategy .

  10. 负责行业政策研究与竞争对手分析,定期提交产品分析报告;

    Responsible for the competitive research , analysis and submit related product analysis report ;

  11. 基于神经网络的企业竞争对手分析

    Analysis of Firm Competitors Based on Neural Network

  12. 竞争对手分析的复杂性初探

    Study on the Complexity of Competitor Analysis

  13. 战略管理会计注重竞争对手分析,关注环境变化的影响并具有全面性的特性。

    Strategic management accounting pays attention to the analysis of competitors and influence of condition 's change .

  14. 负责业务管理,报价,市场规划,开发战略,同业和竞争对手分析;

    Manage business opportunities , pricing ( quotation ), marketing , growth strategies , and competitor analysis .

  15. 竞争对手分析研究&非常可乐挑战可口可乐个案分析

    Analysis of Competitive Rivals

  16. 通过调查分析,再叙述统一企业的发展状况,其中包括市场定位、竞争对手分析。

    Through the research and analysis , it narrate the development of Tongyi enterprise , including market orientation and competitors analysis .

  17. 具体内容包括:行业和市场环境分析、主要竞争对手分析以及内部营销环境分析;

    The exterior marketing environment , the internal marketing environment , and its main competitors of Tong Ren CPAs is described firstly .

  18. 竞争对手分析涉及对竞争对手的全面调查,以使计划者为该组织发展和保持卓越的竞争力。

    Competitor analysis involves the examination of competitors in order that the planner can develop and sustain superior competitive performance for the organization .

  19. 本文认为通过人际网络关系均衡概念可以得到社会关系态势图,该图可以作为竞争对手分析工具之一。

    The authors think social relation situation map deduced from the relation equivalence index of social network is a good tool for competitors analysis .

  20. 以实例说明专利分析在企业竞争对手分析中的应用,并指出专利分析在应用中的问题。

    Prove the application of paten analysis method in enterprise competitor analysis with instance , point out that the question in using paten analysis method .

  21. 本文还从以下几个方面对吉林市电信公司开展宽带业务的可行性进行分析:1、竞争对手分析;

    This article also makes a feasibility analysis of Jilin City Telecommunication Company expanding the broadband service from these angles : 1.It analyses the competitors ;

  22. 其研究的内容与方法包括:企业环境分析、价值链分析、战略管理成本分析、竞争对手分析、综合业绩评价等。

    Its researching contents and methods contain a series of analyses on enterprises environment , value chains , strategic management cost , competitors , and comprehensive achievement .

  23. 战略环境分析包括一般环境分析、行业环境分析、竞争对手分析、企业自身分析、目标市场分析,战略环境分析应做到知天、知地、知彼、知已、知顾客。

    Strategic environment analysis consists of general environmental analysis , industrial environment analysis , competitor analysis , as well as the analysis of the company itself and the target market .

  24. 竞争对手分析是企业制定正确战略和科学决策的关键,竞争对手的实力分析是其中的重要内容。

    The competitor analysis is the key for enterprise to formulate a correct strategy and make scientific decision , in which the analysis on the power of competitor is an important content .

  25. 第三部分主要介绍了青岛东方温泉城项目的基本情况,包括房地产市场现状、营销环境分析及竞争对手分析等。

    The third part introduces the basic situation of Qingdao Dongfang spring project , including the status of the real estate market , marketing environment analysis and competitor analysis and so on .

  26. 另外,还说明了战略管理会计的主要方法,包括产品组合矩阵、竞争对手分析、预警分析等。

    It introduces the connotation , character , hypothesis , principle , target and the main methods of strategic management accounting , including products combination matrix , analysis of rivals , analysis of warnings .

  27. 对外部环境主要从经济环境、社会文化环境、技术环境、政治环境、竞争对手分析及消费者状况六个方面进行分析。

    The outside circumstance analysis is mainly from six aspects , which are the economic environment , the social cultural environment , the technique environment , the political environment , the rival analysis and the consumer condition .

  28. 此后,作者重点阐述了住宅开发的供求分析理论,按照市场供求分析的步骤分别对市场细分选择目标市场、针对目标市场的供求分析对比以及竞争对手分析等各个方面详细进行介绍。

    Thereafter , author focus on the supply-demand theory of residential exploitation , selecting the potential markets according to the supply-demand analysis , and introduces every aspect of the supply-demand analysis and the analysis of competitors in its step .

  29. 其次,研究了电力市场下发电企业制定竟价策略的基本步骤和原理,其中分别讨论了发电厂负荷预测、竞争对手分析、系统边际电价预测和竟价上网流程、竟价策略的调整。

    Then this thesis studied the basic process and principle of constituting bidding strategies by power plant in electrical market , and discussed plant load forecasting , corrival analysis , system marginal price prognosis , bidding program and bidding strategies regulation .

  30. 在对昆明电信的应对策略分析中,以战略管理理论为基础,进行了环境分析、竞争对手分析、战略分析、主要业务产品竞争力分析,明确了三网融合给昆明电信带来的机遇和挑战。

    In the Kunming Telecom strategy analysis , strategic management theory as the basis for environmental analysis , competitor analysis , strategic analysis , competitive analysis of the main business product , identified the three network integration to Kunming telecom opportunities and challenges .