
  • 网络strategy;Strategic Issues;strategic problem
  1. 略论中国的人口与经济发展战略问题

    Discussion about the population and economy development strategic problem in China

  2. 包钢铁矿石原料的战略问题研究

    Strategic Problem Research of the BaoGang Iron Mine Stone Raw Material

  3. 认识CRM&企业实施CRM的一个战略问题

    On CRM & A Strategic Issue in Carrying Out CRM

  4. GF公司在经历短暂的高速成长期后,不得不再次面对发展、成长等问题。GF公司遇到的实际是发展战略问题。

    In the brief GF high-speed growth experience , have again face development , growth , and etc. GF company of the development strategy is .

  5. 本文结合KLT集团公司这一案例,对基于创新的国际化战略问题进行了探讨和研究,并在理论分析的基础上,针对公司国际化战略规划中存在的具体问题提出了优化方案。

    Referring to the case of KLT Group , the article makes an intensive research about the international strategy based on innovation .

  6. 本文从中国加入WTO以后竞争对手、经济环境、竞争方式等方面的变化,讨论了中小民营企业发展所面临的挑战,在此基础上讨论了民营企业发展的创新战略问题。

    In this paper , based on the change of competition opponents , economic situation , competition style , the challenges for the small and medium private-owned enterprises are discussed , and the innovation development strategy for small and medium private-owned enterprises is also proposed .

  7. 概括了ISO9000族标准在我国出口企业实施的现状,阐明了ISO9000族标准在我国推广实施的重要性并对实施ISO9000族标准所面临的若干战略问题进行了分析探讨。

    This paper summerizes the current situation of the ISO9000 System Standard employed in our export houses , clarifies the importance of spreading it , and analyzes the strategy in practising ISO9000 system standard .

  8. 西北农业大开发的若干战略问题抉择

    Strategic Choices of Big Agricultural Development On Northwest Region of China

  9. 论新疆实现稳定与大开发双赢目标的若干战略问题

    On Several Strategical Problems of Achieving Double Winning Goal in Xinjiang

  10. 关于我国信息化建设若干战略问题的反思

    Introspective Thinking on Several Strategic Problems in Information Construction of China

  11. 电子商务进入澳门国旅战略问题探讨

    Discussion on Electronic Business going into international Traval Service in Macao

  12. 我国西部开发中的对外开放战略问题探析

    On External Opening Strategy for Development of Western Part of China

  13. 因此网络安全已成为关系国家安全的重大战略问题。

    Now network security is a vital strategic issue of national security .

  14. 试论西方跨国公司迅猛发展的原因&兼谈我国海外投资企业的发展战略问题

    Reasons for Rapid Development of Transnational Corporations in the West

  15. 新世纪投资战略问题研究

    A Research on the Issue of Investment Strategy in the New Century

  16. 农村剩余劳动力的流动问题是当前我国社会经济发展面临的重要战略问题。

    The flow of surplus rural labor is a critical strategic issue .

  17. 关于人民币资本项目可兑换的战略问题

    A Study of Strategy of RMB Convertibility in Capital Account

  18. 加快西部地区大开发的人力资源发展战略问题

    On Developing Human Resources to Speed up the Exploitation in West China

  19. 北京海外直接投资若干重要战略问题的研究

    Research on Some Important Strategic Issues of Foreign Direct Investment in Beijing

  20. 铁路企业改制上市的战略问题研究

    Strategic Study on Reform & Marketing of Railway Enterprises System

  21. 企业准备上市的时候,战略问题就成了核心问题。

    Strategic issues should be a central concern when preparing for listing .

  22. 关于我国航运企业财务战略问题的研究

    The Financial Strategy Decision and Implementation of Maritime Enterprises

  23. 军官退役安置,是一个牵扯面广的战略问题。

    Placement of retired military officers is a strategic issue with wide ranges .

  24. 简论气象部门的发展战略问题&参加二区协气象管理技术会议的收获与思考

    Brief discuss about the development strategies of meteorological services

  25. 浅析我国局部地区干旱成因及抗旱战略问题

    Analysis of Drought Cause & Drought Resisting Strategy in Our Country Some Areas

  26. 建设廉价政府,已成为一个刻不容缓的战略问题。

    In conclusion , building economic government has become a pressing strategic issue .

  27. 中国企业国际化的战略问题

    The Strategic Issue of the Globalization of Chinese Enterprises

  28. 从世界体系视角思考中国地缘战略问题

    Reflecting on China 's Geostrategic Issues from the Perspective of the World System

  29. 对产品保证战略问题的研究

    The Research on Strategic Problems of the Product Warranty

  30. 广西农业发展战略问题初步探讨

    Approach to the Strategic Problems of Agriculture in Guangxi