
  • 网络mobile search;NOKIA Mobile Search;
  1. 谷歌(GOOGLE)主导移动搜索市场,现在该公司需要搞清楚如何从中赚钱。

    Google dominates mobile search and now the company needs to figure out how to make money off of it .

  2. 但即使百度能够独霸移动搜索,到头来这个市场的盈利性可能也赶不上PC市场。

    But even if Baidu can dominate mobile search , it might turn out to be less profitable than its PC cousin .

  3. 李昕晢表示,她预计移动搜索业务的收入很快就会超过PC搜索。

    Li said she expects revenue from mobile searches to surpass PC searches soon .

  4. 由于无线带宽的限制,移动搜索同传统Web搜索相比,对信息精度的要求更高,用户对个性化搜索服务的需要也越发迫切。

    Confined by the wireless bandwidth , mobile search require higher precision of the return information , comparing with the Web search while users are also increasingly urgent for personalized search service .

  5. 手机电视、视频通话、手机音乐下载、手机游戏、手机IM、移动搜索、移动支付等移动数据业务开始带给用户新的体验。

    Many mobile data services bring us a new experience , including mobile TV , video calls , mobile music downloads , mobile games , mobile IM , mobile search , mobile payment .

  6. 这种社交媒体、本地及移动搜索的结合体就被称作SoLoMo(社交本地移动)。

    This combination of social media , local and mobile search is called SoLoMo .

  7. 人们对谷歌(Google)新推出的高度个性化移动搜索服务GoogleNow的批评意见主要分为两类:一类是认为用户体验太差,另一类则是认为用户体验过好。

    There are two common complaints about the sort of radical personalisation that Google is attempting with its new Google Now mobile search service . One is that it doesn 't work : the other is that it works too well .

  8. 百度国际媒体公关总监郭怡广(KaiserKuo)表示,与携程达成的协议,将让去哪儿有更多机会在移动搜索和基于地图的产品上开展合作。

    Kaiser Kuo , the international communications director for Baidu , said the agreement with Ctrip would give Qunar more opportunities to cooperate on mobile search and map-based products .

  9. 雅虎则一直通过并购Aviate等应用扩大移动搜索业务,Aviate现已内置雅虎搜索。

    Yahoo has built mobile search through acquisitions such as Aviate , an app with Yahoo search .

  10. 并且对本文提出的同步移动搜索算法和协同装配算法进行了分析验证,分析了迭代步长对迭代次数和迭代误差的影响,并对VRML文件在网络中的传输效率进行了分析。

    In this paper , and the synchronization of mobile search algorithm and collaborative assembly verification algorithm analysis , analysis of iterative step on the number of iterations and iterative errors , and VRML file in the network transmission efficiency were analyzed .

  11. 论文的最后,在关键词倒排文件的基础上,介绍了移动搜索的特点、关键技术、与3G的关系,另外设计出一种适用于3G网络的移动搜索模型。

    Finally , introduced the characteristic of the mobile search , the pivotal technology of the mobile search and the relationship between the mobile search and 3G , designed a mobile search model which could be applied to 3G network based on inverted keyword file in addition .

  12. 今年4月,在阿里巴巴与合作伙伴UC优视(UCWeb)合资推出移动搜索引擎“神马”(Shenma)、叫板百度之后,使用UC浏览器访问百度的人得到一条出错信息,称他们使用的是一款“不支持的浏览器”。

    In April , after Alibaba and partner UCWeb created Shenma , a joint venture mobile search engine designed to compete with Baidu , users of UCWeb 's browser who visited Baidu received a message that they were using an " unsupported browser . "

  13. 移动搜索的出现,解决了用户的这一难题。

    The emergency of Mobile Search , resolved this problem .

  14. 据说谷歌还拥有97%的移动搜索市场。

    Google is also said to have 97 % of mobile search .

  15. 但更重要的战役可能在移动搜索领域。

    But the bigger battle may be over mobile search .

  16. 其主页已针对移动搜索进行了优化。

    Its home page has been optimized for mobile search .

  17. 移动搜索绝对不是将互联网搜索照搬到手机上来。

    Mobile search is not a simple duplicate of Internet search on mobiles .

  18. 一种基于个性化信息服务的移动搜索引擎

    A Mobile Search Engine Based on Personal Information Service

  19. 找到你?重新寻找与最好的移动搜索提供。

    Find what you re looking for with the best mobile search available .

  20. 移动搜索业务的市场分析及研究

    Study and Analysis of Mobile Search Service Marketing

  21. 而谷歌的移动搜索程序也可在搜索框中输入语音问询。

    And Google 's mobile search app can type spoken queries into its search box .

  22. 移动搜索:下一座金矿

    Mobile Search : the Next Gold Mine

  23. 谷歌表示,这项新服务的推出是要解决两个移动搜索用户经常会遇到的问题。

    Google says the new service is intended to address two issues for mobile searchers .

  24. 因此,移动搜索每一次点击所产生的平均价值不及电脑。

    That makes the average value per click on a mobile lower than on a computer .

  25. 百度在一季度表示其独立移动搜索份额超过50%。

    In the first quarter , Baidu said its share of unique mobile searches was above 50 % .

  26. 该算法采用移动搜索、收缩搜索和加速搜索三种搜索技术。

    This algorithm used three search technologies which are called moving search , reducing search and speeding search .

  27. 百度在移动搜索市场的份额低于在个人电脑搜索市场的份额,不过百度正在积极扭转这一局面。

    Market share in mobile search is below that for PCs , though Baidu is moving aggressively to turn that around .

  28. 相对于传统的桌面搜索,移动搜索具有屏幕小、查准率要求高等特点。

    In contrast to conventional search engines , mobile search has the characteristics of smaller screen , higher demand on precise rate .

  29. 随着手机处理能力的增强以及无线技术的发展,移动搜索服务的应用人群在迅速增长。

    With the development of wireless technology and mobile computing power , users of mobile search service are in the rapidly growing population .

  30. 网络信息移动搜索作为传统互联网搜索的进一步延伸,可为用户提供随时随地的个性化信息服务。

    Web information mobile search is the further development of tradition internet search , which can support individuation information service at anytime and anywhere .