
Qín ɡuó
  • the Qin state
  1. 秦国粮食运输政策探略

    A Probing into the Cereal Transport Policy of the Qin State

  2. 这对于讨论青铜器铭文研究中的秦子问题以及秦国早期历史的探索,有一定的参考价值。

    This has a de nite reference value for research on the problem of Qin Zi in bronze inscriptions and investigations of the early history of the Qin state .

  3. 秦国时期,有一个人叫商鞅。

    In the state of Qin ( ) , there was a man called Shang Yang .

  4. 田鸠再次回到秦国,以楚国使者的身份很快就见到了秦惠王。

    With the new status , he met the king of Qin very soon .

  5. 宋仁曹商出使秦国。

    The man of State Song , Cao Shang , went to the state of Qin as an envoy1 .

  6. 一次,他受宋王的派遣,出使秦国。

    Once , he was sent on a mission by the King of Song to the State of Qin .

  7. 吴起想拔掉秦国设置的对魏国百姓种田具有危害性的了望楼。

    Wu Qi wanted to remove the watchtower set up by the state of Qin that did harm to farming .

  8. 一天,他想离开祖国,到秦国去做官。

    One day , he wanted to leave his native country to be an official in the State of Qin .

  9. 于是,孟家学文的儿子跑到秦国,向秦王鼓吹“仁义”。

    Thereupon , the son of the Meng family who studied liberal arts went to the State of Qin to advocate " benevolence7 and righteousness " .

  10. 楚王对田鸠的才识很欣赏,于是派田鸠做楚国的使者出使秦国。

    The king of Chu thought very highly1 of Tian Jiu 's talents , and he appointed2 Tian jiu as the emissary to the state of Qin .

  11. 五天以后,桓公浑身疼痛,而扁鹊已逃往秦国。

    Five days later , Duke Huan ached all over the body . But at this time , Bian Que had already fled to the state of Qin .

  12. 到了秦国,曹商很得秦王欢心,于是秦王又赐给他百乘车马。

    Upon arriving in the State of Qin , Cao Shang won the favour of the King of Qin . Consequently , the King bestowed upon him 100 chariots .

  13. 这时,他的父亲刚从秦国回到家中,听了这个消息后,不仅没有兴奋的表情,反而哭着说:

    At this time , this father had just come back home . After hearing this , his father has made a simple living by hunting for a dozen said ,

  14. 为了治好病,他特地请来秦国的著名医生竘,并对他说:“我这背现在已经不是我的背了,您认为怎么办合适就怎么治吧。”

    He invited the famous doctor Sheng Gou to the state of Qin to cure his carbuncle and said to him , " Now treat my back as your own back . You can do whatever you think is right to treat my carbuncle . "

  15. 墨家的田鸠想向秦惠王阐述自己的治国方略,在秦国呆了三年,一直没有见到秦惠王的机会。

    Tian jiu , a Mohist , wanted to express his general plan for governing the country to King Hui of the state of Qin . He had stayed in state Qin for three years , but had not gotten an opportunity to meet the king .

  16. 本文从词源和历史发展的角度论证了英语中China一词起源于春秋时期(公元前770476年)的秦国国名秦,而非秦朝(公元前221206年)的秦。

    This paper argues from the aspects of etymology and historical development that the word China originated in the name of the Qin State in the Spring and Autumn Period ( 770-476B C. ) rather than in that of the Qin Dynasty ( 221-206 B C. )

  17. 那么你就是未来秦国的国王。

    So that you 'll become the future king of qin .

  18. 后来商鞅的变法进行地很成功,秦国因此成为了当时最强大的国家。

    Soon the state of Qin became the strongest country .

  19. 公元前257年,秦国侵略韩国。

    In 257 BC , the Qin invaded the Han .

  20. 秦国的刑罚对秦国的社会产生了深刻的影响。

    Qin penalty had a profound impact on its society .

  21. 在此基础上,着重分析秦国世族状况。

    Based on it , the aristocracy circumstance in Qin was analysed .

  22. 多视点云数据的拼合与精简技术研究从云梦秦简看秦国经济的精确化管理

    A Study of Multi-view Point Cloud Merging and Data Reduction

  23. 秦青是秦国著名的歌唱家。

    Qin Qing was a famous singer in the State of Qin .

  24. 首次变法为秦国带来了迅速的发展。

    The first reform brought rapid development to the state of Qin .

  25. 秦国兵阵分散,各自为战;楚国兵阵完整,但不能持久;

    Chu 's formation is complete , but cannot maintain it for long .

  26. 吕氏春秋是秦国最重要的一本历史文献,它的编撰者就是吕不韦。

    Lu Shi Chun Qiu is the most important historical literature of Qin .

  27. 战国时期秦国刑罚具有独特的个性。

    The penalty of Qin had unique features in the warring states period .

  28. 通过这场战争的胜利,秦国在其他国家面前树立了军队优势。

    With this victory , Qin had established military superiority over other states .

  29. 秦国婚姻制度研究

    A Study of Marriage System in Qin Kingdom

  30. 秦国军队没有离开的打算。

    The Qin had no intention of leaving .