
Green Marketing Strategy for Forest Park of Qinling Mountain Slopes Ecotourism
Study on ecological carrying capacity on the Northern slope of Qinling Mountains
On ecological environment protection of the northern foot of the Qinling Mountain
Study on ecological landscape planning of Qinling north-mountain in Chang'an
Development and Protection of North Qinling Mountains Ecologic Travelling Resource in Chang'an District
Etiological study on paragonimiasis at the northern foot of Qinling mountain , Shaanxi
Study on Behaviour of Domestic Tourists ' Travelling Consumption in the Northern Piedmont of Xi'an Qinling
Comparative Research on Tourism Agriculture of the Northern Foot of Qinling Mountain Development Belt in Xian
The author researches how the ecology protection will be taken account of while the economy develops .
Study of response of northern pediment plain of Qinling Mountains to global warming and its impacts on fruit development
The Study of the Changing Orbit of Natural Resources in the Northern Foot of Qinling Mountains over the Past 50 Years
Depositional characteristics of the Late Permian braided channel - braided delta deposits in northern foothills of the Qinling mountains , China
Positional analysis on the development of functional suburbs the development region of Qinling north-mountain in Chang ′ an as a case study
Research of the Ecological Environment Protection and the Sustainable Development on the North Slope of Qinling Mountains in " One Line and Two Belts " Construction
It is discussed that in detail for bamboo ′ s species , Habitat and distribution , and also for the number , habitat and distribution of giant panda .
The ecological environment protection of the northern foot of the Qinling Mountain has a closely bearing on the quality of social economic development and the condition of ecologic environment of Shaanxi .
Grain size date indicates that Zhongtan loess is different from other sections in the Longxi basin , which was caused by the uplifting of Liupan Mountain and moist environment in the flank of Qinling .
Based on the analysis of advantages and feasibility , the problems which should be settled in the development of agriculture fallow and sightseeing tourism at the Northern foot of Qinling Mountain in Xi'an are presented .
In recent 100 years , obvious climate drying causes decrease of soil moisture and migration of vegetation to south and natural dried layers occur in the middle and north of the broadleaf trees between Yan ′ an and the northern Qinling Mountains .
The rice grasshoppers in the north of Qinling mountains are similar , and should be a geographical race or population .
The upper Weihe River is located at the southern Longxi basin and the northern flank of the Qinling Mountains . Influenced by the active tectonic movements during Tertiary and frequent climate changes during Quaternary , the forms of landscape in this area are various and surface was eroded strongly .