
  • 网络Huaian;huaian city
  1. 下一步,淮安市将把洪泽湖旅游规划与开发工作作为淮安旅游发展的重中之重。

    Next , Huaian Hongze Lake will travel planning and development work as the top priority of tourism development Huaian .

  2. 淮安市要抓住农村经济结构调整的契机,大力发展绿色食品,让农业走出国门。

    HuaiAn should catch the chance which adjust the economy structure to develop the green-food and make our agriculture out .

  3. 淮安市食管鳞癌患者血清~1HNMR波谱初步研究

    Primary Study of ~ 1H NMR Fingerprint of Sera from Huai'an City Patients with Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma

  4. 方法对2001-2005年淮安市上报的AFP病例个案调查表进行统计分析,并对排除病例进行特异性分析。

    Method AFP case questionnaires were statistically analyzed , and the specificity of discarded cases was evaluated .

  5. 淮安市农业非点源污染及其防治对策三峡库区农业非点源污染的思考

    Insights into Agricultural Nonpoint Source Pollution in Three Gorges Reservoir Area

  6. 淮安市域经济空间结构优化的构想

    Tentative Ideas on Optimization of the Economic Spatial Structure in Huai'an

  7. 论淮安市农业经济可持续发展的临界值

    A discussion rural economy sustainable development threshold in Huai'an City

  8. 淮安市砂土地震液化势的综合评估

    Comprehensive Evaluation of Sand Seismic Liquefaction Potential in Huai ′ an City

  9. 淮安市第二污水处理厂一期工程的设计与运行

    Design and Operation of First-phase Project of Huai'an Second Wastewater Treatment Plant

  10. 淮安市里运河文化长廊景观概念规划

    The Concept Plan of Li Canal Culture Corridor in Huai'an

  11. 淮安市社区妇幼保健人力资源现状分析与对策

    Analysis and countermeasure of quarter MCH manpower source present situation of Huai'an city

  12. 淮安市食管癌发病因素的岭回归分析

    Ridge regression analysis of the etiological factors of esophageal cancer in Huai-an City

  13. 淮安市高校图书馆信息资源共享问题及对策

    The Information Resources Sharing of University Libraries in Huai ' an City and Countermeasures

  14. 淮安市生活污水净化沼气池技术应用效益分析

    Benefit analysis of biogas digesters application for the domestic sewage purification in Huai'an city

  15. 淮安市公交线网的模糊综合评价

    The Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation on Public Traffic Line Network of Huai ' an City

  16. 地域文化归属的定量判别方法初探&以江苏省淮安市为例

    The Quantitative Methods of the Regional Cultural Attribution & A Case Study of Huai'an City

  17. 本课题以江苏省淮安市大学城三所高职院校的大学生作为调查对象,对高职学生网络道德失范行为作定量研究分析。

    It conducted a quantificational analysis on the behaviors of moral anomie of vocational students .

  18. 农业水费自收是淮安市发展水商品经济的必然要求

    Collection of water rate for agricultural use , the necessary requirements of developing water commodity economy

  19. 2005年淮安市麻疹监测情况分析及控制策略探讨

    Analysis on the surveillance of measles in 2005 in Huai'an City and discussion on measles control strategies

  20. 淮安市淮阴区种植业比较优势分析及结构调整策略

    Analysis of Planting Comparative Advantage and the Tactics of Planting Structure Adjustment in Huaiyin of Huai'an City

  21. 同时,淮安市土地生态安全状态变化对自然因素子系统和社会因素子系统比较敏感。

    Moreover , the general status of land ecological security is sensitive to nature subsystem and society subsystem .

  22. 基于旅游流特征分析的旅游区域影响研究&以淮安市为例

    A Research on Tourism Regional Impact Based on the Features of Tourist Flows : A Case Study of Huai'an

  23. 对照首发上市公司的基本要求,淮安市拟上市公司尚存在着诸多差距。

    Compared with the basic requirements of listed companies , Huai'an Pre-IPO companies still have a lot to improve .

  24. 运河景观模式的思考&淮安市里运河清隆桥至乾元桥段景观设计

    Reflections on the Mode of Canal Landscape : Landscape Design from Kiyo Bridge to Qianyuan Bridge , Huai'an City

  25. 振兴石英制造有限公司坐落于江苏省淮安市洪泽县工业园区内。

    Zhen Xing quartz makes the Limited company to be situated in Jiangsu Province Huaian Hongze County industrial park .

  26. 淮安市要实现证券交易所首发上市股份公司零的突破,必须选择有潜力的公司进行资源整合和改造。

    For Huaian Pre-IPO companies to achieve a breakthrough , they must choose a potential resources to integrate and transform .

  27. 粘粒含量是影响淮安市全新世沉积粉土抗液化强度的主要影响因素。

    In addition , for liquefaction resistance of silt ( Q_ ( 4 )), clay content is the major influencing factor .

  28. 淮安市冬季3-5天逐日滚动最低气温预报方法的研制

    Development of day to day operating 3 ~ 5 days forecast method for daily minimum temperature in huai ' an winter

  29. 主要介绍京杭运河淮安市淮安三线船闸土锚施工和试验情况。

    This paper mainly presents the soil anchor rod construction and experiment for Huai ′ an Third-line ship lock on Beijing-Hangzhou Canal .

  30. 元明清运河演变与城市发展互动关系研究&以江苏省淮安市为例

    Study on the Interactive Relations between the Grand Canal and the Urban Development of Huai'an from the Yuan Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty