
  • 网络Science Communication;scientific communication
  1. 科学传播与互联网&美国R2委员会调查成果

    Science communication and the Internet : Findings from a US national commission

  2. 文中还就欧洲委员会(EC)近期为了推进整体传播,以及科学传播所开展的活动进行了介绍。

    Recent initiatives have been taken by the European Commission ( EC ) in improving communication in general and science communication in particular .

  3. 对于科学传播的内容研究取得了不少成果,但对于科学传播,特别是面向公众的科学传播(PublicCommunicationofScience)机制与模式的研究还有待完善。

    However , we could find that there is little research about the mechanism and models of public communication of science ( MPCS below ), which is very important in science communication research .

  4. 来自南非科学传播顾问机构“南方科学”的MarinaJoubert也指出了在南非科学报道中的类似情况。

    Marina Joubert from Southern Science , a South African science communication consultancy , told of a similar situation in science reporting in South Africa .

  5. 致力于科学传播的国际公众科技传播网(PCST)宣布,它将建立一个科学院来推进其在科学传播领域的活动。

    An international network devoted to science communication has announced it will set up an academy to promote activities in the field .

  6. 由此,本文根据科普产业的产业特征,结合媒体、非政府组织和公众对科学传播的重要影响,对科普产业协同创新主体进行拓展,提出媒体NGO公众构成的新三螺旋创新模式。

    Thus , the paper developed the innovation subjects and proposed new triple-helix model of " media-NGO-public ", according to the characteristics of popular science industry and the important influence on science communication come from the media , non-governmental organizations and public .

  7. 这个问题是科学传播中一个十分重要的问题。

    This question is a very important problem in science of communication .

  8. 科学传播的挑战:欧洲研究区域

    The ' European Research Area ' As a Challenge to Science Communication

  9. 辛亥革命与近代科学传播

    The 1911 Chinese Revolution and the Spread of Modern Science

  10. 良好的科学传播不是一种公共关系演习。

    Good science communication is not a public relations exercise .

  11. 而这又再次强调了科学传播的重要性。

    And that again underlines the importance of science communication .

  12. 科学传播是科学哲学领域中新兴的一个学术领域。

    Science communication is a new academic field in philosophy of science .

  13. 国内科学传播研究:理论与问题

    On Domestic Researches of Science Communication : Theories and Problems

  14. 科学传播是启蒙的重要组成部分。

    Science communication is an important part of the enlightenment .

  15. 这将有助于在科学传播的实践中与反科学和伪科学等作斗争。

    It also helps struggle against anti-science and pseudoscience during SC.

  16. 论科学传播内容与机制的辩证统一

    On Dialectical Unity of Content and Mechanism of Science Communication

  17. 国家创新系统视野中的科学传播与普及

    On Science Communication and Popularization from National Innovation Systems

  18. 大众媒体在面向公众的科学传播中扮演着重要的角色。

    In the science communicating for public , media plays a important role .

  19. 晚清科学传播的几种模式

    Several Dissemination Models of Science in Late Qing Dynasty

  20. 在历史中理解科学传播的发展过程,将有助于把握科学传播的深层规律。

    In historical context , it helps to grasp the deep laws of SC.

  21. 另外一个问题是要改善科学传播与科学普及的方法。

    Another would be to revise the approach to science communication and popularisation .

  22. 大学数学期刊的起源及其科学传播意义

    College mathematics journals and the significance of their publication

  23. 但是她批评说该宣言没有提及科学传播的重要性。

    But she criticised the lack of reference to the importance of science communication .

  24. 科技图书出版物发展影响科学传播水平的实证研究

    Study on Development of Science and Technology Publications Affecting the Level of Science Communication

  25. 写博客(网志)与传统的新闻和科学传播还有另一个重要的不同点。

    There 's another important difference between blogging and conventional journalism and science communication .

  26. 中国早期的名词翻译与科学传播&以折射名词的翻译与演变为个案

    Translation and Science Dissemination in early China

  27. 在20世纪80年代,埃及的大众电视节目上有一些著名的科学传播者。

    In the1980 's , Egypt had some famous science communicators with popular TV shows .

  28. 科学传播是另一个我们感到需要投入更多资源的领域。

    Science communication is another thing we feel we need to invest more resources in .

  29. 科学传播的根本任务是让科学技术走向公众。

    The basic task that science communication is to let science and technology move towards .

  30. 它还将运行一个定期更新的网站来搜集有关科学传播的信息。

    It will also operate a regularly updated website that will gather information on science communication .