
  • 网络Kang Chong
  1. 你知道我种康乃馨吗?

    Did you know I grew carnations ?

  2. 一种新型数字化耳鸣康复仪的研制

    A Detecting Research of New Digital Instrument for Curing Tinnitus

  3. 本论文关于超声驻波在血液方面的研究旨在提出一种实用的血液分离方法,为现代医学中的自体血液回输、血液制品制备等找到一种价格低康、性能优异的有效方法。

    The studies of the affects of ultrasonic standing waves on blood were aiming to produce a practicable method of ultrasonic blood cell separation , trying to find an effective and cheap method of auto-transfusion and preparing blood products .