
sī mù zhài quàn
  • 熟语private placement
  1. 本文以GF证券为例,对甘肃省中小企业私募债券承销业务的发展进行了研究。

    GF Securities , for example , the development of small and medium enterprises in Gansu Province , private bond underwriting business .

  2. 2011年将正式推出中国私募债券。

    China to trial SME bond placements in2011 .

  3. 这些私募债券许多都很难或无法交易,但它们却给煎熬中的债券基金提供了美妙前景。

    Many of those privately placed bonds are difficult or impossible to trade but offer great prospects for distressed debt funds .

  4. 2012年,中国证券监管机构启动了垃圾债市场,官方把垃圾债称为中小企业私募债券。

    China 's securities regulator launched a junk bond market in 2012 , officially called small and medium-sized enterprise private-placement bonds .

  5. 首先,对私募债券的定义作了界定,然后详细论述了私募债相较于公募债的三个特点即定向发行、有限转让、内部披露。

    First , the definition of private bonds to be defined , and then discusses the Private debt compared with Public debt three characteristics that is targeted issuance , limited transfer , internal disclosure .

  6. 而国内的相关配套政策还有待于进一步完善,尤其在法律法规方面,可依据的较少,在目前经济放缓的大背景下,中小企业私募债券的发行还存在不少的阻力。

    Domestic distribution yet to be further improved , especially in the laws and regulations , can be based on less the SME private bond issues , in the context of the current economic slowdown , there are still a lot of resistance .

  7. 因此,非金融企业私募发行债券的相关制度应运而生。

    Therefore , private equity issue bonds of non-financial enterprises related system came into being .

  8. 因此我国迫切需要出台非金融企业私募发行债券的相关法律及制度,建立与公开发行相对应的私募发行体制,并从根本上改变债券一级市场一条腿发展的现状。

    Our country urgent need to be private non-financial enterprises issue bonds related system , establish the public photograph echo with private equity release system , thus fundamentally changing the primary market bonds " a leg of the present situation of development " .