
piào jù shí xiào
  • prescription of exchanges
  1. 与民法上的时效相比,票据时效具有短期性和独立性的特征。

    Compared with the prescription on the civil law , the prescription of the note has characters of short-term and independence .

  2. 票据时效既是公平与效率均衡理论的极好诠释,又体现了效率优先的主张。

    The prescription of the note not only reflects the balance of equity and efficiency , but also embodies the opinion of efficiency first .

  3. 传统理论通常把票据时效定性为程序问题,因此许多国家的冲突规范对票据时效法律冲突直接适用法院地法加以解决。

    Traditional theory usually regards prescription system in bill law as a matter of procedure , thus they apply to court law to resolve the conflict .

  4. 对内,要完善票据法自身立法,包括重新定位票据时效的性质和具体明确三种票据权利时效的相关规定。

    Internally , Negotiable Instruments Law to improve their ownlegislation , including bills re-positioning and the specific nature of the limitation of the right notes clearly three kinds of time-related requirements .

  5. 所谓票据利益返还,是指票据权利因时效或者手续欠缺而消灭后,付款人、被追索人应在其受利益的限度内,将所受利益返还给持票人。

    The so-called bill interest refers to return the rights on a negotiable instrument for aging or formalities and destroy , lack of recourse payer , who should be at its limit by interests will receive benefits returned to the bearer .

  6. 因此,票据法的宗旨是保障票据安全而高效的流通,其各项制度就是依此来设计的,如票据权利的短时效、票据的无因性、票据抗辩的切断、票据保证等。

    So every regulation in the negotiable instrument law is designed to ensure that the note can be circulated safely and high-efficiently . Many systems of the negotiable instrument , such as short limitation of the negotiable instrument , guarantee of the note , are established based on this tenet .

  7. 票据利益返还请求权的构成要件包括三个:第一,票据权利曾经有效成立并存在;第二,票据权利因时效届满或手续欠缺而消灭;第三,义务人获得利益。

    Bill interests components including return claim three : First , the bill right once effective founded and exist ; Second , the rights on a negotiable instrument shall lack expired or formalities and destroy ; Third , the obligor to benefit .