
  • 网络Forged Bill;forgery of bill;Forged notes
  1. 票据伪造及法律后果研究

    Forged Bill and the Research of Lawful Responsibility

  2. 票据伪造的风险责任问题研究

    The Research on Venture Liability of Forged Bill

  3. 论票据伪造的法律效力及风险责任

    On the Validity and Risk Responsibility of Forgery of Commercial Instrument

  4. 票据伪造风险分担制度的本土化问题研究

    A Study on Localization Problem of Risk Allocation System in Instrument Forgery

  5. 票据伪造,是一种票据行为的异常形态。

    Negotiable Instrument forgery is an abnormity form of action on negotiable instrument .

  6. 票据伪造、票据变造是典型的票据瑕疵问题。

    Forgery and alternation of bills are two kind of typical negotiable instruments flaws .

  7. 司法实践中,应注意区分票据伪造与票据变造和票据涂销的不同。

    The distinct between bill forgeries , change and erasion should be noticed in practice .

  8. 票据伪造法律关系研究

    Research on Legal Relation of False Signature

  9. 阐述了上述概念之间的区别,有利于更好的理解票据伪造。

    Therefore explains the difference between above-mentioned concepts , thus can help the better understanding of counterfeit note .

  10. 对我国刑法所规定的票据伪造、造应从形式主义和实质主义两方面来理解。

    Forge and forgery bill crime prescribed by Criminal Law should be comprehended from both formalism and substantially .

  11. 因此,本文首先对票据伪造、票据变造等票据瑕疵的概念和构成要件进行了诠释并加以确认统一。

    Therefore , this article firstly defines and unifies the bill forgeries and bill change and other concepts concerning bill defects .

  12. 随之而来的票据伪造、票据变造等案件也呈上升趋势,严重影响着票据当事人的权利义务。

    Cases of bill forgeries and change are also increasing meanwhile , which jeopardizes the rights and obligations of the party to the bill .

  13. 介绍了票据伪造行为的性质,作者认为票据伪造不是票据行为,而是一种特殊的侵权行为;

    Through introduction of the nature of counterfeit note , the author thinks it is not a note behavior but a kind of special tort .

  14. 因此,在明确票据伪造对当事人法律效力的基础上,如何确定票据伪造风险承担规则至关重要。

    Thus , it is very important to ascertain how to undertake the bill-forgery risk in view of legal validity of bill-forgery for relevant parties .

  15. 其他票据伪造行为主要指票据的背书伪造行为,各国关于票据伪造的法律制度不尽相同。由此产生了调整票据法规范的两大票据法体系,即英美票据法体系和日内瓦公约体系。

    Therefore has produced two major negotiable instrument law systems to adjust the negotiable instrument regulations , named common negotiable instrument law system and the Geneva Convention system .

  16. 票据伪造的法律效力和损失承担是我国及国际票据立法中的一个难点问题。

    Notes that the falsification , and loss of commitment to the force of law has been instrument law countries are the harmonization of legislation and international instruments difficult .

  17. 票据伪造作为票据瑕疵的一种,在票据流通中客观存在,不仅影响经济秩序的正常发展,也损害了相关当事人的经济利益。

    As one of bill-imperfections existing in bill circulation , bill-forgery not only affects the normal development of economic order , but also harms relevant parties ' economic benefits .

  18. 票据伪造的法律后果与风险负担问题是票据法领域一个很有特色的问题,既与票据法的基本理论密切相关,也具有很强的现实意义。

    When and how the proprietorship transfers from the seller to the buyer is very important , and the risk-bearing related to it is a significant theoretical and practical problem .

  19. 对于票据伪造的风险责任问题,我国票据法并未作直接的规定,因而造成相关法律理解上的混乱,从而为法律的适用设置了障碍,因此须加以完善。

    As to the risk responsibility of forgery of commercial instrument , there is no direct provision in the commercial instrument law in china and it needs to be performed to consummate .

  20. 票据伪造和票据变造,会给票据的持票人、付款人以及伪造、变造票据的行为人带来相应的法律后果,使该票据关系的相关主体承担极大的风险。

    Forgery and alternation of bills are two kind of typical negotiable instruments flaws . Forgery and alternation of bills brings about not only corresponding legal aftereffect to the bearer , payer and wrongdoer , but also great risks to the relevant subjects .

  21. 票据背书伪造问题研究

    Research Concerning the Negotiable Instruments Bearing Forged Indorsement

  22. 票据的伪造、变造问题研究

    Research on Forgery and Alternation of Bills

  23. 论票据的伪造与变造

    On Forgery and Change of Bills

  24. 当票据出现伪造时,伪造人获得了非法利益,而票据上的其他利害关系人则可能因此蒙受损失。

    When the bill is forged , the forged will get the illegal interests and maybe the party concerned of the bill will lose their interests .

  25. 票据背书伪造是指以行使票据权利为目的,假冒他人或者虚构人名义,在票据上为背书行为的违法行为。

    The forged endorsement on bills refers to exercise the bill right as a goal , pretends other people or fictionalizes the human name , endorses in the bill .

  26. 票据上有伪造、变造的签章的,不影响票据上其他真实签章的效力。

    A forged or altered signature on a negotiable instrument shall not affect the effect of other true signatures thereon .

  27. 例如付款人善意而且无过错地对伪造票据付款,伪造人又无从查找或无力偿还时的损失分担问题。

    For example , if the payer who is well-meaning and blameless pays the forged bill , but the forger cannot be found or is unable to reimburse , this could be a tough problem .

  28. 刑法194条所说的伪造的票据属于广义的伪造。

    194 clause on the criminal law belong to the forgery in a general sense , which includes both the forgery of false bills and fabrication of signature and seal .

  29. 我国票据法对票据伪造法律效力的规定比较粗略,而对风险责任承担问题则未直接规定,须加以完善。

    As to the validity of forged bill , the commercial instrument law in China stipulates very simply . There is no direct provision about the taking of risk responsibility , and it needs to be perfected .

  30. 两大票据法体系在调整票据伪造方面有很多相同的地方,也有很多不一致的地方。

    In adjusting the counterfeit note , there are many similar places between two major negotiable instrument law systems and also many inconsistent places too .