
  • 网络corporatism;corporatist
  1. “必须坚决让社团主义时代成为过去,”他宣布道。

    ' The age of corporatism must be put firmly behind us , ' he proclaimed .

  2. 本能的社团主义是很多欧洲国家的共同特征。

    Instinctive corporatism is characteristic of many European states .

  3. 社团主义者的落败不难理解。

    The defeat of the corporatists is easy to understand .

  4. 他们确实表现出明显的社团主义倾向。

    They did show decidedly corporatist tendencies .

  5. 有意摆脱Tarp的愿望本身是健康的:与其让银行沉溺于政府援助所营造出的社团主义舒适环境中,不如让它们面对市场的纪律。

    The desire to leave the Tarp is by itself healthy : better to have banks face the discipline of markets than the corporatist cosiness of state aid .

  6. 社会主义和社团主义者从未提供足以替代的美好生活模式。

    Socialists and corporatists never offered an alternative good life .

  7. 这个发现过程让资本主义具有比自上而下的社会主义或社团主义等制度更强的创新能力。

    That discovery procedure makes it far more innovative than the top-down systems of socialism or corporatism .

  8. 在两次世界大战之间,资本主义失去了大部分声望,欧洲大陆上许多西欧国家转向了社团主义制度。

    Capitalism lost much of its standing in the interwar period , when many countries in western continental Europe shifted to corporatist systems .

  9. 如果说信息技术是当今经济发展的重要驱动力的话,那么它也是最不受社团主义兴起影响的领域。

    If information technology is the big driver of current economic progress , it is also the sector least affected by this growth of corporatism .

  10. 分配主义者和补贴主义者的观点鼓励了基尔特和协会的发展,在1920年在意大利曾经以墨索里尼的早期社团主义的形式非常繁荣。

    Distributist and subsidiarist ideas , encouraging guilds and associations , flourished for a time in1920s Italy in the form of Mussolini 's early corporatism .

  11. 但为此付出的代价是欧盟普通民众的利益,牺牲了环境,助长了社团主义的不良习气。

    But peace has been bought at the price of selling out the interests of ordinary Europeans and the environment to the bad practices of corporatism .

  12. 有学者表示,这就是为什么历史书籍对圣乔治银行另眼相待:其社团主义运作方法一般会使所有东西都蒙上阴影。

    It is , scholars say , why the history books tend to look askance at the bank : its corporatist modus operandi tends to cloud everything else .

  13. 由于瑞典经济发展的阶段性、社团主义政治的特征以及瑞典国民传统的合作和妥协精神使得瑞典的养老金制度始终是一种强调平等、全民适用的福利政策。

    Because of the stage of economic development , corporatist politics and the Swedish cooperation and compromise spirit , the Swedish pension system always puts the emphasis on the universality and the equality .

  14. 苏联首次出现的似乎可成功替代资本主义的模式,以及在德国和意大利发展起来的社团主义方式等竞争性模式,加剧了此类质疑。

    Such questioning was sharpened by the existence for the first time of a seemingly successful alternative to capitalism in the Soviet Union ; also of competing models , such as the corporatist approaches developed in Germany and Italy .

  15. 问题在于,多数国家当前的政策正与此背道而驰:更多的监管(说是更好的,其实是更多的),在某些地方,人们意图以欧洲社团主义来取代盎格鲁-撒克逊资本主义。

    The problem is that in most countries policies are moving in the opposite direction : more regulation ( it 's called better but it means more ) and , from some quarters , a desire to replace Anglo-Saxon capitalism with European corporatism .

  16. 就高校理论社团推进马克思主义大众化形成高校&理论社团社会三位一体、良性互动的马克思主义大众化新平台。

    The theory of Marxism popular form of community college-theory community-social trinity , the benign interaction Marxist network propaganda of the new platform .

  17. 当前社团设立模式限制了其合法身份的取得,对于体育社团应采用准则主义、许可主义的二元设立模式。

    The current set up mode limits the acquisition of its legal status , sports associations should adopt the dual model of " Criterion doctrine " and " license doctrine " .