
chōnɡ fēnɡ duì
  • Stormtrooper;storm troops
  1. 叫你的纳粹冲锋队离我远点!

    Tell your storm trooper to stay away from me !

  2. 帝国冲锋队对帝国绝对忠心,不会被贿赂、诱惑或恐吓。

    Expanded universe stormtroopers were totally loyal to the Empire and cannot be bribed , seduced or blackmailed .

  3. 一个人向我们展示了他孩子的帝国冲锋队玩具是怎么和所有餐具一起洗干净的。

    One person showed how their children 's toy Stormtroopers could be washed along with all their cutlery .

  4. 那你就有幸在希特勒冲锋队干几年了。

    You must 've had a couple of years in the Hitler Youth Camp then , with some luck .

  5. 这是悲观的,因为我们内心深处知道,这是一个体育版的轻骑兵冲锋队。

    It was pessimistic because we knew deep down that it was a sports version of the Charge of the Light Brigade .

  6. 然而问题来了,官网问及:“是从前传看起还是从原版三部曲看起?”当然,整装待发也至关重要,穿上冲锋队队服,或是天行者制服。

    However , there could be a problem here , as the site asks : " Do you start with the prequels or the original trilogy ? " Of course , dressing up is important , so make sure you get out your Stormtrooper or Darth Vader uniform .