- socialist party

She 's a socialist with a small ' s ' .
Popular opinion has tilted in favour of the socialists .
In regional elections last December , just after the worst attack , the French mainstream voted tactically for Socialist and Republican candidates to prevent the anti-immigrant Front National from winning a single region .
However the publication of the contract of his hairdresser , identified only as Olivier B. , by the investigative newspaper had the French public bristling over such extravagant spending by a Socialist president .
In an even greater surprise , they gave the leadership of the left to the moderate , social-democratic Socialist party in preference to the far-left Unidos Podemos movement .
The Frenchman widely known as DSK is a member of France 's Socialist party .
is believed to have been held at a private event at Saddam Hussein 's Baath Party headquarters in March 1980 , six months before the start of the Iran-Iraq war , and the 15-year-old Uday attended .
Ahmet Turk , the leader of the country 's main pro-Kurdish Democratic Society Party , said the massacre was a result of the state arming thousands of people .
Tearing up the 35-hour week , which even Nicolas Sarkozy failed to do , would be divisive for the Socialist party , at a time when its priority is rebuilding bridges with disaffected factions on the left of the party .
The accession of Mr Hollande 's Socialist government has brought them powerful friends , or at least demonstrative ones : Aurelie Filippetti , the minister of culture , turned up outside the mill to toast the protesters with champagne .
The narrow front runner is Socialist Party challenger Francois Hollande , although President Sarkozy is closing the gap . Mr. Hollande wants to raise taxes on the wealthy and invest education , research and employment as a way to grow the economy .
Moscovici also gave assurances that the Socialists would keep public finances under control .
Hungary 's Socialist-led government also wants to suspend salary bonuses for state employees .
His socialist government has also passed a law that in effect declared UberPop illegal .
The Samajwadi Party controls 39 members of parliament in the 543 lower house of parliament .
In the most recent municipal elections in December , the ruling socialist parties bested the opposition .
The majority socialist party says it will present a proposal to speed up divorces of consenting couples next week .
Those measures are adding to social unrest in Greece and putting major political pressure on the leading Socialist party .
The Samajwadi Party says the nuclear pact is in national interest and has promised to extend parliament support to the government .
it was simply a blind intended to put the police upon a wrong track , by suggesting Socialism and secret societies .
France 's ruling socialist party has received a sharp rebuke from voters as the country selects its members for the European Parliament .
The vote was close , 78 to 83 , pitting Ms. Hidalgo 's Socialist city councilors against those from the center right and the environmentalist parties .
But Olivier Falorni , a popular local Socialist politician in La Rochelle , is standing against her and achieved 29 percent of the vote last Sunday .
A spokesman for France 's socialist government says simplifying the process will let highly-trained court clerks to handle easy divorces while freeing up judges for difficult breakups .
Now Ms Royal , herself a former Socialist government minister who stood for the presidency in 2007 , is standing for a place in the National Assembly .
Now , France wants us to stand with them and President Hollande - the leader of our sister socialist party - has asked for our assistance and help .
Paris is to double the number of cyclinglanes by 2020 as part of its Socialist mayor 's push to turn the city into " the world 's bike capital . "
The only other president to issue a televised farewell to the nation was Valery Giscard d'Estaing , on May 19 , 1981 , before turning over power to Socialist President Francois Mitterrand .
But after a week of hectic political maneuvering , the Congress Party has won crucial support for the deal from a former adversary - a regional party known as the Samajwadi Party .
Frustrated by hardening opposition from Germany 's influential socialists and the French government , Mr Juncker has called for the 28 member states to reconfirm their commitment to the deal at a summit next month .