- 网络Reproduction of the Social Capital

An Enlightenment from the Reproduction Theory of Marx
The sinicization of Social Capital Reproduction Theory is to combine social capital reproduction theory with the specific economic practice in China .
Social capital reproduction theory of Karl Marx and western economic growth theory have relations in history , but are essentially different .
This paper , therefore , mainly discusses the theory of surplus value , the theory of accumulation of capital , the theory of social reproduction and the theory of profit and average profit .
The latest change on the condition of reproduction of general social capital
In reality , the condition of simple reproduction and expanded reproduction have changed greatly . The Formation and Development of Socialism in Capitalism ;
Karl Marx 's theory concerning the reproduction of the aggregate social Capital , which expounds the laws of the macroeconomic equilibrium and the macroeconomic movement , essentially is fundamentals of macroeconomics .
IN the III chapter II volume of " Das Kapital ", Marx studied reproduction and circulation of the general social capital , and constructed the theory of the two major categories of social production .
Although Marx finally gave up interpreting his social model of reproduction using economic chart , which really served as the fundamental framework and the rudiments of theory of reproduction .
Marx 's social capital reproduction theory shows only when the two major divisions of social production are in proportion can the reproduction of entire social capital be conducted smoothly .
With the total social production as the departure point and its realization as the core theme , the theory demonstrated the necessary conditions of the reproduction of the general social capital .