
jiē jí jié ɡòu
  • class structure
  1. 东欧中亚国家阶级结构的变化

    Changes of Class Structure in East European and Central Asian Countries

  2. 第四,阶级结构出现了复杂化的特点。

    Fourth , the class structure tends to be complicated .

  3. 从黑奴制到收成制&美国南方重建时期经济体制和社会阶级结构的变化

    The Economic and Social Revolution during Reconstruction in the American South

  4. 英美两国的阶级结构颇不一样。

    The class structures of England and America are quite different .

  5. 然而现在,又一个历史性的变革正撼动着世界的阶级结构。

    Now another historic change is shaking up the global hierarchy .

  6. 阶级结构往往是以土地所有权为基础的。

    The class system is often based on land ownership .

  7. 中国工人阶级结构变化的历史沿革及原因

    Historical evolution and reasons of structural changes in China 's working class

  8. 她在研究日本的阶级结构。

    She 's studying the class structure of japan .

  9. 对美国当前社会阶级结构分化的分析

    An Analysis of the Latest Change of Social Class Structure in the USA

  10. 第一部分主要从社会阶级结构和政府体制的方面作分析。

    The first section mainly probes into Venetian social class structure and government system .

  11. 当代发达资本主义国家阶级结构与收入分配关系分析

    An Analysis of Class Structure and Income Distribution Relationship of Contemporary Developed Capitalist Countries

  12. 当代资本主义国家阶级结构的新变化及其原因

    The New Changes and The Reasons for the Class Structure of the Recent Capitalist Nations

  13. 中国传统的教育制度和阶级结构特点孕育出了独特的士人文化。

    The scholar culture is bred in the traditional Chinese educational system and class structure .

  14. 第三次科技革命的兴起使国家经济生活和政治生活发生重大变化,社会经济结构的变化又引起社会阶级结构发生深刻变化,中产阶级迅速崛起。

    The third scientific and technical revolution has greatly changed the economic and political life of the society .

  15. 国际社会的结构,主要表现在两个方面:社会阶级结构和依附关系结构。

    The structure of international society is seen in two parts : social class structure and dependent relation structure .

  16. 当代西方发达资本主义国家阶级结构最显著的变化是新中间阶级的兴起。

    The rise of the new middle class is the greatest change in the class structure of contemporary western country .

  17. 人们在这种阶级结构中的位置关系到他的收入,他的社会声望和生活质量。

    Rank in the hierarchy is related to an individual 's income , social prestige , and quality of life .

  18. 西方国家生产关系的调整引起了阶级结构的新变化。

    The adjustment of the production relations in Western Countries has given rise to new changes in their class structure .

  19. 由于自然环境等的影响,二者经济发展状况、阶级结构和政体形式各具特色。

    Due to the influence of natural environment , they presented different characteristics in economic , class structure and regime forms .

  20. 在当代社会阶级结构上,社会主义的理想目标与资本主义现实之间的内在不对称很明显。

    This internal asymmetry between the ideal and goal of socialism and capitalist reality is evident in the class structure of contemporary China .

  21. 本文认为,引起这些变化的原因有四:经济快速发展所带来的产业结构、阶级结构变化;

    In this article , there are four reasons for these changes : the industrial domains and class changes of economy of rapid development ;

  22. 当代资本主义的阶级结构已经发生的巨大变化,国内外的学者依据不同的标准得出了不同的分析判断。

    Class structure of contemporary capitalism has already changed enormously . Domestic and international scholars have made different analyses and judgments according to different standards .

  23. 埃及阶级结构的变化影响了社会进步与经济发展,制约了埃及的现代化进程,导致社会长期动荡不宁。

    These changes of class structure affected social progress and economic development , restricted the process of modernization , and lead to long-term social unrest .

  24. 他把整个资本主义社会阶级结构中的各阶级地位划分为12种类别,从而绘制出资本主义国家阶级结构的大体轮廓。

    He divided class locations within capitalist class structure into 12 types , thereby mapping out the broad contours of the class structure of contemporary capitalism .

  25. 从托迪斯搬到柴郡一个“使人害怕的豪华的”区域,她的母亲“与英国阶级结构打了个照面”。

    Moving from Toxteth to a " frightfully posh " part of Cheshire , her mother came " face to face with the British class structure " .

  26. 科技革命促使资本主义社会的阶级结构发生了很大变化,中产阶级成为资本主义社会的主要阶级。

    Scientific and technological revolution have greatly changed the class structure of capitalist society in that the middle class has become the main class in capitalist society .

  27. 几乎完全相同的法律,在两个阶级结构、社会状况基本相同的社会实施后,所产生的结果为什么有如此重大的差别呢?

    What caused such a great difference when the nearly identical legal system was executed in the two dynasties with the same structure of classes and social situations ?

  28. 有宋一代,无论政治、经济、文化还是阶级结构都发生了不同程度的变化,理学也在这一时期兴起。

    In Song Dynasty , whether political , economic , cultural or social class structure have undergone varying degrees of change , Neo-confucianism also start in the period .

  29. 就社会阶级结构来说,资产阶级和无产阶级的关系不仅是资本主义国内社会的结构,也是资本主义生产方式造就的国际社会的结构。

    Social class structure should be seen both as the domestic relation between bourgeoisie and proletariat but also as an international structure shaped by capitalist mode of production .

  30. 在推动阶级结构发生改变的诸多因素中,这些国家的历史传统、所确立的目标模式以及所推行的实际政策和具体操作方式发挥了突出的作用。

    Among the various factors that have led to this change are historical traditions , objectives for the intended social mode , policies and ways of implementing these policies .