
shì zhòng
  • Public display;publicly expose;put before the public
示众 [shì zhòng]
  • [publicly expose] 展示在众人面前;特指当众惩治犯人

  • 斩首示众

示众[shì zhòng]
  1. 抓获的罪犯带着镣铐列队游街示众。

    The captured criminals were paraded in chains through the streets .

  2. 囚犯被押解游街示众。

    The prisoners were paraded in front of the crowd .

  3. 他的脑袋被挂在插在矛上游街示众

    and his head paraded through Paris on a pike .

  4. 斩首示众这件事,我认为是很有问题的。

    I think that beheading in the market is not a proper policy .

  5. 在国内战争时期,法国国王被斩首示众。

    The French King was beheaded during the Revolution .

  6. 他的头颅被割下来,其后更在城中一栋建筑物的尖顶上高悬示众。

    His head was cut off and later prominently displayed on one of the town spires .

  7. 这一天在市集上,有罪犯被斩首示众。

    The day there was an execution held in the market – a criminal was beheaded .

  8. 离开市集后,斩首示众这一幕仍然停留在老子的心中。

    After left the market , beheading in front of the mass still lingered on Laotse 's mind .

  9. 50多人弃边境防卫队的同胞逃生,另外48名则被捕并游街示众。

    Some fifty men deserted from the Frontier Corps and another forty-eight were captured and then paraded around .

  10. 在几个诺曼底海滨小镇,德国人把抓到的盟军伞兵俘虏拉出来,游街示众。

    In the coastal towns in Normandy , the Germans paraded captured paratroopers of the Allies through the streets .

  11. 正当参议员们对失业忧心忡忡,时刻准备要把跟救市有干系的人拿出来示众,(候选人的)政治合意性是关键的考虑。

    Political palatability is critical , with senators worried about unemployment and ready to pillory anyone connected to bail-outs .

  12. 于是我就这样高高地站在椅子上,作为邪恶的丑恶典型示众。

    So there I was , high up on the chairs , publicly displayed as an ugly example of evil .

  13. 那好,我们去楼上把你的旧木马拿来斩首示众,以显主题。

    Okay , then we go upstairs and we get your old rocking horse and we chop the head off .

  14. 君主制复辟后,克伦威尔的头颅被挑在杆子上示众。

    After the Restoration of the Monarchy , Cromwell 's head was impaled on a pole and displayed to the public .

  15. 他此时的样子,比起上次海丝特示众时我们所描绘的,还要疲惫和憔悴;

    He looked now more careworn and emaciated than as we described him at the scene of hester 's public ignominy ;

  16. 当暴君听到着一奇迹时,他感到非常害怕,于是将瓦沦丁斩首示众。

    When the tyrant of a miracle to hear , he was very scared and they will be Valentine be publicly beheaded .

  17. 《狼厅》的粉丝们会喜欢《死尸示众》,这本书虽是《狼厅》的后续,但它仍有自己的特色。

    Fans of " Wolf Hall " will relish this book , but " Bring Up the Bodies " also stands alone .

  18. 西二15既将执政的和掌权的脱下,神就把他们公然示众,仗著十字架在凯旋中向他们夸胜。

    Col.2:15 Stripping off the rulers and the authorities , He made a display of them openly , triumphing over them in it .

  19. 这不是什么辱骂,也不是什么示众之类的。

    It 's not anything to embarrass you , it 's not anything to put you on front street or anything like that .

  20. 除去可敬的阿瑟·丁梅斯代尔先生还能是谁!他已经冻得半死,正满面羞惭地站在海丝特·白兰曾经示众的地方!

    Whom , but the Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale , half frozen to death , overwhelmed with shame , and standing where Hester Prynne had stood !

  21. 《示众》里多视点反打镜头构成的关系与组合,共同成就了一个极为广阔的美学空间,可以称之为有意味的形式。

    The relations and assembly of the multi-viewpoint reverse POVs in A Public Example creates a wide esthetical space , which could be called significant form .

  22. 她确实向这种示众场面寻求着避难之所,唯恐这项保护伞会从她身边撤掉。

    She fled for refuge , as it were , to the public exposure , and dreaded the moment when its protection should be withdrawn from her .

  23. 墨索里尼跟他的情妇尸体倒吊大街上示众,是显示他自命凯撒式的英雄以及貌似潘安的帅哥命运的终结。

    The upside-down suspension of the dead Mussolini with his mistress in a town square signaled the end of his pretensions to Caesarian heroism and Casanovan machismo .

  24. 《示众》的题材是生活中极常见、也极容易忽视的,它所开掘的思想内涵却是极深刻、极富有开创性的。

    The subject matter of Shi Zhong is extremely common and easy to ignore in the life , but the thought intension that it digs is extremely profound and innovative .

  25. 海丝特白兰跟着在前面开路的狱吏,身后昆随着拧眉攒目购男人和心狠面恶的女人的不成形的队伍,走向指定让她示众的地方。

    Preceded by the beadle , and attended by an irregular procession of stern-browed men and unkindly-visaged women , Hester Prynne set forth towards the place appointed for her punishment .

  26. 《死尸示众》的跨时更短,人物更少,因此,对读者历史背景知识的要求也就相应更少。不像在上本书中,重大历史人物出场时,作者只有只言片语的介绍。

    Covering a shorter period and with fewer characters , it demands less of the reader than the earlier instalment , in which significant historical figures walked on with little introduction .

  27. 鲁迅的《示众》和罗伯-格里耶的《嫉妒》都对小说形式进行了实验和探索,并显示出一定的相通性。

    A Public Example of Luxun and La Jalousie of Alain Robbe-Grillet were all carried on experiment and investigate to the form of novel , and displayed certain of the same dimension .

  28. 无论如何,这座示众刑台成了一个了望点,在海丝特白兰面前展现山自从她幸福的童年以来的全都轨迹。

    Be that as it might , the scaffold of the pillory was a point of view that revealed to Hester Prynne the entire track along which she had been treading , since her happy infancy .

  29. 对他来说,盯着一只晶体管要比跟一个姑娘眉来眼去来得容易,他就以矮矮胖胖、有点儿驼背的形象示众,大多数时间他都埋头于电路板中。

    He had an easier time making eye contact with a transistor than with a girl , and he developed the chunky and stooped look of a guy who spends most of his time hunched over circuit boards .

  30. 但希拉里不仅敢于素颜示众,而且允许记者拍照四处流传(或者至少在不同的博客间转载),反映了当前梳妆打扮的趋势。

    However , the fact that she had not only showed her naked face in public but allowed a picture to be taken for posterity ( or at least various blogs ) reflects a current trend in grooming .