
kuànɡ chǎnɡ
  • mine/mining area
  1. 卡车把煤从矿场运往各个城市和村镇。

    Trucks convey coal from mines to various cities and towns .

  2. CO2泡沫压裂工艺矿场应用与研究

    Field Application and Research on the Technology of CO_2 Foam Fracturing

  3. CO2吞吐增油机理及矿场应用效果

    Oil production enhancing mechanism and field applying result of carbon dioxide huff & puff

  4. PS剂驱油矿场先导性试验研究

    Research on the Field Pilot Test of PS Agent in Oil-Driving

  5. 上世纪60年代中期,大庆油田和胜利油田相继开展了CO2驱的室内实验和小规模的矿场试验。

    In the middle of 1960s , Daqing and Shengli oilfield developed the laboratory experiment and lease test .

  6. 矿场试验用的CO2是大庆炼油厂的副产品,纯度为96%。

    The CO 2 used in the tests is a by product from Daqing oil refining plant , its purity is 96 % .

  7. 无论是室内实验还是矿场试验都已经证明,用CO2驱油是一种能大幅度提高油井产能的有效方法。

    It is proved in both laboratory and field tests that using CO2 to displace oil is an effective method of greatly increasing well productivity .

  8. 中原油田单井吞吐矿场试验表明回收的CO2用于三次采油,可提高原油采收率。

    Ore district test of odd well handling in Zhongyuan Oil Field shows in the third oil recovery , oil recovery rate has been increased by using recovered CO2 .

  9. 一种新的钻井中油气层快速检测技术OSA和PK矿场应用介绍

    A new method of rapid detection technology for oil and gas bearing strata during drilling process an introduction to OSA and p k instrument field applications

  10. 现实中,adhoc网络的一类典型应用是侦查小分队到野外执行任务,灾后救助、矿场勘测等。

    In reality , Ad hoc network is a typical application such as fieldworks of investigative teams , disaster relief , mineral exploration , and so on .

  11. 分别运用矿场统计法、理论计算法、数值模拟法结合矿场数据绘制了低渗透底水、未饱和油藏的IPR曲线。

    Using statistical method , theoretical method and numerical simulation respectively , the IPR curve above is drawn .

  12. 在数值模拟的计算中,双侧向测井电极系系数(K)是一个关键因素,K值的准确求取无论对矿场测井还是对正演模拟的精度都很重要。

    In forward simulation , DLL electrode coefficient ( value K ) is a crucial factor , to determine value K accurately is very important both for logging well site and for numerical simulation of DLL .

  13. 把该模型结合到黑油模型中,可以进行LPS深部调剖的室内岩心驱拟合和矿场应用效果预测。

    If this model will be incorporated into the black-oil model , it can match core flooding result of LPS deep profile control , it also can predict field effect .

  14. 用这种方法对孤岛油田南区N281井区重质石油磺酸盐(WPS)驱实施方案进行了矿场设计。

    On the basis of these theory and method , the weighted petroleum sulfonate displacement pilot of N 28 1 was designed .

  15. 讨论并列表给出了MEOR的矿场应用条件,并与其他EOR方法作了比较。

    The conditions and limitations for the aimed reservoirs are discussed and presented in a table together with other EOR methods .

  16. 矿场应用效果证明了CR-1稠油降粘剂的有效性。

    The result of field application demonstrates that CR-1 heavy oil viscosity reducer is effective .

  17. 哥哥Albert则去了危险的矿场工作,四年来一直为弟弟提供经济支持。

    Albert went down into the dangerous mines and , for the next four years , financed his brother , whose work at the academy was almost an immediate sensation .

  18. 解烃细菌NX-2的特性及矿场试验

    Characters and Oil Field Trial of Oil-Degrading Bacterium Strain NX-2

  19. 目前注水开发油田矿场确定单井控制的平均地层压力真值不仅关井时间较长(长于2d),而且误差较大。

    The procedure to obtain the average reservoir pressure controlled by a single well used currently in oil fields developed under water flooding is time consuming ( longer than 2d ), and relatively larger error often occurs .

  20. 这表明成矿作用过程中深部上升的富含CO2热液与断裂内原地水频繁发生混合作用,即成矿流体是多次脉动式注入的。脉动式叠加矿化的找矿意义是成矿场的垂向迁移。

    This indicates that the ascending CO 2 bearing hydrothermal fluid was frequently mixed with the water trapped in fractural zones , i.e. ore fluid was multiply pulsed into the ore forming system and mineralization is overprinted in the vertical direction .

  21. 该文介绍了LZR潜在酸的室内试验研究和矿场应用情况。

    This paper presents the laboratory research and field application of latent acid , LZR .

  22. 水平井砾石充填SLCH防砂工艺矿场试验

    Field experiment of SLCH gravel packing sand control technology in the horizontal wells

  23. 自主水下航行器(AUV.AutonomousUnderseaVehicles)无论是从民用还是军用的角度上讲,都具有广泛的应用前景和开发潜力,如进行海洋地形勘察、矿场侦察、海洋污染侦察等。

    AUV ( Autonomous Undersea Vehicles ) has large-scale applied prospect and potential in both military and civil application , for instance , the reconnaissance of ocean terrain 、 the recce of mineral resources and the reconnaissance of ocean pollution etc.

  24. 由于Neyriz城市与IMS采石场距离非常近,我们在市里设置了IMS的石矿场办公室和招待所,接待客户。

    Due to the closeness of our quarries to Neyriz city , we have chosen this city for the location of the IMS quarry office and guest house .

  25. 在大庆油田室内配方和先导性矿场试验研究基础上,利用软件(GCOMP)三元复合驱(ASP)油藏数值模拟软件,优化设计了北一区断西矿场试验的最佳注入程序及段塞大小。

    The optimum injection procedure and chemical plug size of alkaline / surfactant / polymer ( ASP ) used in Block North 1 Daqing oilfield have been designed based on the laboratory formulation and earlier field tests and using the reservoir simulator COMP .

  26. 根据矿场试验结果,分析了CO2吞吐的增产潜力,将现场作业增油机理划分为解堵型和增能型两类。

    According to the results of field carbon dioxide huff puff tests , the potential of oil production enhancing by carbon dioxide huff puff is analyzed , and the mechanisms of it are classified into two types : plug removal type and energy increasing type .

  27. 介绍了原油预脱水剂(名称为LGS2)的作用机理、化学组份、性能评价和矿场试验应用情况。

    The action mechanism , chemical component , performance evaluation and field experiment of LGS2 oil predehydrator have been studied .

  28. WC-85型杀菌剂的研制及矿场试验

    Laboratory study and field test of bactericide wc-85

  29. 几个月前,澳大利亚矿商FortescueMetals在中国下了一笔1亿美元的订单采购载货列车,其澳大利亚矿场生产的铁矿石要靠这些列车运出。这笔订单的不寻常之处在于,应中国出口商的要求,这笔贸易要以人民币计价。

    A few months ago , Fortescue Metalsplaced a $ 100m order in China for railway cars to transport iron ore from its Australian mines - except that the order was in renminbi , at the request of the Chinese exporter .

  30. 最后通过在葡北油田WAG混相驱矿场试验中与数值模拟方法的对比分析研究对该方法进行了验证,取得了较好的一致性。

    The contrast analysis was carried out between the interpretation method and the numerical simulation in the WAG miscible displacement pilot test in the Pubei Oilfield , the result approved the validity of this method .