
  • 网络mat;table mat;placemat
  1. 家庭制作的便当是包裹在了一种叫做风吕敷的布中,它起到袋子和桌垫的作用。

    The Bento , made at home , is wrapped in a furoshiki cloth , which acts as both bag and table mat .

  2. 他指着比较厚的一份说:“这是我们做的交易报告,下面这份桌垫一样薄的是dbrs的报告。”

    " This one is our report on the deal , " he says , pointing to the much thicker of the two . " This little Doily underneath is the DBRs report . "

  3. 这个习俗源于过去贫困的年代,因为这样做可以在昂贵的肉食主菜上桌之前先垫一下肚子,所以当时盛行这样一句俗语:布丁吃的最多的人也会吃下最多的肉。

    This custom could have arisen in poorer times , to provide a filling portion before the more expensive meat course ; Them that eat most pudding gets most meat is the most common saying .

  4. 这个习俗源于过去贫困的年代,因为这样做可以在昂贵的肉食主菜上桌之前先垫一下肚子,所以当时盛行这样一句俗语:“布丁吃的最多的人也会吃下最多的肉”。

    This custom could have arisen in poorer times , to provide a filling portion before the more expensive meat course ; " Them that eat most pudding gets most meat " is the most common saying .