
  • 网络singing;Sing;Singin;singing to me;Sing, la la la
  1. 凶险的惊涛骇浪,对孩子们唱着没有意义的曲子,仿佛母亲在晃悠婴儿入睡时的哼唱。

    Death-dealing waves sing meaningless ballads5 to the children , even like a mother while rocking her baby 's cradle .

  2. 它来自法兰克福金融与管理学院(frankfurtschooloffinanceandmanagement),是一段教职员一边摇摆着身体、一边用蹩脚的英语唱着走调的“圣诞快乐”的视频。

    It is from the Frankfurt School of Finance and management and is a video of the faculty and support staff swaying as they sing tunelessly " we wish you a merry Christmas " in broken English .

  3. 我独自唱着歌向前走着。

    I was just walking along singing to myself .

  4. 我必须去教堂做礼拜,因此我是唱着福音歌长大的。

    I had to go to church , so I grew up singing gospel

  5. 有人走过,唱着一首不成调的歌。

    Someone walked by , singing a tuneless song .

  6. 外面孩子们一边跳绳一边唱着歌。

    Outside , children were skipping and singing a rhyme

  7. 抗议者唱着歌,挥舞着标语牌。

    The protesters sang songs and waved placards .

  8. 艾伦非常害羞地唱着,用怀里的吉他挡住自己以获得此许安全感。

    Alan sings with shy intensity , hiding behind the security blanket of his guitar .

  9. 她唱着悲伤的歌。

    She sang a sad song .

  10. 他悠闲地往前走,一边儿唱着歌儿。

    He sang as he strolled leisurely along .

  11. 骑兵们骑在马上唱着歌。

    The cavalry sang as they rode .

  12. 上周五,他来到学校后,发现没有垃圾需要清理。他看到近800名学生在走廊里成队列站着,他们拿着手工卡片,吹着扩音器,为他大声唱着生日快乐歌。

    Last Friday , after he arrived at the school , instead of finding garbage to clean up , he found almost 800 students lining the hallways with handmade cards , blowing noisemakers and singing a full-throated happy birthday to him .

  13. 当顾客享用美味佳肴时,一个机器人为他们唱着可爱的歌曲。

    And as customers enjoy their delicious food , a robot sings lovely songs for them .

  14. 他们唱着、跳着庆祝这令人欢乐的时刻。

    They were singing and dancing to celebrate this joyful occasion .

  15. 决不要害怕刹那——永恒之声这样唱着。

    Never be afraid of the moments -- thus sings the voice of the everlasting3 .

  16. 他来到客店时唱着那支水手老调:

    He sang that old sea sang as he walked up to the inn door :

  17. 我们唱着无人能懂的歌合:

    Unstoppable the song we play

  18. 我们唱着永恒的歌合:

    Forever on song we play

  19. 这时,吉姆手里提着一个锡皮桶,嘴中唱着“布法罗的女娃们”蹦蹦跳跳地从大门口跑出来

    Jim came skipping out at the gate with a tin pail , and singing Buffalo Gals .

  20. 我们正唱着pharrell的热歌《getlucky》

    And ... we were singsing Pharrell 's hit song ' get lucky ' .

  21. “要去看我的莎莉整天唱着PollyWollyDoodle”

    For to see my Sal , Singing Polly Wolly Doodle all the day

  22. 这个耗费21000个灯泡的“彩灯英雄”唱着EricJohnson的CliffsofDoer。

    The so-called " Christmas Light Hero " plays Eric Johnson 's song " Cliffs of Dover " and took more than 21000 lights to create .

  23. 穿着狐狸服的歌手唱着哇啪啪啪啪泡,这样一个短片是怎么做到短短一周内在Youtube上的播放量超过120万的?

    How can a video of a guy wearing a fox suit singing wa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pow get more than twelve million views on YouTube in less than a week ?

  24. 我唱着DefLeppard的歌,他们唱着我的歌。

    I was singing Def Leppard songs , and they were singing my songs .

  25. (这个片段)可能是那个唱着“Trololo”的家伙--那是JOCKJAMS精选集(tommyboys公司出版的唱片精选集,多为舞蹈音乐。译者注)中的音乐,或者是“最后倒数”

    Maybe it 's the " Tro lo lo " guy , something off a Jock Jams compilation album , or the over-the-top intro to " The Final Countdown . "

  26. 再看安永(Ernst&Young )的招聘歌:“噢快乐的一天/当安永/指引我走上更好的道路,”一群压不上拍子的会计师一边摇摆一边拍手地唱着。

    Then there was the Ernst & Young recruitment song : " Oh happy day   /   when Ernst & Young   /   Showed me a better way , " featuring accountants swaying and clapping out of time .

  27. 弗朗西丝卡.约翰逊四十五岁,汉克.斯诺在依阿华州谢南多阿的KMA电台唱着一支火车歌曲。

    Francesca Johnson was forty-five years old , and Hank Snow sang a train song on KMA , Shenandoah , Iowa .

  28. 保罗洗碗,马里奥把女儿送去睡觉,卢卡弹吉他,大家南腔北调地唱着尼尔杨(NeilYoung)的醉歌。美国女性主义心理学家黛博拉悄悄地告诉我:看看这些意大利好男人。

    And while Paolo washes the dishes and Mario puts his tired daughters to bed and Luca plays the guitar and everyone sings drunken Neil Young songs in various accents , Deborah the American feminist psychologist says quietly to me , Look around at these good Italian men .

  29. 她愉快地唱着歌,左手提着手提袋。

    She sang happily with a handbag in her left hand .

  30. 我们点燃了蜡烛,唱着“生日快乐歌”。

    We lighted the candles , sang " Happy Birthday " .