
  1. 我们在石卷市做志愿者的首要工作是体力活,比如清理污泥和垃圾,以及收拾房间。

    For the first part of our volunteer act in Ishinomaki , our task was quite heavy labor as removing sludge , debris or cleaning houses .

  2. 据报道,日本宫城县石卷市的很多居民称自己遭遇活见鬼,大约1/5的海啸遇难事故都发生在这附近。

    Numerous reports of ghost sightings have reportedly been made by residents in the city of Ishinomaki in Miyagi prefecture , home to nearly a fifth of all tsunami fatalities .

  3. 宫城的石卷,一个小男孩和他的家人被日本自卫队救助。

    A boy and his family were rescued by Japan 's Self-Defense Forces in Ishinomaki , Miyagi Prefecture .

  4. 工藤优花每周都会前往海滨城市石卷,采访当地正在候客的的士司机,为自己的毕业论文做准备。

    Kudo conducted the interviews as a part of her graduation thesis , traveling to the coastal town of Ishinomaki every week for a year to speak to taxi drivers waiting for fares .

  5. 日本大地震一周年就要到了,石卷市似乎回归了常态,至少表面上是这样。大部分地区的海啸残骸都清理干净了,越来越多的商家重新开张。

    As the first anniversary of the disaster approaches , Ishinomaki appears , on the surface at least , to be returning to a new level of normality , with the tsunami debris cleared away in most areas and a growing number of businesses reopening .

  6. 石卷市精神科医师原敬三说:人们声称见到鬼魂的地方大多是完全被海啸冲毁的地方。石卷市是日本那次近海地震所引发海啸的重灾区之一。

    The places where people say they see ghosts are largely those areas completely swept away by the tsunami , said Keizo Hara , a psychiatrist in the city of Ishinomaki , one of the areas worst-hit by the waves touched off by an offshore earthquake .