
  • 网络kesennuma
  1. 身处气仙沼市避难所的难民所能得到的唯一的食物只有饭团和热水。

    And so people camped in refugee shelters in Kesennuma have only rice and hot soup .

  2. 除了仙台市和周边被淹没的农田之外,附近的地区也被大火吞噬,包括气仙沼市。

    As well as Sendai and the surrounding farmland which were swamped , areas nearby were engulfed by fire , including the town of Kesennuma .

  3. 气仙沼市市长菅原就是这群人中的一个(仙台市惨遭天灾侵袭)。

    Shigeru Sugawara , mayor of semi-destroyed Kesennuma , is one of them .

  4. 这张上周四摄于离日本北方气仙沼市地震与海啸灾区不远的避难所内,是一只猫坐在毛毯下方的照片。

    A cat sits under a blanket at an evacuation center near an area devastated by an earthquake and tsunami in Kesennuma , north Japan on Thursday .

  5. 星期天一大早,是气仙沼港成为一片泽国,燃烧的太平间后的第九天,当地人正准备回去上班。

    EARLY on Sunday , nine days after the port of Kesennuma was turned into a watery , blazing morgue , people are trying to get back to work .

  6. 路透社引用当地媒体的报道说,然而东北部拥有7万4千名居民的气仙沼市则被大火肆虐,城市的3分之1已经被海啸的海水所吞没。

    The north-eastern city of Kesennuma , with a population of 74,000 , has been hit by widespread fires and about one-third of the city was submerged by the tsunami waters , Reuters said quoting local media .