
  • 网络sleeping position;sleeping posture
  1. 睡姿影响你失眠质量的另一个因素就是你的睡姿。

    Step 2 : Sleeping position Another thing that affects the quality of your sleep is the position you sleep in .

  2. 宝宝的睡姿是引起该病的主要原因,其他因素还包括在子宫中缺羊水以及姿势不正。

    While a baby 's sleeping position is the main cause of mild FHS other causes include factors in the womb such as a lack of amniotic fluid and the position of the baby .

  3. 不管他采用什么样的睡姿,背还是很疼。

    No matter which way he lay , his back hurt .

  4. 找到一种安心睡觉的舒适睡姿。

    Find a comfortable sleep position that supports good sleep posture .

  5. 树干睡姿的姿势是这样的:身体靠一边平躺,双臂位于身体两侧。

    Lying on your side with both arms down by your side .

  6. 马克:所以,你说有六种常见的睡姿?

    Mark : So you said there were six common sleeping positions ?

  7. 无论如何,最后一个睡姿被称为自由落体式。

    Anyways , the last position is called the free fall position .

  8. 采用这种睡姿的人通常都比较安静保守。

    People who sleep in this position are generally quiet and reserved .

  9. 情侣双方工作很累,需要休息正常的睡姿!

    Too tired of working , They need rest !

  10. 这种睡姿可以减缓背部疼痛。

    Sleeping like this can help repair wear and tear in the back .

  11. 但这个睡姿却很容易家中打鼾的症状。

    However , the same sleep position is well known to aggravate snoring .

  12. 在维纳斯的优雅曲线和睡姿当中,我感受到了灵魂的喜悦;

    My soul delights in the repose and gracious curves of the Venus ;

  13. 第二常见的睡姿是树干型(28%)。

    The second most common position is the log ( 28 per cent ) .

  14. 从生理角度而言,这是最不舒服的睡姿。

    Physically this is the least comfortable position .

  15. 马克:好吧,继续……京晶:然后还有士兵式睡姿。

    Mark : Okay , keep talking ... Then there 's the soldier position .

  16. 留意你的睡姿睡姿很重要。

    Watch your posture Sleep position matters .

  17. 况且,当我叫你的时候你是胎儿式睡姿。

    Besides , when I woke you up , you were in the fetus position .

  18. 只有6.5%的人喜欢这样睡,他们通常性情急躁,爱社交。谦逊忠实的听众通常选择仰卧且四肢伸展的海星式睡姿。

    Only 6.5 percent of people prefer it and they are usually brash and gregarious .

  19. 你是树干型睡姿吗?

    Do you sleep like a log ?

  20. 喜欢这种睡姿的人安静且矜持,无论对自已还是别人要求都很高!

    Signal : They are quiet and reserved , setting themselves and others high standards .

  21. 睡姿像个面包圈的猫。

    Cats asleep like little donuts .

  22. 京晶:侧躺双臂垂下睡觉的人是木桩式睡姿。

    People who lie on their sides with both arms down sleep in the log position .

  23. 根据一项1100人的调查,睡姿判定关系的关键是睡梦中情侣之间的距离。

    The key is the distance between couples , according to a study of 1,100 people .

  24. 喜欢这种睡姿的人,多疑,甚或愤世嫉俗!拿主意的事情常常顾虑很多!

    Signal : They are suspicious and even cynical , often slow to make up their minds .

  25. 用枕及睡姿习惯与颈椎病关系的探讨

    A clinical study on the relationship between cervical spondylosis and habits of sleeping posture and pillow use

  26. 你的“睡姿”通常就是你即将入睡之时摆好的姿势。

    Your " sleep position " is the position you always move into right before falling asleep .

  27. 要是你晓得自己的睡姿,你就可以在上床时候马上摆好姿势。

    Once you know your sleep position you can move into it immediately once you get into bed .

  28. 这种睡姿,你的脖子是弯曲的,会让你感到疼痛。

    Head and neck are twisted in this position , which is bound to give you aches and pains .

  29. 还有一部分被调查人会有各种不同的睡姿或者不清楚自己是什么睡姿。

    The remainder of those in the poll said the position they fell asleep varied or did not know .

  30. 自由落体睡姿就是俯卧,双手放在枕头上,头朝向一边的睡姿。

    Lying on your front with your hands around the pillow , and your head turned to one side .