
xiānɡ duì nián dài
  • relative date
  1. 华南旧石器时代的相对年代

    On the relative age of the Paleolithic in South China dark horse time

  2. 前人已建立的地质定年方法(同位素法、古生物法和古地磁法)给出的是地质事件的绝对年龄或相对年代。

    The geologic dating methods , which include the paleontology method , archeomagnetism method , and isotopic method , present absolute ages or relative ages of geologic events .

  3. 现在,当我回忆起这件事的时候,这位相对来说在那个年代还比较有学问的人,他脑海里的哈佛只是古代中国私塾和监狱的融合罢了。

    Now that I recall it , the Harvard believed in by this relatively well-informed person ( for that era ) was a cross between an ancient Chinese school and a prison .

  4. 前述调查显示,出生于相对富裕的90年代的90后,在花钱方面比80后和70后要大手大脚得多。他们花掉53%的收入,而80后和70后的这个数字分别为47.2%和38.3%。

    Migrants born into the relative plenty of the 1990s are considerably more spendthrift than those born in the 1980s and 1970s , spending 53 per cent of their incomes , compared with 47.2 per cent and 38.3 per cent respectively , the survey shows .