
xiānɡ duì fānɡ wèi
  • Relative orientation;relative azimuth
  1. CCD与磁-陀螺系统组合测量弹目相对方位的方法

    The Combined Method to Measure the Relative Azimuth Between Projectile and Target by CCD and Magnetometer-Gyro System

  2. 弹目相对方位是弹丸修正所需的重要参数。

    The relative azimuth between projectile and target is the key parameter needed in projectile correction .

  3. 滚转对用CCD组合测量弹目相对方位的影响

    Influence of Rotation on Relative Orientation Between Projectile and Target Measured by CCD

  4. 远程雷达与目标仿真的相对方位计算方法

    The calculation of relative orientation in far-distance radar and target 's simulations

  5. 通过机器人队列共享相对方位观测量,融合不同平台感知的信息,可有效地提高整个队列的定位精度。

    Localization accuracy of robot group can be improved obviously by fusing relative bearings .

  6. 与直井不同,定向井井壁稳定性随井斜角和相对方位角的变化而不同;

    Being different from straight wells , the stability of directional wells is different according to the changeable deviation and relative azimuth angle .

  7. 内方位元素参数是通过相机检校得到的,而影像间的相对方位元素是通过连续法相对定向解算出来的,在做相对定向之前首先要做特征点提取和匹配。

    Calculating out the coordinate numbers for each feature point in a model needs interior orientation element parameter and relative orientation element parameter of its image .

  8. 井下动态测斜系统是指在钻井的同时,对井眼的井斜角和井斜相对方位角的实时检测和信息提取的装置。

    Downhole dynamic inclinometer system is a device that can do the real-time detection and information retrieval for the hole inclination and the corresponding direction of well deflection while drilling .

  9. 在考虑了能见度、船舶种类、相对方位和动态的基础上,提出了专家系统避让决策的初步流程。

    After considering the visibility , type of ship , relative position and movement , the preliminary procedure for making the expert system ′ s anti collision decision is put forward .

  10. 通信协议由航向角数据通信协议、无线电台相对方位角数据通信协议和航道杆下滑道杆及故障报警旗数据通信协议三个子协议组成。

    The protocol includes three sub-protocols : the protocol of course angle data , the protocol of relative course angle data of radio station and the protocol of deviating course and alarming data .

  11. 各种非穿透裂纹体断裂过程中,由于裂纹在起始和不同扩展阶段与厚度方向的相对方位不同,导致三维约束效应与分层裂纹的耦合效应不同;

    As the relative orientation of crack growth direction with specimen thickness changes during crack extending , the coupled effects of out-of-plane constraint and delamination become quite different from that in a through cracks .

  12. 计算结果同时证明,如果在川西深层采用定向井钻井,其井壁稳定性将不会因为井斜角、相对方位角的变化而变差,且地层破裂压力会随井斜角和相对方位角的增加而大幅提高。

    It also figures out that the wellbore stability of directional well in the West of Sichuan Basin will be much better than the straight hole with the increasing of the deviation and relative azimuth .

  13. 结果表明,沿群路径上波长、相速和传播方向的变化取决于风场的垂直结构以及波风之间的相对方位。

    It is shown that the variations of wavelength , phase velocity and propagation direction depend on the vertical structure of the wind and also on the direction of the wave with respect to the wind .

  14. 然而,从直井井壁稳定性分析出发的各种地层坍塌压力和地层破裂压力的计算公式都没有考虑井斜角、相对方位角等因素对井壁稳定性的影响。

    However , lots of computing formulae about strata collapse pressure and fracture pressure which concentrate on the analysis of the stability of straight wells do not take deviation , relative azimuth and other factors into account .

  15. 有效辐射层的光学厚度与云上层有效粒子半径、太阳天顶角、卫星天顶角等因素呈反相关,与相对方位角无必然联系。

    There exist negative correlation between the optical thickness of effective radiation layer and the droplet effective radius near cloud top , solar zenith angle and satellite zenith angle , not obvious for the relative azimuth angle .

  16. 定向井与直井不同,定向井井壁稳定性随井斜角和相对方位角的变化而不同,因此,研究定向井井壁稳定将会遇到很大的机遇和挑战。

    Unlike the vertical well , wellbore stability of the directional well varies from changes of deviation angle and azimuth . Therefore , the research on wellbore stability of the directional well will encounter enormous opportunity and challenge .

  17. 在基于模糊逻辑的移动机器人局部路径规划基础上,引入了由移动机器人与障碍物之间的距离和相对方位确定的碰撞危险度[1](Risk-degreeofCollision)。

    This paper introduces risk-degree of collision [ 1 ] on the basis of local path planning of mobile robot based on fuzzy logic control , which is defined using distance and relative orientation between the robot and obstacles .

  18. 在此模型的基础上,本文分析了在不同地应力状态下井壁稳定性与井斜角、相对方位角、地层孔隙压力以及地层岩石力学特性等参数之间的相互关系;

    On the basis of this model , this thesis analyse the relationship between wellbore stability in different stress status and all sorts of parameters including deviation angle , relative azimuth angle , formation stress , pore pressure and rock mechanical parameters .

  19. 基于定角引信的相对脱靶方位识别技术

    Identifying Technology of Relative Miss Azimuth Based on the Fuze of Fixed Angle

  20. 本文分析了语言环境对儿童英语语言学习的作用,认为英语动画片在各种教学资源中能够提供相对多方位的三维语言环境,有利于儿童英语语感的形成和初步英语交际能力的培养。

    This paper starts with a discussion on the role of language environment in teaching young English learners .

  21. 本文设计了一种利用晶体的线性电光效应获取发射和接收两部分装置间相对转动的方位信息的光学系统。

    The analysis of an optical system that is designed for obtaining the relative rotary movement azimuth information between the transmitter and the receiving settings is reported .

  22. 这样做既提高了系统的经济性,简化了结构,又使得系统具有了同时测量目标距离、相对速度和方位角的功能。

    The cost of the system is reduced and the structure is predigested , and it makes the detection system can measure distance , relative velocity and azimuth angle at the same time .

  23. 针对2颗卫星编队飞行的情形,研究了星间位置测量量为相对距离、方位角和俯仰角时的卫星相对轨道自主确定方法。

    Aiming at two satellites formation , the paper studies the method of relative autonomous orbit determination between two satellites when the measure parameters are relative distance , azimuth angle , and elevation angle .

  24. 根据航空搜潜浮标与飞机的相对距离和方位,采用最小二乘法,分析了计算浮标位置的原理、方法,建立了相应的数学模型和仿真算法;

    According to the relative distance and orientation between airborne anti-submarine buoy and airplane , the mathematical model , adopting least squares method , and simulation algorithm for calculating the buoy position are established in this paper .

  25. 利用基于Biot-Savart定律的修正的马蹄涡模型(ModifiedHorseshoeVortexModel,MHVM)可以将长机的翼尖涡在僚机上产生的诱导速度写成两机之间相对距离和相对方位的函数。

    The velocities induced by the leader 's wingtip vortex on the following aircraft are written as a function of the relative separation in the three axial directions and also the relative orientation between the leader and the follower aircraft using a modified horseshoe vortex model based on Biot-Savart law .

  26. 用差应变分析(DSA)法确定最大主应力相对标志线的方位,与古地磁测试结果结合,即可确定出该地区的最大主应力方向。

    Differential strain analysis ( DSA ) method , which is used to determine the direction of the maximum principle stress with respect to the master orientation line , is combined with the results of magnetic tests to define the direct of the maximum principle stress in the area .

  27. 本文基于Ruger提出的HTI介质模型的P波反射系数公式,利用由基准测线和另外两条与之呈45°、90°测线的P波反射系数的相对差异估算裂缝方位;

    Based on the P-wave reflection coefficients formula in HTI media model presented by Mr. Ruger , the paper uses the relative differences between the P-wave coefficients of datum line and other two lines crossing over the datum line with 45 and 90 respectively to evaluate the fractured azimuths ;

  28. 得到了液晶透射光强度、分子轴旋转角(旋光性)随磁场和磁场相对液晶盒的方位角变化的规律。

    The disciplinarian of transmission light intension , molecule axis rotation angle of LC with magnetic field and azimuth angle between magnetic field and LC box are gaven .

  29. 研究表明,体波群速度图案和相速度图案相对TI对称轴固定,随TI对称轴倾角及其相对测线方位角的变化呈现出一定的对称性和重复性;

    That is , the spatial orientation of TI symmetry axis and surveying line azimuth have an effect on body-wave velocities . The patterns of body-wave group-velocities and phase-velocities are fixed relative to TI symmetry axis and exhibit certain symmetry and repetition of azimuth variation .