
yán zì tǔ
  • salinized soil
  1. 盐渍土对铁路的危害与治理

    The harmfulness of salinized soil to the railroad and its control

  2. 滨海盐渍土的工程特性研究

    Research on engineering properties of salinized soil in littoral area

  3. 盐渍土区棉花N、P、K肥效应研究

    Study on Effects of Fertilization of N , P and K for Cotton Production on Salin e-alkali Soil Region

  4. 基于ANN技术和高光谱遥感的盐渍土盐分预测

    Salinity forecasting of saline soil based on ANN and hyperspectral remote sensing

  5. 应用盆栽和田间试验对盐渍土棉花N、P、K肥效应进行了研究。

    The effects of fertilization of N , P and K for cotton production in sa line-alkali soil through pot and field experiments were studied .

  6. GA和Mn~(2+)对盐渍土棉花种子发芽影响的研究

    Study of Effect of GA and Mn ~ ( 2 + ) on the Salt Tolerance of Cotton Seed

  7. 由于研究区土壤为非盐渍土,因此土壤岩性是EC变化的主要控制因素,而土壤EC的空间变化也能表达岩性的分布。

    The study site is not saline so that soil lithology is the dominant control on the soil EC .

  8. X射线衍射线常用多项式拟合移动平滑方法进行处理。莱州湾滨海盐渍土中铵态氮水平运移室内模拟试验

    Least squares polynomial smoothing was constantly used in X ray diffraction test . Horizontal migration of ammonium nitrogen in seashore saline soil on the coast of Laizhou Bay

  9. 土壤属NaCl型盐渍土,总盐中78%以上由Na+和Cl-组成。

    This salinization was caused mainly by NaCl , Na ~ + and Cl ~ - accounted for about 78 % of TSS .

  10. 采用NaCl型盐渍土浸提液,对19种苹果砧木进行了耐盐性测定。

    Salt tolerance of 19 species or genotypes of apple rootstocks , including 2 new clones was measured with salt solu-tion extracted from NaCl-typed salt soil .

  11. 西北地区盐渍土中抗动物病原菌的拮抗放线菌筛选PCR-SSP方法对西北地区回族NA抗原基因分型

    Screening of Antagonistic Actinomycetes against Animal Pathogen from Saline Soil of Northwest Typing of NA Gene in the Hui Nationality in North west China by PCR SSP

  12. 盐渍土受水浸润后,土的压缩模量Es,承载力[R]明显下降,一般为浸水前的0.6倍。

    The soil 's compressibility moduls Es and bearing capacity [ R ] were decreased noticeably after it is soaked by water , generally to 0.6 as compared to that before .

  13. 养护三周的固化盐渍土浸水后,其丝网状结构依然存在,显示SH固土剂固化反应的不可逆性和良好的阻水性能。

    After curing period of three weeks web connection remains stability , which demonstrates reaction between SH agent and soil particles is not reversible and not soften in water . 5 .

  14. 基于ENVI的苏打盐渍土表层裂隙特征及与水盐运移关系的研究

    Research on surface crack of sodic saline soil and the relation with soil water and salinity transportation based on ENVI

  15. 对陕西、宁夏和内蒙的典型盐渍土样分离得到180株细菌,在NaCl浓度为15%,20%,25%,30%,32%五个梯度进行了菌株耐盐性的试验。

    This experiment tested bacterial salt tolerance of 180 bacteria isolated from saline alkal soil in northwest of China at five NaCl concentration , 15 % , 20 % , 25 % , 30 % , 32 % ;

  16. 我国各类盐渍土面积约0.346亿hm2,是世界盐渍土大国之一,主要分布在东北、华北、西北内陆地区及长江以北沿海地带。

    In our country , the total area of saline soil is about 34.6 million ha . The mainly distributing regions are northeast , North China , northwest interior area and seaboard being north of Yangtze River .

  17. 含水量较低时,X70钢在大港滨海盐渍土中腐蚀的电化学阻抗谱会出现低频感抗弧,随着含水量的增加,低频感抗弧消失,表现为单一的容抗弧。

    The low-frequency inductance loop emerged at the water content of20 % . It disappeared with increasing water content and a single capacitive impedance loop was observed .

  18. 结果表明,夏季滨海盐渍土0~40cm土层中盐分的运动和再分布非常活跃,而40~120cm土层中盐分较稳定。

    The results were as follows : Salt movement and distribution in 0-40 cm depth of seashore saline soil were very active , but salt in 40-120 cm depth was relatively stable .

  19. 结果表明:7,14和28mm的雨量下,滨海盐渍土土壤剖面的水分运动规律基本相似,水分运动的整个过程可分为两个阶段,即入渗控制阶段和蒸发控制阶段。

    Under different rainfall intensities , water movement in seashore saline soil was basically similar , and the whole process of water movement was divided into two phases , namely rapidly decreasing phase of water suction and slowly rising phase of water suction .

  20. 不同植被对工业污染区盐渍土的改良效果

    Improvement effect of vegetation on saline soil in industrial pollution area

  21. 塔里木盆地盐渍土开发中搬运盐聚层问题的研究

    Salt Accumulation in soil during the Development of in Tarim Basin

  22. 黄河三角洲滨海盐渍土饱和导水率的研究

    Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity of Seashore Saline Soil in Yellow River Delta

  23. 黄河三角洲盐渍土可持续利用对策

    Countermeasure on Sustainable Utilization of Saline Soil in Yellow River Delta

  24. 抗盐渍土侵蚀混凝土的工程实践与试验研究

    Engineering practice and test study of resisting saline soil corrosion concrete

  25. 新疆北部地区盐渍土基本性质试验的研究

    The Study on Basic Feature Test of Saline Soil in Beijiang

  26. 公路盐渍土路基处理与病害防治

    Highway roadbed treatment and disaster prevention in the salty soil region

  27. 盐渍土水盐迁移特性与强度特征分析

    Water and Salt Migration and Strength Characteristics Analysis of Saline Soil

  28. 柽柳对滨海盐渍土的改良作用及其应用

    Soiled Modification and Application of Tamarix Chinensis on the Saline Soil

  29. 数值模拟盐渍土盐分的季节变化

    Numerical simulation of seasonal changes of soluble salts in salt-affected soil

  30. 东北松嫩平原盐渍土的盐分累积

    Salt accumulation in the soils of SUNG-NUN plain , northeastern China