
  • 网络capillary water;soil capillary water
  1. 毛管水上升渗吸时间与累计渗吸量的关系可采用分段函数或指数函数模型描述。

    The relationship between the time needed and the accumulative amount of attracted water can be simulated by exponential and stepped functions .

  2. 果树渗灌是灌溉水通过特殊的透性材料持续缓慢地渗入并浸润土壤,借助土壤毛管水运动原理向果树根系供水。

    The principle of infiltrating irrigation is what water percolate through soil out of a particular seepy material and provided to roots by capillary movement .

  3. 毛管水上升高度和消耗的水量与时间均呈现幂函数关系,毛管水上升高度与地下水补给量呈现明显的线性关系。

    There was an obvious linear function relationship between the height of upward capillary water and groundwater recharge quantity and power function relationship between them and time .