
  • 网络halophyte;halic
  1. 它是所谓盐土植物,或海水的多汁植物,只要定期灌溉海水,即使天气酷热,土壤贫瘠,盐角草属植物仍可茁壮成长。

    A so-called halophyte , the briny succulent thrives in hellish heat and pitiful soil on little more than a regular dousing of ocean water .

  2. 有很多种类的盐土植物具有肥厚的茎叶,属于肉质植物。

    Many have a succulent growth form with swollen stems or leaves .

  3. 沙漠灌木和乔木科(大多数是盐土植物)。

    Family of desert shrubs and trees ( mostly halophytes and zerophytes ) .

  4. 江苏海岸带陆生盐土植物矿质元素含量的特点及生物循环

    The concentration characteristics of mineral elements and biological cycle in the terrestrial solonchak plants on the beach of Jiangsu Province

  5. 大连滨海地带耐盐性植物和盐土植物计有86种,隶属26科65属。

    There are 86 species of halophytes , belonging to 26 families and 65 genus respectively , on the coast of littoral belt in Dalian .

  6. 这些都较大地提高了白刺的利用价值,为重盐碱区提供了良好的盐土改良植物。

    And these all improve the Nitratia 's practical values and provide an excellent plant for the improvement of the high saline and alkaline area .

  7. 江苏沿海地区有大量的滨海盐土,植物难以生长,经过改良,将是一种重要的农业资源。

    There is a lot of coastal saline soil in Jiangsu where plant can not adapt to grow . It could become a perspective farming resource after well-improving .