
  1. 茎的韧皮部及皮层薄壁细胞中也有大量萜类甾类物质存在。

    In the stem , terpene and steroid also exist in phloem and cortex .

  2. 根皮层薄壁细胞中有的具共生的真菌菌丝。

    In some of the parenchyma cells in cortex of root , there are clusters of symbiotic fungal hyphae .

  3. 皮层薄壁细胞上的磷酸铅沉淀量最多也最为明显,且皮层薄壁细胞在制样过程中易发生变形。

    The number of phosphate precipitation on cortical parenchyma cells was most significantly , and the cortical parenchyma cell prone to deformation in the sample preparation .

  4. 在茎的初生结构中,挥发油主要分布在皮层薄壁组织细胞中;

    In the primary structure of stem , the essential oil was mainly distributed in cortex parenchyma cells ;

  5. 在茎的次生结构中,挥发油则主要分布在残存的皮层薄壁组织细胞中。

    In the secondary structure of stem , the essential oil was mainly distributed in remaining cortex parenchyma cell .

  6. 老根的次生皮层和射线薄壁细胞都分布有较多的颗粒物质。

    There pellet matter distributed in the secondary cortex of old roots , and in the ray parenchyma .