- tape;tape measure

[tape measure] 用漆布等做的卷尺
ACOUSTIC SURVEY OF CONCRETE Currently , the measurement method is still traditional and being done manually by the traffic accident authenticator with tape measure .
Which of the following is the most suitable replacement for the measuring tape ?
Percutaneous ulnar intramedullary nail fixation for treatment of malunion in forearm fracture of child
In order to set up a standard and useful procedures for measurement of chest excursion in clinical practice .
Vietnamese bloggers have been poking fun at the plan , envisioning traffic police with tape measures eagerly pulling over female drivers to measure their chests .
But in our country , traditional methods , such as tape measuring and manual mapping are still mainly used in the survey of traffic accident scene .
I laughed and thought she was joking , but she said she was dead serious , that she even got a measuring tape to measure it !
The research results show that the 3D laser imaging technique is more laborsaving and timesaving to investigate rock discontinuity on large and stiff slope than the conventional method with geological compass and ribbon tape .
The way of present accident reconnaissance , which is measured with skinny ruler and drawn manually , cannot meet the needs of quick disposal in modern traffic accident and it causes traffic jam sometimes .
The disquisition introduced the whole bag of tricks to the drew line cement pole measured groundwork pit , through used skin ruler , and go along analysis interrelated concept , its feasibility and safety proceeding .
So keep in mind that losing body fat can 't be measured by a scale ; use a measuring tape and also look at yourself in the mirror , and then you will see the true results .
At present , workers still mainly use the traditional manual method to measure the length of oil tubes going down into wells in the oil production . They measure every tube by pulling a tape and record the total number .
The landslide monitoring in domestic is now comparatively mature that has been changed from simple measurement method such as using to the use of monitoring instrumentation , and is now progressing to an automatic , high-precise , realtime telemetry system .