
  • 网络thein sein
  1. 消息人士表示,辞职很可能由登盛在内比都USDP总部召开记者招待会正式宣布。

    Sources said the resignations would probably be announced by Thein Sein during a press conference in Naypyidaw , the headquarters of the USDP .

  2. 登盛可能会做出更大让步,以说服西方放松制裁。

    Mr Thein Sein may make further concessions to persuade the west to relax sanctions .

  3. 当缅甸新近当选的“平民”总统登盛(以前做过将军)开始访问中国时,克钦独立组织(KIO)就蠢蠢欲动了。

    Its threat came as Myanmar'snewly installed " civilian " president , Thein Sein , a former general , embarked ona state visit to China .

  4. 登盛先生也呼吁持不同政见的流亡者返回家园。

    Mr Thein Sein has also appealed to exiled dissidents to come home .

  5. 登盛已首次暗示这个问题将得到解决。

    Mr Thein Sein has for the first time hinted that this will be addressed .

  6. 但要继续推进改革,登盛必须让保守派看到实实在在的成果。

    But for reform to continue , Mr Thein Sein needs to show the old guard concrete results .

  7. 关于登盛和丹瑞大将之间的存在特别问题,不是因为他们的长期服务记录和家庭关系。

    There are particular problems between Thein Sein and Snr-Gen Than Shwe because of their long service record and family connections .

  8. 缅甸总统登盛去年上台,为了寻求解除西方制裁,他开始了这些改革。

    Burma 's President Thein Sein came to power last year and instituted these reforms to seek relief from the economic sanctions .

  9. 据密支那克钦独立组织消息来源,登盛星期天取消了前往来扎克钦独立组织的总部的行程。

    Thein Sein canceled a trip to Laiza , the headquarters of the KIO , on Sunday , according to KIO sources in Myitkyina .

  10. 缅甸总统登盛在首都内比都与美国国务卿希拉里会谈时称,美缅关系进入了“新篇章”。

    Burmese President Thein Sein has hailed a " new chapter " in relations with the US during talks with Hillary Clinton in the capital , Nay Pyi Taw .

  11. 最出人意料的是总统停止项目的理由:登盛(缅甸总统名)行使职能,自称是“根据人民的愿望”。

    The greatest surprise was the president 's rationale for halting the project : Thein Sein acted , he said ," according to the desire of the people " .

  12. 登盛非常清楚地说,克钦独立组织挑战军政府的耐心,现在没有改编或投降的余地。

    Thein Sein made it abundantly clear that the KIO had tried the junta 's patience and there is no more scope for transforming KIA or it surrendering weapons .

  13. 希拉里对登盛表示,在缅甸寻求摆脱50年的军政府高压统治之际,该国在近几个月采取的措施令华盛顿“感到鼓舞”。

    Mrs Clinton told Mr Thein Sein Washington was " encouraged " by the steps undertaken in recent months as Burma seeks to emerge from 50 years of repressive military rule .

  14. 虽然佤族官员拒绝谈论信件细节,观察家们说,此信件是鲍有祥给内比都当选总统登盛。

    Although Wa officials declined to talk about details of the letter , observers said it was from Bao Youxiang to ex-Gen Thein Sein who is President-in-waiting for the new government in Naypyidaw .

  15. 这种激励措施很有吸引力。登盛清楚军事统治带来的经济困难。缅甸年平均工资不过200美元左右。

    Thein Sein appears to be capitalising on the economic hardships that have been brought about by military rule , with average annual wages estimated to be around US $ 200 a year .

  16. 缅甸总理登盛为首的党是拟吸收缅甸合资格选民一半人做为联邦巩固发展党成员,这将膨胀其支持基进行竞选选举战力量。

    The party headed by Burmese prime minister Thein Sein is looking to recruit half of Burma 's eligible voters to its membership , which would swell its support base and elections war chest .

  17. 登盛会见傈僳、若旺部族领导人,并答应武装他们,如果他们报复景颇,同时回顾1968年克钦独立组织和若旺之间发生的冲突。

    The Burmese PM had met only tribal leaders from Rawang and Lisu , and promised to arm them if they paid back Jinghpaw as revenge , while recalling the conflict between the KIO and Rawang in1968 .

  18. “没有必要担心”据报道,登盛在北掸邦首府腊戍联邦巩固发展党举行的会议上,成员提出报告说,联邦巩固发展党候选人的机会渺茫。

    " There is no need to worry ," Thein Sein was reported to have told USDP candidates at a meeting in Lashio , capital of northern Shan State , on receiving reports that their party chances were slim .