
dēnɡ lù zuò zhàn
  • landing operation
  1. 浅析登陆作战中水雷武器的使用

    Simple Study on the Use of Mine Weapon in Landing Operation

  2. 乘风驭浪会有时中国陆军航空兵的发展及其在渡海登陆作战中的作用

    Development of China 's Army Aviation and Its Role in Landing Operation

  3. 代价高昂的越岛登陆作战&美军硫黄岛登陆战役述评

    High-cost Island-hopping and Landing Operation of Iwo-jima by the US Forces

  4. 对渡海登陆作战集团军财务保障的思考

    The army financial support in the future battle of landing lands

  5. 这场战争包括海战,空战,登陆作战。

    The war included sea fights , air battles and landings .

  6. 渡海登陆作战两栖装甲部队综合保障能力评估

    Evaluation of Integrating Support Abilities on Amphibious Armored Forces in Landing Operation

  7. 登陆作战仿真系统关键技术研究

    Research of Key Technologies in Simulation System of Landing Battle

  8. 对这些船只的主要任务是两栖登陆作战。

    Primary mission for these ships are amphibious landing operations .

  9. 登陆作战对单兵体能的要求

    Requirements of Landing Operations on Soldier 's Physical Capacity

  10. 模拟渡海登陆作战官兵全程健康教育探讨

    Longitudinal Health Education in Military Officers and Men Entering Simulated Sea-crossing Landing Operations

  11. 高技术条件下联合登陆作战物资保障探要

    Material support for joint landing operations under high-tech conditions

  12. 登陆作战海军水雷破障建模与应用

    Modeling and applying navy mine sweeping to landing operations

  13. 登陆作战临战训练财务保障试探

    Financial support in the training of landing land battle

  14. 现代登陆作战的特点及其对后勤保障的要求

    Characteristics of landing operations under morden conditions put forward requirements on logistic support

  15. 基于三标度改进方法的步兵分队登陆作战决心方案评价

    Infantry Unit Decision Scheme Evaluation in Landing Operation Based on Three-marked Extended Process

  16. 渡海登陆作战(下篇)渡海登陆作战军需战备建设的几点思考

    A study of the war preparedness construction of military supplies in the landing battle

  17. 一体化联合登陆作战中船坞登陆舰编队展开点确定研究

    On determination of deployment point for dock landing ship formation in integrated landing operation

  18. 今天是世界历史上规模最大的海上登陆作战的70周年纪念。

    It 's the 70 anniversary of the largest seaborne invasion in world history .

  19. 霸王计划与战略欺骗&试析盟军诺曼底登陆作战与情报手段

    " Overlord Plan " and Strategy Deceit & Allies ' Normandie Landing and Code-signal Intelligence

  20. 未来登陆作战海军航空兵后勤保障特点与要求

    Logistic support characteristics and requirements of the Navy airman in the battle of landing land

  21. 登陆作战海军后勤保障探讨

    Naval logistic support landing opertions

  22. 渡海登陆作战军人体能需求与针对性训练

    The Basic Requirements of the Physical Conditions of the Armymen and Correct Training for Amphibious Landing Operations

  23. 在西起九江、东至江阴,长达三百五十英里的战线上进行了渡江登陆作战。

    Landing operations proceeded along a350-mile front from Kiukiang in the west to Kiangyin in the east .

  24. 信息时代军人体能构成登陆作战对单兵体能的要求

    Constitution of Physical Capacity in the Information Age Requirements of Landing Operations on Soldier 's Physical Capacity

  25. 目的探讨一套适合渡海登陆作战的心理干预方法,减少战争神经症与精神病。

    Objective To explore a series of psychological intervention for sea-crossing landing operations to decrease neurosis and psychosis .

  26. 机降场选择是超视距垂直登陆作战的关键工作之一。

    The choice of airborne landing point is one of the key works in over-the-horizon vertical landing action .

  27. 在一体化联合登陆作战中,大型两栖战舰及其编队通常是敌首选的打击目标。

    Large-scale amphibious warships in formation are usually targets to be attacked first in an integrated landing operation .

  28. 渡海登陆作战是诸军兵种联合作战中最复杂、最困难的作战样式。

    Sea-crossing landing operation is the most complex and difficult style in the joint operation of army , navy and air force .

  29. 为期八天的演习跨越两国陆、海、空领域,共分海上封锁作战、两栖登陆作战、强制隔离作战三个阶段。

    The entire exercise was comprised of three phases : an offshore blockade , an amphibious landing , and a forcible separation .

  30. 这些伞兵的任务是夺取交通枢纽、口、梁以及其他重要设施,全面配合沿海一线的两栖登陆作战。

    They were to take the communication networks , ferry ports , bridges and other facilities in the landing zone to coordinate the amphibious assaults .