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  • be lame;limp
  • 腿脚有毛病,行步时身体不平衡:~腿。一~一拐。


(跛) be lame; limp:

  • 一步一瘸

    walk with a limp;

  • 左腿瘸了

    be lame in the left leg;

  • 他一瘸一拐地离开了运动场。

    He limped off the playground.

  1. 但如果这牲畜有残缺、或腿瘸、或瞎眼、或有任何缺点、你不可祭献给上主你的天主。

    But if it have a blemish , or be lame , or blind , or in any part disfigured or feeble , it shall not be sacrificed to the Lord thy God .

  2. 是因为你脚瘸了吗

    Is that because you 've got a limp ?

  3. 格拉迪丝3岁时因小儿麻痹症腿瘸了。

    Gladys was crippled by polio at the age of 3 .

  4. 戴维不得不退出锦标赛,因为他的马瘸了。

    David had to pull out of the Championships when his horse went lame .

  5. 我妻子因为患关节炎腿瘸了。她不好意思去向医生询问相关病情。

    My wife has become crippled by arthritis . She is embarrassed to ask the doctor about it

  6. 他扭了脚脖子,站起来瘸着走了。

    After he twisted his ankle , he got up and limped away .

  7. 他幼年患过小儿麻痹症,结果腿就瘸了。

    He was crippled by polio as a child .

  8. 他是不是右眼瞎、左脚瘸?

    Was he blind in the right eye and lame in the left foot ?

  9. 那只骆驼有一只腿瘸。

    The camel has a game leg .

  10. 还没出太阳,我们就动身了,桑弟骑马,我一瘸一点的在后边跟着。

    We were off before sunrise , Sandy riding and I limping along behind .

  11. 结果显示:2/4例卵胞膜细胞瘸有ER、PR;

    Of 4 theca cell tumor , 6 of 8 granulosa cell tumor had ER and PR.

  12. 类胰岛素生长因子(insulin-likeGrowthFactor,IGF)是一类多功能的细胞增殖调控因子,它在肿瘸细胞增殖、肌肉生长、胎儿发育等方面具有重要的调控作用。

    Insulin-like growth ( IGF ) is multiple proliferation controlling factor of cells . It is required for normal fetal growth and development .

  13. 皮质醇对ACTH瘸细胞N-POMC分泌不抑制反使其分泌反常增加,表明皮质醇对AcTH分泌的负反馈调节消失;

    Cortisol did not suppress the secretion of N-POMC , contrarily induced paradoxical secretion increase of N-POMC , suggesting disappearance of the regulation of negative feed-back of cortisol on ACTH secretion from the pituitary ACTH secreting tumor cells ;

  14. “感觉还好啦。”他说。他可以不在别人的帮助下行走,尽管有点瘸。当他在场上痛苦地抱着他的左腿时,私人训练师SeanZarzana赶紧拿了两根拐杖过去。

    " I feel all right ," he said , walking under his own power , although limping slightly , with a brace on his left leg while personal trainer Sean Zarzana carried a pair of crutches .

  15. 我的马瘸了,我不能骑马了。

    My horse is lame & I can 't ride him .

  16. 是的,我都认识,他们都瘸了。

    Yes , I know them , they 're quite lame .

  17. 据说,他腿瘸了是一次事故造成的。

    It 's said that his lameness resulted from an accident .

  18. 我跑步时扭了膝盖,很瘸。

    It twisted my knee while running and it hurts terribly .

  19. 然后,他瘸着走到自家车库,叫了救护车。

    He then hobbled into his garage and called an ambulance .

  20. 他腿瘸[有一只瘸腿]。

    He is game in the leg / has a game leg .

  21. 出事后他的左腿瘸了。

    The accident made him lame in the left leg .

  22. 那条可怜的老狗一瘸一瘸地跟着主人走了。

    The poor old dog hobbled off with his master .

  23. 你腿瘸,这样走路你学不来。

    You are too lame to be walking like this .

  24. 他腿为什么瘸了可能是被她踢的

    Why is he limping ? Maybe she kicked him .

  25. 瘸着个脚怎么做贴身男仆

    How can a valet do his work if he 's lame ?

  26. 一位好演员能够不露破绽地假装瘸一条腿。

    A good actor can fake a lame leg .

  27. 她伤了脚腕子,瘸着走回家。

    She hurt her ankle and limped back home .

  28. 她瘸了,只能跳跃。

    She is lamed , leaping over a stile .

  29. 他腿瘸是事故所致。

    His limp is the result of an accident .

  30. 由于马瘸了腿,他们把它撤出比赛。

    They scratched the horse from the race because she had become lame .