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  • rash;impetuous;restless;quick-tempered
  • 性急,不冷静:~动。~进。~狂(浮躁轻狂)。急~。浮~。骄~。烦~。性情~。


(性急; 不冷静) impetuous; restless; quick-tempered; rash; jittery:

  • 烦躁

    restive; restless; fidgety;

  • 急躁

    impetuous; rash;

  • 性子躁

    quick-tempered; hot-tempered

  1. 对音乐的心理功能,他认为只限于躁静这一情绪层面;

    He thought that the psychological function of music was only related to the emotion of restless and quietness ;

  2. 稍安勿躁,按照剧本来。

    Just hang on . Stick to the script . 4 .

  3. 他是个腼腆的人,你就不要再羞躁他了。

    He is a shy person . Don 't embarrass him any more .

  4. UnderstandingAnxietyDisorders“躁”化弄人忧郁症是最普遍的一种情绪失调。

    Anxiety disorders are the most widespread of emotional disorders .

  5. 躁郁症(bipolar)患者最不需要的,就是患有躁郁症的医生。

    The last thing a bipolar patient needs is a bipolar doctor .

  6. IGBT逆变技术、工作频率高、高效、低躁音。

    IGBT inverter high inverter running frequency , high efficiency , low noise .

  7. 前一段时间,C看到了黄金牛市最终进入“躁期”,他希望黄金最终可以升值到5000美元一盎司。

    On the former , Casey sees the bull market in gold eventually entering a " mania stage ," which he thinks could push it to $ 5,000 an ounce .

  8. 在这个对PC的未来忧心忡忡的行业里,联想公司(Lenovo)却不急不躁,十分笃定。

    In an industry riddled with angst over the future of the PC , Lenovo is not sweating it .

  9. 这种情况有时会在精神分裂或躁郁症(bipolardisease)患者中见到,但也能在大脑受损的患者身上见到,例如中风。

    The condition is sometimes seen in patients with schizophrenia or bipolar disease , but also in patients who have suffered brain damage , for example stroke .

  10. 穿地龙的水溶性成分可抑制CIA大鼠左躁关节肿胀率,下调血清SA水平;

    The joint swelling rate of the left ankle joint was suppressed after taking aqueous components of Chuandilong ;

  11. 他是一个嗓门高、脾气躁的家伙,与大多数周末我在家乡纽约州新罗谢尔(NewRochelle)的运动场边看到的很多父亲没什么区别。

    He was a loud , boisterous guy , not unlike many of the fathers I see alongside fields most weekends in my hometown of New Rochelle , N.Y.

  12. 提示躁郁症病人发中Cu、Zn、Fe、Mn、Mn/Cu的变化可能与该病的发生有一定关系。

    The results suggest that the variation of Cu , Zn , Fe , Mn and Mn / Cu in hair of manic depressive illness may related to the etiology of illness .

  13. 这位19岁的演员将在英国Foals乐队最新躁郁单曲Exits的MV中带来精彩演出。

    The 19-year-old actor delivers a winning performance in the moody new music video for the song " Exits " from the U.K. band Foals .

  14. 头痛型癫痫和躁郁症有5-HIAA减少,(P<0.001)。

    The 5-HIAA concentrations of headache type epilepsy , manic depressive psychosis were reduced significantly ( P < 0.001 ) .

  15. 绿光资本抱怨市场患了精神分裂症;TPG-Axon则抱怨市场得了躁郁症。

    Greenlight complains of the market 's schizophrenia ; TPG-Axon of its manic depression .

  16. 马西森是一位患有躁郁症的特工,克莱尔·戴恩斯(ClaireDanes)因扮演这个角色荣获了两项艾美奖和两项金球奖。

    Claire Danes has won two Emmys and two Golden Globe awards for her portrayal of Ms. Mathison , an intelligence officer who struggles with bipolar disorder .

  17. F30在照片细节和低躁点方面更强一些。

    The F30 is way ahead in terms of image detail and low noise .

  18. 对67例躁郁症病人(躁狂症33例、抑郁症34例)及52例正常人发中Co、Cu、Zn、Fe、Mn、含量及Cu/Zn、Mn/Cu进行检测。

    The concentrations of Cu , Zn , Co , Mn , Fe and Cu / Zn , Mn / Cu in hair of 67 cases of manic depressive illness ( Mania 33 , Depression 34 ) and 52 normal persons had been determined .

  19. 本文主要用几何分析方法,包括变分法,PDE等讨论图像去躁,图像分解和图像分割等问题。

    The main idea of this paper is to use geometric analysis methods , including variational methods and PDE methods , to study the problems , e.g. , image denoising , image decomposition and image segmentation .

  20. 最近就有这样的一起案例,约瑟夫医生(Dr.JosephL.Biederman)为一位患有躁郁症的两岁幼童开出药性强烈的精神抑制药(antipsychotics),食物及药品管理局(FDA)规定这种药物不可用于10岁以下孩童。

    One of the most publicized recent cases was Dr. Joseph L. Biederman , who began diagnosing two-year-old toddlers with bipolar disorder and prescribing strong antipsychotics that were never approved by the FDA for children under 10 .

  21. 女性口腔扁平苔藓患者合并脏躁的中医治疗及对比研究

    A control study of treating female OLP combined hysteria with TCM

  22. 鲍德温一直在与会让人陷入极度焦虑和沮丧之中的躁郁症做斗争。

    He struggles with bipolar disorder , severe anxiety and depression .

  23. 凯瑟琳第一次治疗第二型躁郁症是在2011年。

    Catherine was first treated for bipolar II disorder in 2011 .

  24. 缺点:不是一个易躁的、有超凡魅力的领导者。

    Weak spot : Not a fiery , charismatic leader .

  25. 听了你的话,小王觉得羞躁极了。

    What you said made Xiao Wang feel extremely ashamed .

  26. 他不急不躁,不慌不乱地做完了这件事。

    He finished this case with no rashness , panic or mess .

  27. 通话时尽量声音悦耳,不急不躁。

    Try to speak in a pleasant , unrushed voice .

  28. 而且细菌能够在完全干躁的条件下存活。

    In addition , bacteria can survive in a completely desiccated state .

  29. 他真是受够那些嘘声和毛毛躁躁的骚扰了。

    He was really getting tired of the catcalls and the manhandling .

  30. 从前的研究发现有其他种类的基因同躁郁症的发病有关。

    Previous studies have suggested that other genes are involved in manic-depression .