
  • 网络User;user layer;user level;Userland
  1. 文章采用QoS控制分层设计方案,总共分为用户层、应用层、网口层。提出了QoS分层模型中的过滤器的设计,以保障视频音频数据的顺利传输。

    This reach adopt layered design of QoS control scheme which divide into user layer application layer and net interface layer .

  2. Net数据访问组件,建立基于用户层、数据库服务层、业务逻辑层的3层结构框架的地质灾害实时数据发布系统。

    NET data accessing component . A Landslide Real-Time Monitoring Data Online Issue System will be established which based on three-layer structure that is user layer , database service layer , service logic layer .

  3. 用户层通信接口VIA的研究(一)

    Study of User-Level Communication Interfaces VIA ( 1 )

  4. 用户层通讯工业标准VIA的设计思想与工作机制

    The Priciples and Mechanism of an Industrial Standard of User-Level Networking : VIA

  5. 保障连续媒体流用户层QoS的缓存控制

    Buffer Control for Guaranteeing User-Level QoS of Continuous Media Flows

  6. 为了达到易移植性,本系统是在LINUX系统内核之上的用户层实现的;

    To get good migratabality , the DSM system is implemented upon the LINUX kernel .

  7. 该架构通过服务基础层、服务应用层和服务用户层3个层次,实现基于Web的知识管理。

    Web-based knowledge management was implemented through three tiers in this framework , which were services infrastructure , services application and services user .

  8. 此方法的特点是把TCP/IP放在用户层,用Socket连接PC机与Sun工作站。

    TCP is put in user space and PCs connected to SUN workstations by sockets .

  9. VIA是一种用户层通信系统框架,它已成为集群用户层通信领域的工业标准。

    VIA is a kind of user-level communication architecture , and it has become an industrial standard of cluster communication .

  10. 虚拟接口结构(Virtualinterfacearchitecture,VIA)是一种先进的用户层通信技术,它能够为机群系统提供高效可靠的通信性能。

    Virtual interface architecture ( VIA ) is an outstanding user level communication technology which provides the cluster system with efficient and secure communication ability .

  11. 同时,本文改进了用户层和内核态的通信机制,实现了VPN的基本网络流程。

    Meanwhile , we improve User-Kernel communication mechanism , and implement basic network flow of VPN .

  12. 本文分析了UNIX系统的内核信息,设计了一个适用于不同类型任务的负载向量,提出了一种在用户层获取UNIX系统负载信息的技术。

    This paper propose a technique to get the load information on UNIX system from user level .

  13. 接下来介绍了IPSECVPN用到的安全关联,安全策略以及用户层和内核态的通信机制。

    Then we discuss Security Policy , Security Association , User-Kernel communication mechanism used by IPSec VPN .

  14. 该LBS系统采用分层结构:用户层、位置信息服务层和GIS空间数据层。

    The LBS system is divided into three levels & user level , the location based service level and the GIS spatial data level .

  15. VIA是一种用户层通信模型,是当今集群系统通信的工业标准,能够提供低延迟、高带宽的数据传输。

    The Virtual Interface Architecture ( VIA ) is a kind of user-level communication architectures . It is the industrial standard of cluster communication . It can provide data communication with low delay and high bandwidth .

  16. 系统架构由用户层、服务层、业务层和数据层组成,服务层主要利用了能够消除编程语言、平台差异、协议差异、数据结构的差异WEBService集成技术。

    System architecture consist with the user layer , service layer , business layer and data layer , service layer can eliminate the main advantage of the programming language , platform differences , differences in protocol , data structures Web Service integration technologies . 2 .

  17. 用户层利用微软的ActiveX技术建立数控仿真显示控件,中间层采用COM组件技术处理仿真轨迹的计算过程。

    User layer makes use of ActiveX Control to display Numerical Control Simulation by ActiveX technology of Microsoft , middle layer deals with computing simulation trace by COM technology .

  18. ULC是专为计算机群机计算而实现的用户层通信库;

    ULC is a user-level communication library for workstation clusters .

  19. 文中设计了一个基于多Agent的智能教学系统模型,着重构建了教师Agent和学生Agent,同时提出了用户层、软件Agent层和数据服务器层这种分层的ITS软件体系结构。

    This paper designs a intelligent tutoring system model based on multi-Agent , structures teacher Agent and student Agent emphatically and at the same time proposes the software system structure of layered ITS with user layer , software Agent layer and data server layer .

  20. 本文提出了一种在用户层获取UNIX系统内核信息的方法,并介绍了笔者用这种方法实现的一个获取UNIX系统中的索引结点表的实用程序。

    This paper proposes a method to get the kernel information on UNIX system from the user environment and introduces a utility that makes use of this mothod to get the mode-table on UNIX system .

  21. 第三,论述了通:过扩展syslog系统调用来提供用户层审计接口的新方法。

    Thirdly , a new method that provides user level auditing interface by extending the function of system call " syslog " is proposed .

  22. 通过对用户层、应用层和数据层实现方法的分析,研究提出了基于三角划分河道动态分段方法和渲染技术,实现了水质污染扩散过程在云端GIS环境下的动画模拟和动态渲染。

    By analyzing the specific realization method of presentation layer , application layer and data layer , a channel dynamic segmentation method and rendering technology based on triangulation was proposed , realizing water pollution diffusion process in the clouds GIS environment of animation simulation and dynamic rendering .

  23. EPA功能块是面向工业现场的、智能化的控制模块,是EPA控制系统的核心元素,也是EPA用户层应用的基础。

    EPA functional block is a kind of intelligent controlling module facing application of industrial fields , and it is the kernel element of EPA controlling systems , and also the foundation of EPA user layer application .

  24. OPC规范和IEC61499标准在现场总线控制系统中均属于用户层协议,二者都基于组件技术。

    OPC specifications and IEC61499 standard both are protocols of User Layer of FieldBus Control System ( FCS ), and both are based on software component technology .

  25. 建立了Web-DNC系统实施的体系结构模型,该模型包含用户层、服务层、代理层和设备层四层结构。

    The layer structures of Web-DNC system consist of Customer layer , Server layer , Agent layer find Equipment layer .

  26. 简单可靠协议SRCP(SimpleReliableCommunicationProtocol)是在传统通信协议的基础上提出的一种基于以太网的用户层高效通信协议。

    Simple Reliable Communication Protocol ( SRCP ) is an efficient communication protocol based on Ethernet .

  27. 本文构建了基于MVC框架的系统架构和工作流程。系统详细论述了在MVC框架下系统用户层的开发设计,并最终实现了基于MVC框架的协同售后三包理赔管理系统。

    This thesis constructs the system structure and working process based on MVC Framework , and through the analysis and design of user interface layer under the MVC pattern , realized the Collaborative after-sales guarantee fee settlement management system based on the MVC framework at finally .

  28. 该系统由用户层、表示层、业务逻辑层、EIS存储层构成,能够实现文件全文检索、文件名检索、用户密码修改、用户管理、档案分类以及查询修改等操作。

    The system consists of user layer , express layer , operation logic layer and EIS storage layer . It can provide the functions such as text search in a file , filename search , password change , user management , the classification , query and modification of files .

  29. 利用内核线程进行基于内容请求分发,可避免多次内核与用户层的切换和内存复制开销,极大地提高了Layer-7交换的效率。

    Kernel threads are used to do content based request distributions , which can avoid the overhead of user kernel context switching and memory copying , and greatly improve the performance of Layer 7 switching .

  30. 然而,在用户层它们是非常简单的。

    However , at the user level they are very simple .