
  • 网络authentication;User Authentication;Authorization;SSO
  1. Web用户认证信息的安全性策略

    The Security Authentication Strategy of Web Users

  2. 它主要提供了加解密技术、隧道技术、用户认证技术和共享密钥技术四种关键技术,提供了隧道模式和传输模式两种封装模式对IP数据报文进行封装。

    It mainly provides encryption and decryption technology , tunneling , user authentication technology and key sharing technologies .

  3. 防火墙Http代理用户认证的实现技术

    The Implementation of Http - Proxy Authentication in Firewall

  4. 移动警务系统中VPN和RADIUS用户认证技术的应用

    The technologies of vpn and radius in application at the police mobile computer system

  5. DSA签名算法的用户认证系统

    DSA Signature Scheme and User Authentication System for Mobile Communication

  6. 文章先给出了用户认证系统的基本模型,并基于此对这3种用户认证技术进行了分析与比较。从可扩展性上考虑,Web认证技术的可扩展性是最好的。

    In this paper , a primary model of the user authentication system is presented , on which basis the above authentication techniques are analyzed and compared .

  7. 用VB实现一次性口令的用户认证机制

    Identification Mechanism with One-off Password through VB

  8. 采用LDAP的验证方式,解决用户认证和授权问题;

    LDAP is used to solve the problem about user authentication and authorization .

  9. TAI处理成功后,ApplicationServer创建了一个名为LTPA令牌的加密用户认证cookie。

    After TAI processes successfully , Application Server creates an encrypted user authentication cookie called an LTPA Token .

  10. RADIUS协议在用户认证、授权和计费管理方面功能强大,方便灵活并可扩充;

    The RADIUS protocol is powerful in the authentication , authorization and accounting management , and has flexible and convenient expansion .

  11. 公钥基础设施(PublicKeyInfrastructure,PKI)是进行公钥管理和用户认证的机构。

    Public key infrastructure ( PKI ) is designed to organize the public key and identify users . It offers the management of public key by X.

  12. 采用该模型实现的Web安全系统能够提供各种类型的安全服务,包括用户认证、消息加密/解密、消息数字签名/验证和访问控制等功能。

    The implementation version of the model can provide various security services , such as user authentication , message encryption and decryption , message digital signature and verification and access control .

  13. VPN用户认证技术

    Authentication Technologies in VPN

  14. 传输层可媲美传输层安全(TransportLayerSecurity,TLS),而且您可以运用定制的身份验证方法来扩展用户认证层。

    The transport layer is comparable to Transport Layer Security ( TLS ), and you can employ custom authentication methods to extend the user authentication layer .

  15. 使用Ajax进行用户认证日益普及,对于单页面应用程序几乎是必不可少的。

    User authentication with Ajax is becoming increasingly more common and is almost a requirement for single-page web applications .

  16. 基于XML的POP3邮件用户认证

    XML-Based Certification for POP3

  17. LTPA提供一种在令牌中存储用户认证信息的机制,令牌是在用户成功通过ConnectionManager认证时生成的。

    LTPA provides a mechanism for storing user authentication information in a token that is generated when users are successfully authenticated with Connection Manager .

  18. 基于改进OTP的用户认证技术的研究与实现

    Research and Realization of Authentication Technique Based on OTP

  19. IBE系统的用户认证及私钥分配方案

    The Users Authentication and Private Keys Distribution Scheme of Identity Based Encryption System

  20. 虚拟专用网(VPN)作为一个广泛应用的技术,隧道传输安全性与用户认证是关系到虚拟专用网安全的两个核心内容。

    Virtual Private Network ( VPN ) as a popular application in enterprise internet working , its tunnel security and user authentication are the main considerations .

  21. 另外,由于CAS单点登录服务器集成了多个应用的用户认证工作,如果单点登录服务器受到攻击,那么这些应用将无法访问。

    Furthermore , since CAS Server integrates user authentication of several applications , these applications will not be accessed if CAS Server is attacked .

  22. 本文介绍了该技术及其功能模型,并在以动态服务页面(ASP)实现的网站中,使用ADSI技术实现基于LDAP服务器的用户认证。

    This article introduces ADSI and the function model , and implements authentication based on LDAP server in website realized by ASP .

  23. 给出了用cookie实现用户认证的步骤,并详细讨论了可用的安全cookie设计方法。

    Here the procedures of using cookie to implement Web authentication are given . The methods on designing secure cookies are discussed in detail .

  24. 另外完全基于JAAS实现的用户认证和授权机制,赋予了系统很大的可扩展性。

    Beacause the identity authentication and authorization are based on JAAS , so the system has strong expansibility .

  25. 这就需要使用HTTP用户认证机制来判别用户身份,本文主要论述了怎么样用C来实现通过HTTP用户认证实现页面下载。

    HTTP User Authentication on the client site is used to determine whether a user is authorized . We implemented the web page download with the user Authentication using C # language . user demands ;

  26. 为了估计远程用户认证的变量,在本文中提到的程序服务器是本地的用户储存库(并不使用LDAP)。

    To eliminate the variable of remote user authentication , the application servers mentioned in this article are local user repositories ( that do not use LDAP ) .

  27. 通过使用统一身份认证结合面向角色的访问控制方法(RBAC)构造了一种混合模式的用户认证和权限管理模型,保证了系统信息安全的需求。

    To ensure information security , the system creates a model of mixed user authentication and authority management by combing identity authentication with RBAC . 4 .

  28. 虽然MDMServer将终端用户认证委托给系统用户,但是它必须知道终端用户的身份,以提供事务性授权和数据授权。

    Although the MDM Server entrusts end user authentication to the system user , it is necessary for it to know the identity of the end user in order to provision transactional and data authorization .

  29. 探讨了SSH协议体系结构,介绍SSH三个层次:传输层协议、用户认证协议、连接协议和密钥机制。

    It probes into the structure of SSH protocol system and discusses the three different levels of SSH , namely transport layer protocol , user authentication protocol and connection protocol .

  30. Eugenio:今天的很多应用都需要自己进行用户认证。

    Eugenio : Many applications today take the responsibility of authenticating its users .