
yòng pǐn
  • articles;offering;appliance;articles for use
用品 [yòng pǐn]
  • [articles for use] 供使用的物品

  • 生活用品

用品[yòng pǐn]
  1. 常用卫生用品分类与包装

    The Classification of Common Hygienic Appliance and the Packaging

  2. 本实用新型属娱乐用品。

    The utility model belongs to a recreational appliance .

  3. 国际制裁禁止销售医药用品和食物以外的任何产品。

    The sanctions ban the sale of any products excepting medical supplies and food .

  4. 医疗用品经卫生方法处理掉。

    Medical supplies are disposed of hygienically .

  5. 她只带了一个外出住宿一晚的用品旅行袋。

    She took only an overnight bag .

  6. 随身带上游泳用品。

    Bring your swimming things with you .

  7. 随身带上游泳用品。

    Bring your swimming things .

  8. 国王迷上了订购化装用品和面具。

    The King took a fancy to ordering disguises and masks .

  9. 我们的产品是办公用品的领导品牌。

    In office supplies , we 're the brand leader .

  10. 价值数十万英镑的办公用品都被砸烂了。

    Office material worth hundreds of thousands of pounds was smashed up .

  11. 雅拍体育用品公司开展了加强员工培训的活动。

    Apacs has launched a campaign to improve the training of staff .

  12. 每周四上午,我们会去采购一周的日用品。

    We go and do the weekly shopping every Thursday morning

  13. 昨晚一船补给用品送达了古巴哈瓦那。

    A shipload of supplies arrived in Havana , Cuba , last night .

  14. 整套工具包括大约20种化妆用品和一个女士褪毛器。

    The kit consisted of about twenty cosmetic items and a lady 's shaver .

  15. 伦敦有一个地方卖左撇子用品,几乎什么都有。

    There is a place in London that supplies practically everything for left-handed people .

  16. 或许能在小型超市里买到日常用品。

    Provisions may be purchased from the mini-market

  17. 花两美元就能从纽约艺术用品中心买到一册。

    You can obtain a copy for $ 2 from New York Central Art Supply .

  18. 意大利时装品牌安普里奥·阿玛尼谨慎进入家居用品市场。

    Emporio Armani , the Italian fashion house , has made a discreet foray into furnishings .

  19. 我忘带健身用品了。

    I forgot my gym kit .

  20. 婚礼用品部会有现成的专家为您提供所需的一切帮助和建议。

    The Bridal Department will have experts on hand to give you all the help and advice you need

  21. 野营用品在漫长的雨季里受潮了。

    The camping supplies were dampened during the long rainy season .

  22. 这家商店日用品应有尽有。

    This general store has just about everything you could wish for .

  23. 我常光顾那家小店买些日用品。

    I often drop into the store for some daily necessities .

  24. 军队必须配备适当的医药用品。

    The army must be kitted out with proper medical supplies .

  25. 订购办公用品也许是秘书的职责。

    It may be one of the secretary 's duties to order office supplies .

  26. 把这些化学用品保持在恒温中。

    Keep the chemicals at a constant temperature .

  27. 珠宝和花边多数是女性用品。

    Jewelry and lace are mostly feminine belongings .

  28. 这假胡子是他的伪装用品。

    This false beard is his disguise .

  29. 目前正向大雪隔绝的村庄空投生活用品。

    Drops of supplies are being made to villages still cut off by the snow .

  30. 我的足球用品在哪儿呢?

    Where is my football kit ?