
  • 网络life weekly;Life week;life magazine
  1. 三联生活周刊:美元贬值和全球经济的疲软,是否对硅谷产生了影响?

    Triplex life weekly : The dollar depreciates and of global economy fatigued and weak , whether to produce an effect to Silicon Valley ?

  2. 《新周刊》、《城市画报》、《三联生活周刊》等是近年来涌现的一批新锐杂志。

    City Pictorial , New Weekly , Life Week are new-sharp magazines that have come into being in China in recent years .

  3. 媒介语境中中产阶层的环保话语&以《三联生活周刊》环保报道为例

    On the Environment Protecting Discourse of Middle Class in the Context of Media & Taking the Environment Protecting Reporting of San Lian Sheng Huo Zhou Kan for Example

  4. 要实现中国最新锐的时事生活周刊的定位,《新周刊》的专题策划势必要经历一个长期、艰难的过程。

    To realize its localization as the Chinese most sharp event and life style periodical , its schemes of special topics have to go through a hard and long process .

  5. 在这一社会语境下,运用议程设置理论、框架理论、话语分析理论,对《三联生活周刊》、《新周刊》自创刊以来(1996&2011)有关同性恋议题报道进行详细分析。

    Subsequently , the use of agenda-setting theory , frame theory , discourse analysis theory , the " Life Week "," New Weekly " Since it began ( 1996-2011 ), reports on gay issues for detailed analysis .

  6. 为民众提供先进的思想文化,成为《生活》周刊的一个重要内容。

    It became an important content to provide advanced thoughts and culture to the mass .

  7. 邹韬奋在《生活》周刊上设立的《读者信箱》专栏,最大的特色是不断改革创新;

    Constant reform and innovation is the most outstanding characteristic of the Reader 's Letter Box set up by Zou Tao-fen in Life Weekly .

  8. 《生活》周刊系1925年10月10日由黄炎培创办于上海,初为中华职业教育社的机关刊物,以刊载职业教育信息等内容为主。

    Life Weekly was established by Huang Yan-pei in Shanghai on October , 1925.It grew out of an official magazine of the professional education society of China , which focused on the information of professional education .

  9. 由于紧密结合并反映时代主题,栏目的设置又颇具特色,《大众生活》周刊创刊不久销售量即高达20万份,创下了当时我国杂志发行的最高记录。

    Because linked and reflected the epochal theme closely , and especially had unique program settings , the sale record of Public Life was up to 200000 , which was the top record in that time .

  10. 《生活》周刊对日本侵华原因的分析,虽带有浅显、直白、感性的特征,但对于激发城市普通民众的爱国热情,凝聚他们的民族精神,抵御日本帝国主义的侵略具有重要意义。

    Although " Life Weekly " 's analyses had features of easiness , simplicity and perception , it played an important role in kindling city masses ' enthusiasm for patriotism , and urging them to resist Japanese aggression .

  11. 《生活》周刊对日本侵华的分析、认识及其抵御主张,吸引了大批读者,为其赢得了声誉,奠定了九一八事变后《生活》周刊抗日救亡活动的舆论和群众基础。

    All these publicity of ideals attracted a large of readers which made the magazine enjoy honors , and it laid a foundation of mass and public opinion for Life Weekly 's actions to resist Japanese aggression and save the country after September 18th Incident .

  12. 这位《壮志凌云》、《碟中谍》的明星周三提交了一份5000万美元的诽谤诉讼起诉两次指称该演员已经抛弃他女儿苏瑞的《生活与风格周刊》的杂志出版商。

    The Top Gun and Mission : Impossible star filed a $ 50-million defamation lawsuit Wednesday against the publishers of Life Style Weekly and In Touch magazines for twice alleging the actor had abandoned his daughter , Suri .

  13. 这位《壮志凌云》、《碟中谍》的明星周三提交了一份5000万美元的诽谤诉讼起诉两次指称该演员已经“抛弃”他女儿苏瑞的《生活与风格周刊》的杂志出版商。

    The " Top Gun " and " Mission : Impossible " star filed a $ 50-million defamation lawsuit Wednesday against the publishers of Life & Style Weekly and In Touch magazines for twice alleging the actor had " abandoned " his daughter , Suri .