
shēng pí
  • raw hide;untanned hide;hide;peltry;pelt
生皮 [shēng pí]
  • [pelt] 没有经过鞣制的皮

生皮[shēng pí]
  1. 真皮则位于表皮之下,介于表皮与皮下组织之间,是生皮的主要部分。

    The natural leather , locating under the epidermis , between epidermis and , is an important part of raw hide .

  2. 小山羊的生皮制成的柔软而光滑的皮革。

    Soft smooth leather from the hide of a young goat .

  3. 我把耳和弓臂也用生皮绑在一起。

    I also bound that ear limb connection with rawhide strips .

  4. 粮农组织关于世界生皮、毛皮、皮革和鞋类的统计简编

    FAO Statistical Compendium on World Hides , Skins , Leather and Footwear

  5. 生皮胶原膨胀公式的推导及其应用

    Deduction and Application about the Swelling Formula of Skin Collagen

  6. 研究了超声波对生皮的作用。

    The effects of ultrasound on raw skins were studied .

  7. 大皮、生皮、毛皮或皮革清洁机

    Cleaning machine for hides , skins , furskins or leather

  8. 生皮节中胚层体节上生长真皮的部分。

    The part of a mesodermal somite from which the dermis develops .

  9. 制革过程中胶原降解与生皮膨胀状态的关系

    Relationship between collagen degradation and swelling degree of raw hide in leather processing

  10. 生皮粒面层天然色素的氧化

    Oxidation of natural pigment in grain layer of skin

  11. 成革、生皮或毛皮刷洗机

    Brushing machine for hides , skins or furs

  12. 生皮或皮革锤磨机用锤

    Hammer for hammer mills for skins or leather

  13. 大皮或生皮剖层机刀具

    Knife for hide or skin splitting machines

  14. 大皮、生皮或皮革揉皮机食品揉捏机,工业用

    Faller stock for hides , skins or leather kneading machine , industrial , for food

  15. 鳄鱼生皮制成的皮革。

    Leather made from alligator 's hide .

  16. 生花生皮能治白血病吗?

    Can unripe earthnut skin treat leukaemia ?

  17. 制造或修理大皮、生皮或皮革制品(鞋类除外)的机械

    Machinery for making or repairing articles of hides of skins or leather , other than footwear

  18. 生皮制成的皮靴、皮鞭等。

    Rawhide boots , whips , etc.

  19. 生皮伸得长。

    Raw leather will stretch .

  20. 目的探讨杜仲原生皮与再生皮的次生代谢物含量的差异性。

    Object To investigate the content differences of secondary metabolites between Eucommia ulmoides Oliver original and reborn barks .

  21. 毛囊干细胞表皮膜片修复裸鼠皮肤缺损的实验研究毛皮,生皮未加工的毛皮的总称

    An Experimental study of human hair follicle stem cells-chitosan-gelatin membrane for repairing the skin defect of nude mouse

  22. 鞣剂是用来处理生皮使之变成革的关键材料,与制革生态化有着密切的关系。

    Tanning agent which converts skins or hides into leather is a chemical material having close relationship to ecology .

  23. 辔头一种绳索或生皮笼头,带有一条宽带,可以用来遮住马的眼睛,用于勒停马匹这水笼头不好&会溅水。

    A rope or rawhide halter with a wide band that can be lowered over a horse 's eyes , used in breaking horses to a bridle .

  24. 就像是上个星期,我第无数次向它解释生皮骨头是它的而家具是我的。

    It seemed like just last week I was explaining to HIM for the umpteenth time that the rawhide bones were his and the furniture was mine .

  25. 在平衡状态下,pH1-14这个范围内,生皮的膨胀情况的曲线形状与以前资料报导的有差异。

    Under the balance situation , in pH 1-14 range , there are some difference between the chart in this page and that was in some book before .

  26. 南边火车站旁有一个摇摇欲坠的邮局,主管事务的管理员是一个消瘦憔悴的女人,穿着生皮外套,工装裤和牛仔靴。

    Down by the depot , the postmistress , a gaunt woman who wears a rawhide jacket and denims and cowboy boots , presides over a falling apart post office .

  27. 那是用生皮绷在一个柳条框架上做成的,是条小小的船,只有四英尺长,船上的桨还搁在那儿,倒也大小相称。

    It was made of hide stretched over a wicker framework . It was a tiny boat , barely four feet long , and the paddle which still lay in it was in proportion .

  28. 利用光学显微镜分别观察了用传统硫化物脱毛和用过氧化氢脱毛前后,生皮皮板微观结构的变化及其蓝湿革的微观结构状况。

    The change of the microstructures of hides and skins before and after unhairing with sodium sulfide or hydrogen peroxide as well as the microstructures condition of wet blue are observed by the optical microscope .

  29. 战后,生皮由于国际需求的减少而猛然下降,羊毛和蛋产品由于需求增加一路上扬,但经济危机时则全部出现了出口值下降的趋势。

    After the World War One , the demand for peltry decreased dramatically while the demand for wool and egg products increased dramatically . Export trade volume of all livestock products decreased during the economic crisis in the 1930s .

  30. 本文介绍了树木剥皮再生研究的概况,包括树皮再生的组织学、剥皮再生过程中树木的生理反应、再生皮和原生皮有效成分比较以及剥皮再生的技术措施等;

    This paper deals with the general situation about researches on bark regeneration after the girdling of trees , including histological research , physiological reaction , effective component comparison between renewed bark and original bark , some technical measures .