
shēnɡ tài xiào yì
  • ecological benefits
  1. 基于AHP与熵技术的工矿区土地复垦生态效益评价

    Evaluation on ecological benefits for mining land reclamation by AHP and entropy technology

  2. 毛竹(Phyllostachyspubescens)用途广泛,易栽培、周期短,具有较高的经济价值和生态效益。

    Phyllostachys pubescens is widely used in many aspects and easy to cultivate . It has short growth cycle , high economic value and ecological benefits .

  3. 本文主要以不同的尺度研究了在CITYgreen模型的支持下利用GIS技术对城市森林生态效益的计算。

    The article measure the eco-benefits of urban forests in different scale based on the GIS technology .

  4. 论BOT融资模式筹集森林生态效益补偿资金

    Study on Forest Ecological Compensation Capital by Way of BOT Financing

  5. d.实行森林地租制度,建立公益林生态效益补偿基金;

    D. carrying out the forest land rent system and establishing forest ecological benefit compensation fund ;

  6. 我国已是WTO成员国,畜牧业的标准化生产经营与管理,是畜牧业经济走向世界的前提,是实现经济、社会、生态效益的保障。

    As being a member of WTO , standardization is the prerequisite of world-wide livestock husbandry , and it is the assurance of economic and ecological profits as well .

  7. 辐射面积达5.59万hm2。并提出干鲜小水果是集经济效益与生态效益于一体的优良树种。

    Extensive scope was up to 55.9 thousand hm ~ 2.As the result , dry or fresh fruitlet has the economic and ecological benefits .

  8. 进一步从生态效益、经济效益和社会效益三方面入手构建了农村土地信托流转效果评价指标体系,并基于AHP层次分析法建立了模糊综合评价模型,提供了评价土地信托流转效果的方法。

    Further the article designs evaluation index system of land trust from ecological benefit , economical benefit and social benefit , establishes the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model based on the analytic hierarchy process ( AHP ), and provides evaluation methods of land trust .

  9. 杜仲(Eucommiaulmoides)是我国的特有经济树种,具有全树利用特点,因而有着十分显著的经济效益、生态效益和社会效益。

    Eucommia ulmoides Oliv is a kind of specific economic tree in China . Due to every part of the tree can be used , the cultivation of Eucommia ulmoides Oliv has great efficiency in economy , ecology and society .

  10. 绿竹(Dendrocalamopsisoldhami)用途广泛,成林快、笋期长、产量高、营养丰富,具有较高的经济价值和生态效益。

    Green bamboo ( Dendrocalamopsis oldhami ), which is widely used in many aspects and grows into forest fast . It has long shoot-yield period , output high , nutrient-rich with high economic value and ecological benefits .

  11. 广东省沿海红树林的保护及生态效益

    The protection and ecological effect of coast mangrove in Guangdong Province

  12. 诸如:林业观念问题、两类林的划分问题、公益林生态效益补偿机制等问题,本文就以上这些问题予以初步探讨。

    The above problems have been preliminarily questioned in the test .

  13. 林业生态效益和社会效益估算

    The Evaluation of the Ecological Benefits and Social Benefits of Forest

  14. 生态效益归属于居住在区域内的全体居民。

    Ecological benefits attributable to all residents living in the region .

  15. 森林生态效益补偿:现实依据及政策探讨

    Forestry Ecological Benefit Compensation : Realistic Basis and Policy Study

  16. 纯林、混交林型园林绿地的生态效益

    The ecological effects between pure woodland and mixed of urban green space

  17. 面向未来的企业可持续发展必由之路:生态效益

    The Sustainable Development of Industries to the Future : Eco-efficiency

  18. 建立森林生态效益评价标准;

    Establishing the standards of the forest ecological benefit evaluation ;

  19. 广东橡胶林生态效益的初步研究

    A preliminary study on ecological effect of rubber plantation in Guangdong Province

  20. 河北省山地森林保土生态效益计量研究

    Study on Conservative Ecological Benefits Calculating of Mountainous Forest in Hebei Province

  21. 森林生态效益补偿制度正是在这一大背景下建立的。

    Forest ecological compensation system is in the context of this set .

  22. 国外对生态效益的研究起步较早,取得成就较多,研究趋势已由定性描述向定量研究转变。

    Research trend has been changed from qualitative description to quantitative research .

  23. 河南农田林网生态效益价值评估

    Evaluation of Ecological Benefits of the Farmland Shelterbelt Network in Henan Province

  24. 对森林生态效益补偿资金管理问题的探讨

    On the Management of the Compensation Funds for Forest 's Ecological Benefit

  25. 陕西省退耕还林工程生态效益评价

    Evaluation of Eco-Economic Benefit of Farmland Returned for Woodland in Shaanxi Province

  26. 洹河综合整治及其生态效益分析

    Comprehensive Dredging of Huan River and Analysis of Ecological Benefit

  27. 采用混交造林,可以增加结构稳定性,提高生态效益。

    Taking mixed forest can increase structural the stability and improve the eco-benefit .

  28. 广义森林生态效益似乎不相关模型的总体估计

    Design of apparently not related models with forest ecological benefits in broad sense

  29. 征收森林生态效益税的探讨

    Research on the Tax on Ecological Benefits of Forest

  30. 退耕还林生态效益评价方法

    Means of Eco-benefit Evaluation of Returning Farmland to Woodland