
shēng chǎn guǎn lǐ
  • Production management;manufacturing management;production control
生产管理[shēng chǎn guǎn lǐ]
  1. NET技术,将GIS图形数据自动发布至生产管理系统网站的实现过程。

    NET , and the fulfilment process of automatic publishing the GIS graphic data to production control web are presented .

  2. BOM是联系工程设计和生产管理的纽带。

    The BOM is the ligament that contacts the engineering design and production control .

  3. 利用JAVA的跨平台性,开发了基于网络的模具多项目分布式生产管理系统。

    Based on Java technologies , a distributed production management system for die & mould multi-project production is designed .

  4. 本论文创造性的设计出农场的ERP流程以及设计出农场的生产管理信息系统。

    This paper creatively designed farm ERP process and design of the production management information system .

  5. 课题是实验室与SUN公司合作研究的基于分布式对象技术的资源管理项目和实验室原有车间生产管理系统的结合。

    This research direction comes from a cooperate project named Resource Management System based on Distributed Object Technology with SUN company .

  6. 最后对ADL公司实施精益生产管理方案的效果进行评价。

    Finally , evaluates the effects of the ADL company imply Lean production management .

  7. MRFⅡ和JIT代表着现代企业生产管理两种最基本的模式。

    MRP ⅱ and JIT represent for the basic modes of the modern production management .

  8. 成功地构建了厚板L4系统中的生产管理系统,实现了宽厚板生产管理信息共享,日常生产管理工作的计算机化。

    The product management system of heavy plate mill L4 is constructed .

  9. 在日常生产管理中,投饵行为对养鱼池中氨氮、COD和SS浓度影响显著,而对亚硝酸盐氮浓度影响较小。

    In the daily production management , feeding behavior on fish ponds significantly affected the ammonia nitrogen , COD and SS concentrations but little did the nitrite nitrogen concentrations .

  10. 而TOC是使瓶颈产能最大化从而使系统产销率最大化的生产管理与控制方法。

    TOC is a management and control method to maximize the capacity of bottlenecks so that the system ' output-sales ratio can be maximized .

  11. 该系统与企业CIMS系统的生产管理子系统、设计管理子系统,物资采购子系统等有机集成,形成了覆盖企业主要业务领域的质量信息反馈网络,实现信息流、业务流的统一。

    This system integrated with production management sub-system , design management sub-system , material purchase sub-system of CIMS , formed the quality information feedback system network which covered the whole company operation .

  12. 通过介绍MRPⅡ/JIT混合系统在金龙公司的应用,提供给企业一种新的生产管理思想,使企业在新的竞争条件下获得更大的优势。

    This paper introduces a new idea of production management for enterprises by applying MRP ⅱ / JIT hybrid system in JinLong company and make them acquire more advantages in competitive condition .

  13. 吉林吉盟腈纶有限公司引进先进的设备和工艺,整个装置使用DCS控制,同时建立了生产管理信息系统,生产作业管理比较先进。

    Jilin Ji-Monte Acrylic Fiber Co. Ltd fetch in advanced equipment and process , and the plant is controlled by DCS , and the company has set up information system of process management , and its production and operation management is very good .

  14. 根据管理需要将系统划分为销售管理、生产管理、采购管理、库存管理和系统维护五个功能模块。然后,应用ERP计划管理理论对生产计划的制定进行了详细的分析和设计。

    Divides the system into sales management , production management , purchasing management , inventory management , and system maintenance module , based on the needs of management . Then , detailed analysis and design how to formulate production planning under the plan management theory of ERP .

  15. 协同制造执行系统是在传统MES基础上结合协同思想发展而来的下一代车间生产管理系统,是企业实现信息化协同制造的重要一环。

    Collaborative Manufacturing Execution System is developed from the traditional MES , and combined with the collaboration theory . It is referred to as the next generation production management system . It is the important part in collaborative and informationization manufacturing .

  16. 本课题基于云平台和Android系统实现纯净水厂生产管理以及运输调度,可以很好的解决人工计数、记账过程中可能产生的差错和纰漏,协助管理人员有计划的调度生产和配送。

    The topic is based on the cloud platform and the Android system , pure water production management and transportation scheduling , can be a good solution to manual counting errors and flaws that may arise in the accounting process to assist managers in program scheduling production and distribution .

  17. CIMC公司为应对内外部环境变化,提升企业制造能力,迫切需要打造一套适合自己的精益生产管理系统。

    To deal with the change in the external and internal environment and to enhance the manufacturing ability , it is an urgent need for CIMC Company to create its own lean management system .

  18. 当前以剂型和车间为单元的药品GMP实施模式,存在着生产管理粗放、生产质量控制关键岗位监控不到位;制定的文件缺乏针对性、可操作性不强等诸多问题。

    Present in dosage forms and workshop as a unit of pharmaceutical GMP implementation model , there is extensive production management , production and quality control of key positions in monitoring not in place ; developed a lack of specific documents , not strong , and many other operational issues .

  19. 在这样的环境下,本论文从BSL公司注塑车间的生产管理入手,在生产批量、库存管理以及设备利用率这三个方面进行了深入的研究,并且发现了很大的改善空间。

    With such a background , the essay studies 3 aspects in the molding production management which are the best order quantity , molding parts inventory control and equipment utilization , and find a lot to be improved .

  20. 简化生产管理系统,建设本质安全型数字化矿井

    Simplify Production Management System , Construct Intrinsically Safe Digitization Mine

  21. 最后,使用微软.NET的开发平台,开发了水产品生产管理系统。

    NET development platform , the development of aquatic production management system .

  22. 协同生产管理的协同生产计划模式与方法研究

    Research of Collaborative Production Planning Mode and Method on Collaborative Production Management

  23. 精益生产管理方式的运用使得企业的竞争能力得到不断的加强。

    Application of lean production management mode makes enterprise competitiveness constantly enhanced .

  24. 拉式流生产管理方式及其应用

    The Pull Steam Production Mode & Management and Its Application

  25. 应用智能化、网络化农业信息技术服务农业生产管理

    Application of Intelligent Agricultural Information Network to the Management of Agricultural Production

  26. 总结了国内外现代生产管理方法的研究和应用现状;

    State-of-the-arts of the modern production management techniques are summarized .

  27. 以质量标准化为突破口,加强安全生产管理;

    Strengthening mine safety management by means of quality standardization ;

  28. 采油工程生产管理分析系统的设计与实现

    The Design Realization of the System of the Oil Production Administration Analysis

  29. 从客户服务到生产管理。

    From the customer service to the plant supervision .

  30. 面向大规模定制的生产管理模式及其产品族建模技术研究

    Study on Production Management Mode and Product Family Modeling Technology for Mass Customization