
  1. 后者为生命基础的化学元素(C、N、P、S)在地球系统中的运动。

    The later is related to the movements of key elements essential to life ( C , N , P , S ) in the Earth system .

  2. 杜德纳凭借改造催化性RNA使之具有自我复制能力获得博士学位,这也为RNA是早期生命基础的理论增加了证据。

    Dr. Doudna earned her doctoral degree by engineering a catalytic RNA that could self-replicate , adding evidence to that theory .

  3. 在这些研究中,最基础的研究之一是电磁场对生命基础&细胞作用的研究。

    One of the most fundamental studies among them is the research on cells .

  4. 因此,赫拉克利特找到了一种作为生命基础的统一的物质,那就是火。

    Thus in fire Heraclitus found a unifying substance in nature that serves as a basis for life .

  5. 气是万物生灵生命基础的始源,人类的一切活动都离不开气的支撑。

    Breath is life all creatures on the basis of the beginning of the source , all human activity group of support in our country .

  6. 德育是建立在人的个体生命基础上的活动,是唤醒人的生命意识的一种活动。

    Moral education is an activity based on people 's individual life and a kind of activity of the life consciousness of waking people up .

  7. 中国山水画最根本的精神特征就是本真、自由的人格内涵和其根植于宇宙生命基础上的人性关怀意识。

    The essential spiritual characteristics of the Chinese landscape painting lie in the personality connotation of truthfulness and freedom and the humanistic concern consciousness based on the life in the universe .

  8. 在当今这个经济快速发展的时代,体验不再只出现在伦理学的范畴,不再只是人类生命基础物质的原始感受。

    Nowadays , the ages that economy quickly develop , no longer " experience " to appear in the category that the ethics learn only , is just not the originality feeling of the life foundation of mankind any more .

  9. 有机化合物构成生命的基础。

    Organic compounds form the basis of life .

  10. 地球生命的基础是DNA,当我们借助身体内部循环体系来进行身体协调时,就会达到一个新的思想通明境界。

    The basis for life on earth is DNA and when we harmonize our bodies with the internal spiral coding , a new level of understanding is achieved .

  11. DNA是地球上所有生命的基础,它有着像螺旋式楼梯一样的双螺旋结构。

    DNA is the basis of all life on earth . It has a double helix GetWord (" helix "); structure , like a spiral staircase . / /

  12. 一些科学家相信,RNA是早期生命的基础,而不是DNA,因为RNA分子可以同时存储遗传信息,又能催化化学反应。

    Some scientists believe that RNA , not DNA , was the basis of early life , since the molecule can both store genetic information and catalyze chemical reactions .

  13. 作为生命物质基础的DNA主要通过内体TLR9和胞质识别受体来启动免疫应答。

    DNA , as the material basis of all living cells , triggers innate immune responses through TLR9 and other cytosolic recognition receptors .

  14. 水,是世间万物生命的基础和前提。

    The water , is the temporals life foundation and the premise .

  15. 攀登的足迹&生命科学基础研究成果巡礼

    Retrospect of the achievements in basic research of Life Sciences

  16. 水是生命的基础,城市的命脉。

    Water is necessary for life , and the foundation for city .

  17. 生命科学基础研究要融入国际主流

    Life Sciences in China should be in the field of research mainstream

  18. 他本人承认其主要著作《生命伦理学基础》就是一部后现代的著作。

    He acknowledges his book Foundations of Bioethics as a post-modern work .

  19. 而液体是形成生命的基础条件。

    and liquid can support the formation of life .

  20. 作物种质资源是控制作物性状的基因载体,是作物育种及其相关学科的生命物质基础。

    Crop germplasm is the base for plant breeding and other related life sciences .

  21. 蛋白质是生命的基础。

    Protein is the base of life .

  22. 我们中国人以儒家为基础,作为生命的基础,我们中国人要讲仁义礼智信。

    Confucianism is the cornerstone of traditional Chinese culture as well as the foundation of our life .

  23. 尼采认为,过程性组织,是所有真实和生命的基础。

    Processional organization is according to Nietzsche the fundamental operation of everything that is real and alive .

  24. 氧是维护生命的基础,血氧饱和度是人体极为重要的生理参数。

    Oxygen is the base for maintaining life . Oxygen saturation are the very important physiological parameters of human body .

  25. 它们显著的健身效果原自于其深厚的东方哲学基础、心理学基础、人体生命科学基础以及完整的技术体系与技术方法。

    Their remarkable exercising effect originates from deep oriental philosophy , psychology , life science and whole technical system and methods .

  26. 心脏的搏动作为动物生命的基础,长期以来备受人们关注。

    As the basis of normal life , the beating of heart has been paid much attention for a long time .

  27. 城市绿地系统是城市中唯一有生命的基础设施,是人工生态系统。

    Urban green space system is the only living infrastructure in the city , and it is an artificial eco-system in the cities .

  28. “水是一切生命的基础,”文森特说,“而在西班牙,我们正看着它一天天减少。”

    Water is the basis for all life , says vincente " and in Spain we are just watching it ebb away . "

  29. 好的,首先是好的碳燃烧,我们所有人在这里面都有份,因为碳燃烧是生命的基础。

    OK.Good carbon burning , well , we all have a personal stake in this because burning carbon is the basis of life .

  30. 蛋白质是生命的基础,无论原核生物,不是真核生物,它们的基本结构都离不开蛋白质。

    Protein are the foundation of lives for neither the basic structures of the prokaryotic microorganisms nor those of the eukaryotic microorganisms need proteins .