
  • 网络Inorganic Polymer;Inorganic macromolecules
  1. 以聚硅酸(PSA)、硫酸铝(AS)、非离子型聚丙烯酰胺(N-PAM)为原料,制备了无机高分子复合絮凝剂PSCM。

    A new type inorganic polymer compound flocculants PSCM was prepared by using water glass , aluminum sulfate and N-PAM as raw materials .

  2. 聚合氯化铝(PAC)是一种具有优异絮凝性能的无机高分子絮凝剂。

    Polyaluminium chloride with excellent flocculation performance is an inorganic polymer flocculant .

  3. 特征参数B是无机高分子絮凝剂的重要质量指标,它直接决定着絮凝剂产品的化学结构形态和特性。

    The characteristic parameter B is an important quality index on the inorganic macromolecule flocculant , and it will determine the chemical configuration and speciality of the coagulator .

  4. 改性无机高分子SiO2溶胶外墙涂料

    Outside wall paint of modified inorganic macromolecule SiO_2 sol

  5. 无机高分子絮凝剂(inorganicpolymerflocculant,IPF)是自60年代以来在世界上发展起来的一类新型水处理药剂。

    Inorganic polymer flocculant is a new kind of waste - disposal chemical , it has been developing since 1960s .

  6. 结果表明,无机高分子絮凝剂PAC和PASS各方面处理效果都优于AS和FC无机小分子絮凝剂。

    The result indicated that inorganic high polymer flocculants PAC and the PASS surpass AS and the FC inorganic small member flocculants .

  7. 聚合氯化铝又称PAC,是一种无机高分子化合物。

    Polymeric aluminum chloride ( PAC ) is an inorganic macromolecular compound which is good at cleaning water .

  8. 将硅酸钠、其他添加剂等加入含铝溶解液中进行原料配比和聚合熟化条件优化,最终制备出聚合硅酸硫酸铝(PASS)无机高分子絮凝剂。

    Under high shear mixing condition , water glass and other additives were added to the aluminum solution , then after polymerizing and ageing , the flocculants of PASS was produced .

  9. 无机高分子絮凝剂处理利福平SV钠药渣回收粗蛋白

    Retrieve the Coarse Protein from the Waste Dregs of Rifamycin SV Sodium Using High Molecular Polymer Inorganic Flocculant

  10. 为了在给水处理、废水处理中,对其高浊度水质进行有效的、低成本的处理,自行研发了一系列复合无机高分子混凝剂,聚氯化铝混凝剂(ZR_PAC系列产品)。

    Series of multiple inorganic macromolecule coagulants and ZR-PAC are studied to treat waste water of high turbidity effectively at low cost .

  11. 聚合氯化铝(PAC)由一系列不同聚合度的无机高分子化合物所组成,具有最佳形态分布。

    PAC have the best form of distribution , is composed of a series of different degree of polymerization of inorganic polymer .

  12. 利用钢厂废物制备复合型无机高分子絮凝剂PAFC的研究

    Preparing composite inorganic polymer flocculant & pafc by reusing steel mill waste

  13. 无机高分子絮凝剂聚合氯化铝(PAC)中的Alb形态质量分数是衡量其絮凝活性的主要指标。

    The mass fraction of Alb in poly-aluminum chloride ( PAC ) is the most important index for judging the flocculation capacity of PAC .

  14. 改性天然高分子与无机高分子复配絮凝剂PMC的研制这些材料包括颗粒材料、水溶性改性天然高分子和水溶性合成高分子材料。

    Preparation of modified natural polymer and inorganic polymer composite flocculant PMC These materials include particulates , water-soluble modified natural polymer and water-soluble synthesized polymer .

  15. 研究了无机高分子絮凝剂-聚硅硫酸铝(PSAS)絮凝剂的制备及其在水处理中的应用。

    In this paper , the polymeric silicate aluminum sulfate ( PSAS ) flocculants were produced under the different conditions .

  16. 采用SPFA-CS复合无机高分子絮凝剂对沈阳二三厂镀锌废水进行了实验室研究。

    SPFA-CS complex inorganic polymeric flocculant was employed to make a test on galvanized waste water from shenyang No. 23 Factory .

  17. 比较了无机高分子絮凝剂聚合硫酸铁(PFS)、聚合氯化铝(PAC)和聚氯硫酸铁(PFCS)在废水处理中的混凝吸附性能,并对絮凝剂的混凝机理进行了初步探讨。

    The coagulation characteristics of inorganic polymer flocculants PFS , PAC and PFCS are compared and the flocculating mechanism in wastewater treatment is discussed .

  18. 将无机高分子混凝剂聚合硫酸铁(PFS)与具有头领效应的有效微生物群(EM)有机结合,对藻型富营养化原水进行处理。

    Composite process composed of inorganic macromolecule flocculent polymeric ferric sul-fate ( PFS ) with leading effective microorganism ( EM ) was used for algae control of raw water from eutrophic water body .

  19. SPFA-CS复合无机高分子絮凝剂对镀锌废水处理的研究

    Study on SPFA-CS Complex Inorganic Polymeric Flocculant on the Treatment of Galvanized Waste Water

  20. 以鼓风炉铁泥作原料,制备一种无机高分子混凝剂聚硅酸铁(PSF),并将其用于印染废水处理。

    A new type of inorganic polymer coagulant polysilicate ferric ( PSF ) was prepared by using blast furnace sludge as raw materials , it was used as coagulant in the treatment of dyeing wastewater .

  21. 结果表明PSAFC对水厂污水具有比PAC或PFC更好的处理效果,是性能优良的无机高分子絮凝剂。

    The results show that PSAFC has a effect of treating water plant sewage better than that with PAC or PFC and it is really an excellent inorganic polymeric flocculating agent .

  22. 针对造纸黑液处理,PMAS-CTS复合絮凝剂对水样浊度、COD的最高去除率,以及达到最高去除率时的絮凝剂投加量,都优于其它四种絮凝剂,综合了无机高分子絮凝剂及天然有机高分子絮凝剂的优点。

    PMAS-CTS is better than the other four flocculants for water turbidity , COD maximum removal rate and the flocculant dosage when reach the maximum removal rate for papermaking black liquor .

  23. 将活性聚硅酸与聚合硫酸铁铝按照一定比例复合,经熟化,即制得新型无机高分子混凝剂PFASS。

    The inorganic high molecule coagulant of PFASS is synthesized with the poly-silicic acid into the solution of polymeric ferric aluminum sulfate .

  24. 利用粉煤灰为主要原料制备出了聚氯硫酸铝铁(PAFCS)新型无机高分子絮凝剂。

    PAFCS , a new type of inorganic polymeric flocculants is prepared using pulverized coal ash as essential raw material .

  25. 本文以硅酸、硫酸铁及硫酸铝等为原料,采用复合共聚法制备了聚硅硫酸铁(PFSS)、聚硅硫酸铝(PASS)及聚硅硫酸铁铝(PFASS)等无机高分子絮凝剂。

    Inorganic polymeric flocculants ( IPF ) of poly-ferric-sulfate-silicate ( PFSS ), Poly-aluminum-sulfate - silicate ( PASS ) and poly-ferric-aluminum-sulfate-silicate ( PFASS ) were prepared using silicic acid , ferric sulfate and aluminum sulfate .

  26. 目前供水处理厂净化水质应用最普遍的是以无机高分子絮凝剂聚合氯化铝(PAC)为主的混凝法。

    At present the mainly method for purifying water in water treatment plants is coagulation with inorganic polymer flocculants polyaluminum chloride ( PAC ) . Polyaluminium chloride ( PAC ) has excellent agglomerate performance and can make floccules grow bigger enough to settle .

  27. 含硼聚硅硫酸铁(PFSSB)是新近开发研制成的一种性能优良的无机高分子混凝剂。

    Polymeric ferric silicate sulfate containing boron ( PFSSB ) is a highly effective inorganic polymeric coagulant studied and prepared recently .

  28. 以硫酸铝、三氯化铁、水玻璃为主要原料制备无机高分子水处理剂聚合硅酸铁铝(PSFA)。

    A new poly-silicate ferric-aluminum ( PSFA ) was prepared by using water glass , ferric chloride and aluminum sulfate as raw materials .

  29. 利用活化硅酸和硫酸铁为原料,在不同碱化度和Si/Fe摩尔比条件下,制备出聚合硅酸硫酸铁(PFSS)无机高分子絮凝剂。

    The polymetric ferric silicate sulfate , ( PFSS ) prepared with ferric sulfate and PS , is studied at different OH / Fe molar ratio and Si / Fe molar ratio .

  30. 本研究将无机高分子絮凝剂聚合硫酸镁铝(PMAS)与天然有机高分子絮凝剂壳聚糖(CTS)进行复配,制备成新型的PMAS-CTS无机-有机复合絮凝剂。

    In this study , inorganic polymer flocculant polymer magnesium sulfate aluminum ( PMAS ) was compounded with natural organic polymer flocculant chitosan ( CTS ), prepared a new inorganic-organic composite flocculant PMAS-CTS .