
shēnɡ wù wù lǐ
  • biophysics
  1. 由清华大学-中科院生物物理所结构生物学联合研究小组完成的线粒体呼吸链膜蛋白复合物II的晶体结构研究成果以Article的方式发表在2005年7月1日出版的Cell上。

    An article entitled Crystal Structure of Mitochondrial Respiratory Membrane Protein Complex II was published in the July 1st , 2005 issue of the journal Cell . This research work was accomplished by the Tsinghua - Institute of Biophysics Joint Research Group for Structural Biology .

  2. 希望招收有志于植物生物物理和生物技术的博士研究生。

    The doctorate students interested in biophysics and biotechnology for plant are welcome .

  3. 生物物理新技术在ATP合成酶超分子结构中的应用

    Applications of New Biophysical Techniques to Supramolecular Structure of ATP Synthase

  4. NST与生物物理评分对ICP孕妇监测临床价值的探讨

    The clinical value of NST and BPS on pregnancy with ICP

  5. 基于AFM、NSOM的细胞生物物理特性研究与膜分子探测

    Cellular Biophysical Properties and Membrane Receptors Exploited by AFM and NSOM

  6. 然而,由于地形变化对SAR影像几何和辐射特征的影响,SAR影像在地球生物物理参数测量上的应用受到了限制。

    However , the application of SAR imagery to the measurement of geophysical and biophysical parameters is constrained by geometric and radiometric effects caused by variable terrain .

  7. 试验结果表明EVI反演水稻生物物理参数的效果比NDVI更好。

    Tests showed that EVI was superior to NDVI for getting the biophysical parameters .

  8. 目的探讨无刺激试验(NST)及B超检查胎儿生物物理评分(BPS)对妊娠肝内胆汁淤积症(ICP)孕妇胎儿宫内安危监测的临床价值。

    Aim To investigate the clinical value of NST and BPS on fetal safety of pregnancy with ICP .

  9. 叶面积指数(LAI)是植被冠层结构的一个重要参数,它的改变标志着植被发生了生物物理变化。

    Leaf area index ( LAI ) is a crucial parameter of vegetation canopy structure and controls a number of biophysical processes of vegetation .

  10. 本实验通过人为改变淋巴细胞胞膜脂质构成,进而研究了膜脂质,尤其是膜胆固醇,对淋巴细胞膜生物物理特性及膜蛋白结构,以及Ca2+通道蛋白活性的影响。

    The influences of plasma lipid composition on membrane properties , Ca 2 + channel activity , and the conformation of membrane protein were determined in lymphocyte .

  11. 目的:采用尿E3、生物物理相评分、脐动脉血流对胎儿进行产前监护,预测胎儿宫内健康状况,降低围产期胎儿死亡率和患病率。

    Objectives : To investigate the value of determination of urine E3.biophysical estimation and umbilical arterial blood in pregnant women .

  12. 建立了估算加工番茄生物物理参数(LAI、地上鲜生物量、植株含水量等)的遥感模型。

    The establishment of the Processing Tomato estimate biophysical parameters ( LAI , fresh ground biomass , plant moisture content , etc. ) remote sensing models .

  13. 目的:探讨声音振动刺激试验(VAS)结合胎儿生物物理评分(BPP)检测胎儿宫内健康的价值。

    Objective : To investigate the value of vibratory acoustic stimulation ( VAS ) in the diagnosis of the fetal condition .

  14. 方法:采用3种方法(尿E3、生物物理相评分、脐动脉血流)对选择性剖宫产术前之孕妇进行监测。

    Methods : The results of urine E3 , biophysical estimation and umbilical arterial blood were analyzed retrospectively in 1195 pregnant women .

  15. CFU-E和其分化细胞的生物物理特性

    Biophysical characters of CFU-E and its differentiation

  16. 生物物理相应用前后NST异常剖宫产分别为52.9%和41.2%。

    Rates of cesarean section were 41.2 % and 52.9 % respectively owing to abnormal biophysical score and abnormal NST .

  17. 方法:对41例高危孕妇进行胎儿生物物理相评分(BPP)及脐动脉血S/D比值测定,胎儿出生后取脐动脉血进行分析,测脐血pH值。

    Methods : To measure the BPP and umbilical artery blood S / D of 41 high-risk pregnancies , and analyze and test the PH value of the umbilical blood after birth .

  18. 萎缩性肌强直(MYD)患者红细胞膜生物物理特性的研究

    Study on biophysical characteristics of erythrocytes membrane in myd

  19. 目的观察超极化停搏对体外循环(CPB)中缺血再灌注心肌细胞膜蛋白生物物理特性变化的影响。

    Objective To elucidate the effects of hyperpolarized arrest on the biophysical property of myocardial cell membrane proteins in ischemia and reperfusion ( IR ) injury during cardiopulmonary bypass ( CPB ) .

  20. 目的:比较单项新B超生物物理监测(BPS)、单项胎心监护无负荷试验(NST)与两者联合监护对过期妊娠的实用价值。

    Objective : To compare the value of single B ultrasound , non stimulation test ( NST ) and united surveillance used in prolonged pregnancy .

  21. 同时,CeL软件作为一种创新的研究方法,扩展了当今生物物理研究的方法,并提高了研究效率。

    Meanwhile , as an innovation software suite , CeL expands the technique of biophysical study and greatly improves the efficiency of research .

  22. 目的:研究不同海拔高度高原红细胞增多症(HAPC)患者尿白蛋白(ALB)和N-乙酰-β-D-氨基葡糖苷酶(NAG)的排泄变化及其与红细胞生物物理特性的关系。

    AIM : To study the changes of excretive amount of albumin ( ALB ) , N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase ( NAG ) in patients with high altitude polycythemia ( HAPC ) at different altitude and its mechanism .

  23. 为了得到一些分子信息,本文应用生物物理的方法(DSC,FTIR,Raman)研究了5个代表化合物与DPPC人工膜的相互作用,实验的结果可以与动物实验的结果相关联。

    In order to obtain some information at the molecular level , using some biophysical techniques ( by DSC , FTIR , Raman ), studied the interaction between 5 representative compounds with DPPC liposome , the data could be correlated with the results from animal tests .

  24. 分子生物学方法的应用促进了GJ结构、亚型及生物物理特性的揭示,染料偶联实验和Ca2+成像技术为GJ的功能研究提供了直观有效的手段。

    The application of molecular approaches has advanced the disclosure of the structure , classification and biophysical properties of gap junctions . Dye coupling and Ca 2 + imaging techniques have provided explicit and effective ways for the study of gap junctional functions .

  25. 文章利用地面实测调查数据,首次系统地研究了热带人工林生物物理参数及生物量对RADARSAT-SAR信号响应。

    Based on the field survey date , the sensitivity of biomass and forest parameters on RADARSAT-SAR date was analyzed in this paper .

  26. 首先提出基于NDVI-Ts特征空间的温度植被角度和距离(TVATVD)作为表征地表土地覆盖状况的生物物理参数。

    Temperature-Vegetation Angel and Temperature-Vegetation Distance ( TVATVD ) based on NDVI-Ts space were proposed as biophysical parameters which can be thought as a token of surface land cover condition .

  27. 水稻氮素营养水平不同将在水稻生物物理和生物化学上引起相应的变化。

    Different nitrogen levels can induce the change of rice physiology .

  28. 胎儿生物物理相评分110例分析

    Summary of Fetal Biophysical Profile Scoring ── Analysis of 110 cases

  29. 生物物理协会鼓励发展和传播生物物理知识。

    Biophysical Society encourages development and dissemination of knowledge in biophysics .

  30. 胶带粘贴试验前后皮肤生物物理参数的变化

    Changing of Biophysical Parameter of Skin Before and After Tape-stripping Test