
ɡuā wàn
  • melon vine
瓜蔓 [guā wàn]
  • [melon vine] 瓜类植物的茎。形容曲折纠结

  1. 瓜蔓被广泛种植以取其可食用之果实的两种相互有联系的瓜蔓(甜瓜或西瓜)

    Any of several varieties of two related vines ( Cucumis melo or Citrullus lanatus ) widely cultivated for their edible fruit .

  2. 不要提瓜蔓,弄不好会掉下来,那这个西瓜就摔碎了。

    Don 't hold the melon by the melon vine . Once it drops , the watermelon will fall to the ground and break .

  3. 5在林带间作小南瓜系统中,近林侧由于小南瓜生育后期瓜蔓覆盖地面减少了土壤水分蒸发,这有利于林木的生长,尤其在干旱年份,可以起到缓解林带树木的水分胁迫作用;

    In the system of intercropping with cushaw , near the forest belt , the soil water content was higher for the shade of cushaw leaves , it was good for the growth of forest , especially in the drought years .