
  1. 经季节性调整后,6月份居民消费价格(CPI)可能会连续第四个月环比上涨。

    Seasonally-adjusted , month-on-month consumer prices are likely to rise for the fourth consecutive month in June .

  2. 中国指数研究院(ChinaIndexAcademy)对100个城市的调查所得出的数据显示,6月份中国平均房价环比上涨0.56%,高于5月份0.45%的环比涨幅,是2014年1月以来的最高环比涨幅。

    Average home prices rose 0.56 per cent in June from a month earlier , data from the China Index Academy 's survey of 100 cities show , up from a 0.45 per cent gain in May and the fastest growth since January 2014 .

  3. 5月份,Case-Shiller指数跟踪的20个城市中,有13个城市的房价呈现月度环比上涨。

    In May , 13 of the 20 metropolitan areas tracked showed monthly increases in home prices .

  4. 8月CPI环比上涨0.3%,而7月环比上涨0.5%,标志着该指数连续两个月环比下降。

    Consumer prices rose 0.3 per cent in August from the previous month , compared with a 0.5 per cent increase in July , marking the second consecutive moderation in the month-on-month reading .

  5. 如果标准普尔/case-shiller指数终于开始回升周二发布的该指数显示,5月份房价3年来首次出现环比上涨那就等着一波新“待售”招牌的出现吧。

    If the S & P / Case-Shiller index which on Tuesday showed house prices in May increasing month-on-month for the first time in three years is finally turning upward , expect a wave of new for sale signs .

  6. 11月北京、上海、广州和深圳的新房价格月环比上涨0.2%。这些一线城市的二手房价格月环比上涨0.5%。

    New home prices in Beijing , Shanghai , Guangzhou and Shenzhen rose by 0.2 percent month on month in November .

  7. 国家统计局发布的数据显示,6月份房价环比上涨0.02%。这是2011年9月份以来首次上涨。

    June 's property data from the National Bureau of Statistics shows prices rising 0.02 % month-over-month , the first increase since September 2011 .

  8. 对70座城市的房价调查显示,69座城市的房价同比上涨,66座城市的房价月度环比上涨。

    The survey of prices in 70 cities showed prices were up in 69 cities from a year ago , with monthly gains in 66 of the cities .

  9. 这一涨幅是18个月来最快的,而且与11月数据相比出现强劲的加速。11月中国平均房价同比上涨5.7%,较10月份环比上涨1.2%。

    The increase was the fastest in 18 months and a strong acceleration from November , when average prices rose 5.7 per cent year-on-year and 1.2 per cent from October .

  10. 这是自2006年7月房价见顶以来的首次月度环比上涨,而同比跌幅也标志着下跌速度连续第四个月放缓,此前曾上演连续16个月的创纪录下跌。

    The monthly rise was the first since prices peaked in July 2006 , while the annual drop marked the fourth consecutive month that the rate of decline slowed after 16 consecutive months of record falls .

  11. 去年新加坡开发商的土地投标价格上涨了五分之一,而2012年末季房地产价格环比上涨1.8%,三倍于第三季度增幅。

    In Singapore developers ' land price bids rose by a fifth last year while property prices were rising at 1.8 per cent quarter on quarter by the end of 2012 , three times their third-quarter rate .

  12. 中国国家统计局上周六公布的数据也显示,中国70个大中城市的平均房价7月份实现环比上涨,这是房价经历了八个月的下降后连续第二个月缓慢回升。

    Data released Saturday by China 's National Bureau of Statistics also showed that average housing prices in 70 Chinese cities rose in July from June-a second consecutive month of mild gains after eight months of declines .

  13. 该系统还公布,4月份全国100个城市(新建)住宅平均价格环比上涨0.1%,同比上涨9.1%,环比涨幅创2012年年中房价止跌以来的最低水平。

    Average home prices , meanwhile , rose 0.1 % in April from March and 9.1 % from a year earlier . The sequential gains were the lowest since mid-2012 , when the housing market turned around after the last downturn .

  14. 周四,一项民间调查显示,中国房价出现18个月来的最大环比上涨。这一最新迹象表明,作为中国经济增长的重要引擎,中国楼市正从持续一年的下滑中复苏。

    Chinese housing prices rose at their fastest monthly pace in 18 months , a private survey showed on Thursday , the latest sign that the country 's property market , a key growth driver , is recovering from a year-long slump .