
  1. 私营数据提供商中国房地产指数系统(ChinaRealEstateIndexSystem)公布,4月份该系统监测的44个主要城市房产累计成交面积环比下降9%,同比下降19%。

    Private data provider China Real Estate Index System said property sales by volume in the 44 cities they track fell 9 % in April from the prior month and 19 % compared with a year earlier .

  2. 英国国家统计局(officefornationalstatistics)公布,英国第一季度国内生产总值(gdp)环比下降2.4%,明显大于最初计算的1.9%。

    The office for national statistics reported a decline in gross domestic product of 2.4 per cent compared with the previous quarter , significantly sharper than the 1.9 per cent it initially calculated .

  3. 素以波动著称的日本国内生产总值(GDP)数据本季高于预期,不过实际经济增长率上升是受到了GDP缩减指数环比下降0.3%的影响。

    The notoriously volatile gross domestic product numbers were better than expected , though the real rate of growth was flattered by a quarter-on-quarter 0.3 per cent fall in the GDP deflator .

  4. 经季节性调整,日本4-6月当季国内生产总值(GDP)环比下降0.3%,主要原因是3月11日地震和海啸之后净出口大幅下降。

    Gross domestic product fell 0.3 per cent in the April-June quarter on a seasonally adjusted basis from the previous quarter , due to a sharp drop in net exports following the March 11 earthquake and tsunami .

  5. 这1.7个百分点的环比下降导致汇丰综合PMI(涵盖服务业及制造业PMI)从51.2降至50.6,为2014年4月以来的最低值。

    The 1.7 per cent drop brought the composite index , which comprises this and the manufacturing index , down from 51.2 to 50.6 , the lowest reading since April 2014 .

  6. 预计在欧洲四大投行中,瑞信固定收益、外汇和商品部门的收入下滑幅度最大,而摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)预测第二季度收入环比下降41%。

    Credit Suisse is expected to suffer the steepest percentage fall in revenues from its fixed-income , currency and commodities division of the big four European investment banks , with Morgan Stanley forecasting a 41 per cent quarter-on-quarter decline .

  7. 路透(Reuters)计算的加权平均值显示,6月至7月,政府跟踪的70个大中城市的新房均价环比下降0.9%,为三次连续下跌中的最大降幅。

    New home prices across 70 cities tracked by the government fell by an average 0.9 per cent between June and July , the sharpest tumble in three straight declines , according to a weighted average calculated by Reuters .

  8. 其6月的销量环比下降了7%。

    In June , sales were down 7 % from May .

  9. 然而,汽车销量环比下降了12%。

    However , auto sales dropped 12 percent month on month .

  10. 城镇居民人均可支配收入21810元,比上年名义增长14.1%,扣除价格因素,实际增长8.4%。2011年中国多数城市房价环比下降

    Housing prices fall month on month in most Chinese cities in 2011

  11. 据国统局称,该指数月环比下降0.3个百分点。

    The index recorded a month-on-month decrease of0.3 percent , according to NBS .

  12. 东北地区的一手房销量则环比下降了39%。

    In the North-East , sales of new homes dropped by 39 % .

  13. 然而,今年第三季度,上述收益环比下降了40%。

    In the third quarter , however , they dipped 40 per cent quarter on quarter .

  14. 不过,这是今年1月以来该指数首次出现环比下降。

    Any score above the 50 level indicates growth but this is the first month-to-month decline January .

  15. 今年第一季度全国35个主要监测城市中,有19个城市的综合地价环比下降。

    First quarter of this year of35 major cities monitored , 19 cities in the comprehensive land price decrease .

  16. 今年迄今,欧洲并购量已降至十年低点,季度环比下降约42%。

    Year-to-date European M & A is at a 10-year low , and quarter-over-quarter volume fell approximately 42 % .

  17. 中国移动1月份新增用户670万名,环比下降6%。

    China Mobile signed up 6.7m new customers in January , down 6 per cent on the previous month .

  18. 劳工部表示,首次申请失业救济金人数经季节性调整为33.6万人,环比下降9000人。

    The Labor Department says initial claims for unemployment benefits declined by 9000 to a seasonally adjusted rate of 336000 .

  19. 去年12月新增房贷额环比下降11%,仅有2007年同期水平的三分之一。

    New mortgage loans drawn down fell 11 per cent month-on-month in December , to one-third the levels of December 2007 .

  20. 房地产市场是另一个关注焦点,5月份房价出现2012年以来首次月度环比下降。

    The property market is another focus of concern , with prices declining month-on-month in May for the first time since 2012 .

  21. 9月份按季度调整的数据显示,包括机械和电子两类主要出口产品在内的数类产品,月度出口额环比下降。

    Seasonally adjusted month-on-month data from September shows falling exports in a number of categories , including the dominant mechanical and electrical products .

  22. 汇丰控股发现迪拜位于重要开发区的高档别墅的广告价格环比下降19%。

    Advertised prices for upscale Dubai'villas , 'typically stand-alone homes in a master development , fell by19 % month-on-month , the bank found .

  23. 在中国国家统计局追踪的全国70个大中城市中,有50个城市的新建商品住宅价格在3月份环比下降,而前一个月的这个数字为66个。

    New home prices fell in 49 of the 70 cities tracked by the statistics bureau , compared with 66 cities last month .

  24. 印孚瑟斯一季度营运利润环比下降,去年全年利润增幅下降到只有4%。

    First-quarter operating profit dropped on a sequential basis ; this follows a year where income growth decelerated to a mere 4 per cent .

  25. 第二季度,花旗的股票和债券交易均环比下降了40%左右。

    Both equity and bond trading fell around 40 % in the second three months of the year , compared to the first quarter .

  26. 剔除汽车、燃料和食品的核心零售额连续5个月环比下降后,在1月和2月都出现了上升。

    Core retail sales ( which exclude autos , fuel and food ) rose in January and February , following five consecutive month-on-month declines .

  27. 日本内阁府报告称,经季节性调整,日本实际国内生产总值季度环比下降7.8%。

    The Cabinet Office reports that Japan 's preliminary seasonally adjusted real gross domestic product , or GDP , fell 7.8 percent quarter on quarter .

  28. 周一公布的政府数据显示,今年7月,新房均价环比下降0.9%,为连续第三个月下降。

    New home prices in China fell 0.9 per cent in July from June , government data showed on Monday , the third straight monthly drop .

  29. 经济产业省表示,尽管产出增长较快,但5月份的库存总量还是环比下降了0.6%,这是连续第五个月下降。

    In spite of the pace of output growth , total stockpiles fell 0.6 per cent month-on-month in May their fifth consecutive decline , Meti said .

  30. 这并不令人奇怪:它与欧洲的工业产出是紧密联系的,而欧洲工业产出在9月环比下降了2%。

    That is not surprising : it is closely aligned to European industrial output , which fell 2 per cent in September compared with the previous month .