
  • 网络cyclic photophosphorylation
  1. 从试验结果还可看出,非环式光合磷酸化与希尔反应活性及ATP酶活性呈明显的正相关。

    The activities of non-cyclic PSP showed significant positive correlation with the activities of Hill reaction and ATPase .

  2. 高施磷量(P2O5375kg/hm2)时,旗叶的叶绿素b含量(Chlb)减少、希尔反应和非环式光合磷酸化活性受到抑制,对磷肥的响应规律基本一致。

    Under high phosphorus level ( 375 kg / ha ), Chlb content , Hill reaction and non-cycle photophosphorylation activities of flag leaves were retarded , and these parameters showed a similar regularity change indicating they were more sensitive to phosphorus than the other parameters determined .