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huán xíng
  • annular;loop;ring form;ringlike;bight
环形 [huán xíng]
  • (1) [ringy]∶圆环形状的

  • (2) [annular]∶形状像环

  • 植物的环形子房室

环形[huán xíng]
  1. 环形强化征在增强CT扫描诊断肺结核瘤中的价值

    Diagnostic Value of Annular Enhancement Sign on Enhanced CT Scan in Tuberculoma

  2. 环形扩压叶栅流动非定常控制方法的PIV研究

    Investigation of Unsteady Flow Control in an Annular Compressor Cascade Using PIV

  3. 仔细观察蜜蜂的身体,就会发现,它是由很多彼此相连的环形结构组成。

    If we examine the body of the bee carefully , we shall see that it is made of a number of rings joined together .

  4. 环形伪影是CT设备中多见的伪影之一。

    Circular artifact is found in CT images frequently .

  5. 用EPROM27128组成LED环形模拟量时钟线显示

    The LED Circular Analog Clock Display Com-posed of EPROM 27128

  6. 幕上脑内单发环形病变CT诊断

    CT Diagnosis of Supratentorial Intracerebral Solitary Circular Lesions

  7. E玫瑰花环形成率平均升高7.33%。

    The proportion of E-rosette ring formation was 7.33 % on average .

  8. 环形电子束X-波段相对论速调管实验研究

    The experiment result of relativistic klystron at X-band with an annular intense beam

  9. 环形CO2激光吻合兔小肠

    Small bowel anastomosis in rabbits with CO_2 laser welding compared with suture repair

  10. 环形强化脑脓肿的MRI诊断

    Diagnosis of circle-surrounded brain abscess with MRI

  11. 胃窦部环形皱襞-胃HP感染的重要影像学表现

    Transverse folds in antrum-an important imaging sign of HP infection in gastric antrum

  12. 兔颈动脉CO2激光环形连续吻合与缝线吻合的组织病理学变化比较

    Histopathology of Microvascular Circular Continuous Anastomosis with CO_2 Laser in Rabbits : A Comparison with Anastomosis by Suturing

  13. 通过实验在高增益的TEACO2激光器中,得到了基模环形光斑输出。

    The ring output spot of the fundamental mode is obtained from a high gain TEA CO2 laser by experiment .

  14. 而且二体关联Green函数动力学把梯形图对应的短程关联与环形图对应的长程关联统一在同一个动力学方程组中,这是通常的Green函数理论所没有得到的新结果。

    The two-body correlation Green 's function dynamics includes both ladder diagrams for short-range correlations and ring diagrams for long-range correlations in a unified way .

  15. 环形超声波电动机定子振动的固有频率RC环形多谐振荡器输出波形分析

    Natural Frequency of the stator of Ring Ultrasonic Motor Analysis of an RC Loop Multivibrator Output Waveform

  16. LD阵列半环形对称抽运的固体激光器

    Semi-circumferential LD arrays symmetrically-pumped solid-state lasers

  17. 依据光的标量衍射理论,考虑X射线的衍射效应,导出了环形编码孔径的点扩展函数。

    Considering the X-ray diffraction effect the point spread function ( PSF ) of the ring coded aperture is derived from the scalar diffraction theory .

  18. TCS集散型控制系统在环形加热炉上的应用

    Application of TCS distributed control system to rotary heating furnace

  19. 环形光栅光学扫描全息系统的OTF和PSF

    The OTF and PSF of the circular grating optical scanning holography

  20. 本文提出了一种基于Zernike矩和环形归一化的虹膜识别算法。

    This thesis proposes an iris recognition method based on Zernike moments and ring normalization .

  21. 连续环形撕囊术(continuouscurvilinearcapsulorhexis,CCC)是白内障超声乳化术的关键步骤之一。

    A continuous curvilinear capsulorhexis ( CCC ) of the anterior capsule is one of the critical steps in phacoemulsification procedure .

  22. KTP晶体环形腔外腔倍频Nd∶YAG激光光束特性的研究

    Study of Beam Quality and Focus of Frequency Doubling in a KTP Crystal on Nd ∶ YAG Laser by the Resonant External Ring Cavity

  23. 试验鸡采血时间为7、14、21和28日龄。细胞免疫测定指标为淋巴细胞转化水平、E玫瑰花环形成率、血清溶菌酶含量。

    Bloody samples were collected at 7,14,21,28 days from the beginning of the experiment for detecting lymphocyte transformation rate , lymphocyte rosette formation rate and the level of lysozyme ( LSZ ) .

  24. 高斯光束通过有环形光阑限制的ABCD光学系统的传输

    The Propagation of Gaussian Beams Going through a ABCD Optical System with an Annular Aperture

  25. V带成品是无接头的环形,V带成组使用时,由于带长度的差异,每根带所承受的张紧力数值不同。

    Ring V-belt is a wide-used product . When V-belts are used in groups together , the difference of the length of each belt will cause the difference of the tension .

  26. Sagnac干涉仪与光纤环形激光器

    Sagnac interferometer and fiber ring laser

  27. 通过对环形泵辅相位匹配方式的解剖,发现所得到的CARS信号是由多种相让匹配方式产生的,分析了各种匹配方式产生的CARS强度的份额与空间分布。

    The experimental results indicate that the CARS signal by annular-pump phase matching is induced by several matching patterns . The intensity portion and spatial distribution of CARS signal for these patterns were analyzed .

  28. 分步环形撕囊术在小切口ECCE联合IOL植入术中的应用

    Application of discontinuous ( 2-steps ) circular capsulorhexis ( DCC ) in ECCE with IOL implantation in small incision technique

  29. 本文是关于保护罩注塑模具的设计,在正确分析塑件工艺特点和PP的性能的基础上,采用了环形浇口。

    This article is about the protective cover design of injection mold , plastic parts in the correct analysis of process characteristics and performance of PP on the basis of a ring gate .

  30. 提出了利用光纤环形镜和高反射率光纤光栅做腔镜的FP腔掺镱光纤激光器的优化设计结构。

    Simple and efficient F-P Yb-doped fiber laser with fiber tunable reflectivity loop mirror and fiber Bragg grating as cavity mirrors is brought forward .