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wán nòng
  • play with;toy;dally with;juggle with;flirt with;tamper;study;mess around
玩弄 [wán nòng]
  • (1) [play with]∶摆弄着玩耍

  • 玩弄刀枪

  • (2) [tamper]∶不正当地使用;耍

  • 她自己这样轻率地玩弄她的情感,所以不能说她是清白无罪的

  • (3) [dally with]∶戏弄

  • 玩弄妇女

  • (4) [juggle with]∶搬弄;卖弄

  • 玩弄词句

  • (5) [study]∶钻研

  • 玩弄典籍

玩弄[wán nòng]
  1. 她总是玩弄男人的感情。

    She tends to play with men 's emotions .

  2. 他是个极难对付的角色,总是把人玩弄于股掌之间。

    He is a very difficult character . He manipulates people

  3. 有人在玩弄这些规则。

    There have been people who have played fast and loose with the rules .

  4. 别玩弄那钢笔啦!

    Stop fiddling with ( or fiddling ) the pen !

  5. 他玩弄各种诡计。

    He gets up to all sorts of tricks .

  6. 一句话,大的目标需要有高瞻远瞩的政策,玩弄策略是不行的

    In short , large goals required farsighted policies , not tactical maneuvering .

  7. 依地语:一个汗如雨下的人,尤指一个紧张的玩弄女人者。

    Shvitzer - Yiddish : someone who sweats a lot , especially a nervous seducer .

  8. 风趣之中有真意,而说俏皮话只是玩弄文字(b多萝西帕克)

    Wit has truth in it ; wisecracking is simply calisthenics with words ( bDorothy Parker )

  9. 我警告你,别随便玩弄我的CD!

    Don 't play around my CDs . I warn you !

  10. 我知道有一伙一伙的孩子讨要坚果和糖果,在广场(square)点篝火,和镇民们玩弄恶作剧。

    I knew that parties were involved , begging for nuts and candies , bonfires in the square , and playing tricks on the townsfolk .

  11. Clifford爬上桌子就开始玩弄那支黄色的颜料。

    Clifford gets up on the table and plays with the yellow paint .

  12. 许多父母和老师因此都不计任何代价,想让ADHD儿童停止不停的玩弄。

    Many parents and teachers respond by trying to get ADHD kids , at any cost , to stop fidgeting .

  13. 此外,私营企业基本上都是当地企业,服务于自身附近社区的客户,无法玩弄税收上的花招&而谷歌(Google)之流却大肆利用了这种手段。

    Moreover , private firms are largely local , serving customers in their immediate communities , unable to take advantage of tax manoeuvres , which the likes of Google exploit so ruthlessly .

  14. 开发人员在项目中玩弄AMI映像的情况并不少见;即使最初的原型化要求使用个人的Amazon帐户和信用卡。

    It is not unusual for a developer to dabble with an AMI image for a project ; even the initial prototyping involves using their personal Amazon account and credit card .

  15. cmcmarkets的阿什拉夫莱迪(ashraflaidi)表示:“历史已经表明,玩弄保护主义论调的国家,它们的货币会贬值。”

    Ashraf Laidi at CMC markets said : " history has shown nations pursuing protectionist rhetoric will experience declines in the value of their currencies . "

  16. Ronnie和Rogar从货架上跳了下来,他们在走廊里玩弄起标签来。

    Ronnie and Roger had jumped down off the shelf and were tag up and down the aisles .

  17. 是的,Nathaniel我夺走了BlairBlair想给你,然而你一直拒绝的.somehow:不知怎么的screw:玩弄forsport:为了好玩fault:错那你玩Blair还是我的错了?

    Chuck : Yes , Nathaniel . I took what Blair . Kept throwing at you and you kept throwing back . - Nate : Oh , so somehow you screwing Blair for sport is my fault ? - Chuck : It wasn 't for sport .

  18. 法不是玩弄文字的,而是规定事理的。

    Laws are imposed , not on words , but things .

  19. 自我来到这里你们俩就一直在玩弄着我&《灵魂歌王》。

    You two have been gaming me since I got here .

  20. 你那样玩弄那只猫真是太残忍了。

    It is cruel of you to play with that cat .

  21. 凡是玩弄过她的人都得付出代价。

    Everyone who had ever used her was going to pay .

  22. 你莫不是在玩弄我的感情吧?

    You are not playing with my feelings , are you ?

  23. 由于他们玩弄权术而被人们瞧不起。

    They were looked down upon due to their political trickery .

  24. 人民要政府讲实话,而不是玩弄宣传伎俩。

    The people want information from the government , not propaganda .

  25. 还是不幸的青年受了轻狂的妇人的玩弄呢?

    Or were they unlucky young men fooled by frivolous women ?

  26. 他那个人天生是给女人玩弄的。

    That man is destined to be a prey to women .

  27. 帕格的确相信,他并没玩弄这个大笨蛋。

    Pug did believe he hadn 't played this particular fish .

  28. 在玩弄法律这方面他们不是她的对手

    Well , they 're no match for her legal acrobatics .

  29. 谎言似荨麻,玩弄会刺手。

    Falsehood like a nettle stings those who meddle with it .

  30. 我是世界上最不值钱的女人让你去玩弄是吗?

    I am a cheaper woman for you to play right ?